man returning from hell

Chapter 492: The Xiao Clan's Army Moves!

Chapter 492: The Xiao Clan's Army Moves!

Thousands of miles away from Tainan City, there is a city called Taipei City!

This city is opposite to Tainan.

One south, one north, relatively divided.

Unlike Tainan, which has two major families, the Mao family and the Ma family, in Taipei, the Xiao family has already achieved unity and occupied the entire Taipei.

And this Xiao family was an existence that Ma Xiaoling and others said they couldn't fight against.

For a long time, the Xiao family didn't bother to take action against Tainan, especially the Mamao family, which was not too important in their eyes.

However, since a few months ago, they started to have to pay attention to them!
"A strong man at the Tiangong level sits in Tainan, which will inevitably become a block in the way of the Xiao family. Judging from the recent news, the Mamao family has gone further and further. It really cannot be tolerated." They've gone on like this!"

Among the Xiao family, the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Xuan, narrowed his eyes slightly.

For a long time, Taipei did not pay attention to Tainan because the Ma Mao family did not have any strong Tiangong.

Without Tiangong, no matter how huge the family is, they are just ants that can be crushed at any time.

But now it's different...

A strong man in Tiangong, whether he is just a guest or passing by, among the Ma and Mao families, will inevitably arouse thoughts they shouldn't have.

"It seems that it's time for the Xiao family to become the rulers of the two cities in southern Taiwan and Taipei!"

To crush all possible signs, this is the attitude that the Xiao family should have.

I originally kept Taipei because I wanted to be a leek that could be harvested at any time, but now I have to do it!

"But Patriarch..."

Hearing Xiao Xuan's words, an old man from the Xiao family fought: "I heard that the Tiangong strongman brought back by the Mamao family broke through the realm two months ago, and retreated from the catastrophe with a single word. This person's cultivation is beyond fear. yes……"

Able to avert the catastrophe with one word.

This kind of strength, I am afraid it is not easy!

Hearing this, the entire Xiao family fell silent.

That Xiao Xuan was also silent for a while, then smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, being able to enter a small family like the Mamao family for such a long time is obviously not a real strong man.

As for retreating from the Heavenly Tribulation, it is only a rumor after all, and it is even more difficult to say whether it is a Heavenly Tribulation who has seen it with his own eyes! "


Xiao Xuan raised his hand and stopped the members of the Xiao family who were still about to speak: "Don't worry, this deity is a fourth-level existence of the Heavenly Palace. If he is stronger, so what, my Xiao family does not only exist with this deity and one Heavenly Palace. Of course, Just in case, the deity will be ready... ".
"Patriarch, what do you mean..."

Everyone gasped, and seeing Xiao Xuan nodding, everyone was very excited. They were worried about some family members of the Mamao Family, the Tiangong-level powerhouse, but they were no longer worried!


The mountain behind the Xiao family.

Xiao Xuan, who was about forty years old, appeared here.

He looked up at the mountain in front of him, took a deep breath, stepped in, and soon came to a bamboo forest.

in the bamboo forest.

There is a bamboo house.

In front of the bamboo house, there is a lotus pond, in which the lotus is in full bloom.

But for Xiao Xuan, he was not in the mood to watch these, but came to the bamboo house, and respectfully knelt down facing the closed bamboo house.

"Xiao Xuan, the current head of the Xiao family, has seen the ancestors!!"

The voice came into the bamboo house, and after a long time, there was a voice of incomparable vicissitudes in the bamboo house: "It's been a thousand years, the old man said, you can't step into this bamboo forest mountain for no reason..."

As soon as the voice came out, Xiao Xuan's expression changed suddenly, and his fists clenched a little.

He is his ancestor!

But what about the ancestors?

In hell, the indifference of family affection is beyond everyone's imagination, even if he wants to see his ancestors, this existence that he should call him grandpa also needs an absolute reason!
"Ancestors, the unfilial children and grandchildren know that, but today, they asked the ancestors to help the Xiao family. One day in Tainan, there was a strong man in the palace. It was rumored that this person would abhor the catastrophe. The unfilial children and grandchildren were afraid that there would be accidents this time, so... ..."

There was silence in the bamboo house.

After a long time, a slightly sarcastic voice came out: "Retire the catastrophe? You, Xiao Xuan, are really living and going back. The Tiangong realm wants to retreat from the catastrophe? This is unprecedented!"


Xiao Xuan opened his mouth, not daring to speak, bowed his head, kneeling respectfully.

After a long time in the bamboo house, he said calmly: "Go, the deity will go then!"

Xiao Xuan was overjoyed: "Thank you ancestor!"

With Xiao Xuan's departure, the entire bamboo forest fell into a moment of silence, as if nothing had happened.

It wasn't until a long time later that there was a bit of vicissitudes, but with a slight and cold smile: "Alright, it's time for the Ma Mao family to take it back, and the time should be coming soon!"


Three days later...

Tainan was completely detonated by the news from Taipei!

The Xiao family gathered tens of thousands of ghost cultivators, headed by the Patriarch of the Xiao family who respected the fourth level of Tiangong powerhouses, and led [-] other side powerhouses and countless divine bridges, and will arrive in Tainan in two days!

As soon as the news came out, Tainan was shocked.

The Xiao family has always been on good terms with Taipei, so why did they even mobilize an army to start a war with Tainan!
But no matter what the reason is, the whole of Tainan has fallen into panic.

Because everyone knows that there is no Heavenly Palace expert in Tainan!

there is a...

That is the Tiangong strongman that the Mamao family has wooed...

However, that strong man is not a member of the Ma Mao family, even if it is, facing the entire Xiao family, this is...

Thinking of this, everyone turned to the Ma Mao family, wanting to see what they were going to do!
at the same time.

All the powerhouses of the Ma Mao family gathered in it...

There was a deep look of helplessness on their faces.

"Finally, it's here!"

Ma Xiaoling sighed, they had already received news that the Xiao family would do something, but they never expected it to be so fast!
Speaking of this, she looked at Mao Huating: "Patriarch Mao, what should we do? The Xiao family's Tiangong powerhouse will lead hundreds of people from the other side, and we may really be unable to stop it!"

After listening to Ma Xiaoling's words, Mao Huating and even everyone present fell silent.

This is a fact……

Because the two families are united, not to mention the Heavenly Palace, even if all the strong people are added up, there is absolutely no such number as three hundred on the other side!
Not fighting...

Already lost first!
Block, how can block?

The other party is not someone who has no power to restrain a chicken. In this world, apart from being overwhelmed by cultivation, there is no such thing as winning more with less!
After a long time, Mao Fating raised his head and looked at everyone present: "If you can't stop it, then ask for help!"


please who...

Everyone present understands this in their hearts!
But just as Ma Xiaoling was worried, would Mr. Mister make a move?

"No matter what, please ask for a wave, otherwise, this Tainan will really be completely plunged into a sea of ​​blood..."

Mao Huating sighed.

They can only do this...


(End of this chapter)

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