man returning from hell

Chapter 485 Appears, former members of the Imperial Pavilion!

Chapter 485 Appears, former members of the Imperial Pavilion!

Lin Tang smiled and shook his head.

He doesn't care at all about the conflict between the two groups of forces.

In this hell, such things happen every day, all the time.

Fight, kill.

Treasure snatching, conspiracy.

It can be said that the darkest existence he knows in the whole world is gathered here.

No killing, no hell!
Looking at it now, they are still brothers, and it is normal for them to fight each other after two seconds.

As for saying that I am deeply trapped in the vortex of two battles, it is simple, just get out,

As for the group of people behind him, he didn't even look at them, but just glanced at the pair in front of him who had stopped, and wanted to leave.

Showing off for no reason?

what to do!

It is much more convenient for me to rush to prepare for the decisive battle. After all, two realms in half a year, it is easy to say, but it is not easy to say, and there is still luck in it.

Lin Tang, on the other hand, never liked talking about luck.

Obviously, Lin Tang's leaving these two groups of people didn't think of stopping him, but just as Lin Tang walked to the side of the road, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

Because, a name that is very familiar, but has never been heard since rebirth, has spread into his ears!
"Li Lingfeng, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you go on your own. Do you really think that you want to stop the deity's footsteps with these trash? Wake you up? Are you trying to get revenge?"

The one who spoke was the group of people who were originally facing Lin Tang, who seemed to be quite well-dressed.

And the Li Lingfeng and others he was talking about looked a little embarrassed, both their bodies and their faces were pale.

However, after hearing the words of the person who spoke, the anger in the eyes of that young man named Li Lingfeng became more intense.

That murderous aura, more like a sword glow, is about to shoot out!

"Zheng Ruxin, I stopped you today. I just want to escape to my Li family for justice. My Li family is just an ordinary family. I will never offend your Zheng family. However, killing my parents, killing my people, and even my family The only younger brother, you all brutally killed, I want you to tell me why!"

Li Lingfeng seems to be only about 25 years old, but he is actually in his seventies or eighties. However, in a place like hell, his age is really about the same as about 25 years old, so he can be called a young man!


That strong man named Zheng Ruxin shook his head teasingly: "It's just a group of ants. My Zheng family wants you to be my Zheng family's subordinates, but I don't know how to praise you. They are extinct. Isn't it normal?"

"It's you..."

Having said that, Zheng Ruxin shook his head: "You went to hunt ghosts, and you escaped by chance, leaving blood for your Li family. I thought you would cherish this life and hide quickly, but who would you like to be? I actually underestimated you!"


Li Lingfeng clenched his fists tightly.

He clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes were blood red, and he had an extremely angry look on his face: "Just because our Li family doesn't want to become a subsidiary of your Zheng family, you will destroy my whole family of Li family!"

"Isn't that reason enough?"

Zheng Ruxin sneered.


A hoarse voice came out of Li Lingfeng's mouth. The word enough contained a supreme murderous aura: "Then today, you should stay here!"

Roar, let out!
Without too much nonsense, he did it directly!

"court death!"

Seeing Li Lingfeng rushing towards the sky, Zheng Ruxin sneered: "Alright, since I escaped with my life by chance, then I will send you to reunite with your family today!"

The battle broke out immediately!

Beside the path, Lin Tang shook his head slightly.

"It seems that compared with the future you, the current you is still very impulsive!"

Li Lingfeng!
A member of the Emperor Pavilion, number: Emperor Ling!
It was also the existence that accompanied Lin Tang to fight in the God Realm at the beginning, but in the end fell directly to the Nine Heavens in order to protect Lin Tang from that holy calamity.

I never thought that we would meet here now...

I thought the name was just a coincidence.

I never thought that it would be on this occasion...

Thinking of that back that fought above the Nine Heavens, even though he died without bending his waist, and was still incomparably straight, Lin Tang's cold heart couldn't help but be touched by it.


He is the only existence that has not betrayed himself, or even sacrificed his life for himself!
Said to be a subordinate, a servant...

But Lin Tang knew in his heart that he had never treated them as servants.

"Unfortunately, you are too weak. Even though you are the first level of the other side, the enemy in front of you is much stronger than you..."

Lin Tang sighed softly.

The current him is just Li Lingfeng, not the future Emperor Ling.

Sure enough, the battle was suppressed, but in just a few short moments, several subordinates brought by Li Lingfeng were instantly beheaded as if they were being forced to wither!

Except for him struggling to fight Zheng Ruxin alone, there is no existence...

However, he didn't hold on for long, and in the end, under Zheng Ruxin's punch, he was directly sent flying, hit the ground, vomited blood, and couldn't stand up anymore.

Zheng Ruxin didn't kill him directly, but watched him lying on the ground spitting blood, walked forward slowly, condescendingly, and looked at him playfully.

He even raised his foot and stepped on his face directly: "It seems that the Li family is going to die completely today..."

"It's just that the deity is really curious. With your strength, who gave you the courage to stop the deity and kill the deity?"

"Zheng... Ru... Xin..."

Li Lingfeng roared, his eyes were red, he wanted to struggle, but he couldn't break free, he could only stare at him with those bloodthirsty eyes.

If this look could kill, Zheng Ruxin might die countless times!
"I swear, if I live, I want your Zheng family to stain the earth with blood!"


Zheng Ruxin pouted: "Unfortunately, you don't have this chance!"

His feet were crushed hard, deforming his face and bleeding even more.

And he didn't let out a scream.

"It's tough, but I wish I had a kind heart and give you a reminder. I hope you will remember in your next life that you should live like an ant. Don't try to become a heavenly man! Otherwise..."

He sneered...

Slowly raised his foot, and under Li Lingfeng's angry eyes, trampled on him fiercely!

It's just under this foot!

It was also the answer he wanted to give Li Lingfeng.


It was also at this time that one after another faint voices came: "Otherwise? Otherwise what? I am very curious, what will happen to the ants who want to become heaven and man?"

Can't fall anymore!

A frightening coercion instantly enveloped Zheng Ruxin's body...

His pupils widened in disbelief.

Cold sweat, flowing...

He turned his head stiffly. On the side of the path, a man in a black hood stood there quietly...

look at him.

That voice was clearly what he said...

"Pre... Senior..."

A hoarse and trembling voice spit out from Zheng Ruxin's mouth.

He saw this person at the beginning, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, but now...

He, he turned out to be a strong man!
One, a strong man who can suppress himself by just relying on breath!
How can it be!

(End of this chapter)

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