man returning from hell

Chapter 56 The only martial skill handed down

Chapter 56 The only martial skill handed down
Hu Ba nodded slightly.

"Yes sir, as long as they are present, everyone is eligible for the auction, but the things to be auctioned must be on the stage."

Speaking of this, Hu Bayi immediately wanted to slap himself.

Sir, if you want to auction things, what else can't be put on the stage?

However, he was still very curious, this gentleman, what is going to be auctioned?
After all, you must know that the current gentleman is not the richest man, but at least in Jiangbei, he can definitely be said to be the richest.

How could he be short of money?
It's just that he absolutely dare not say these words, nor dare to ask them.

Lin Tang smiled, took out something from his body, and placed it in front of Hu Bayi.

As soon as this item comes out.

Not to mention Hu Bayi, even Tang Yan trembled all over.

Looking at that book, his eyes were full of shock and shock.

"Sir, you... you want to take a picture of this thing?"

Lin Tang smiled slightly.

It answered their questions.

grunt!Hu Bayi took a deep breath, with cold sweat streaming down his face, he stammered, "Then...then, sir, your reserve price is..."

"Reserve price?"

Lin Tang smiled, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, let alone Hu Bayi, even Tang Yan couldn't help but tremble all over at this moment.


It's time to do it!


The auction in the field is still going on.

However, for this auction, all the rich kids in the boxes were listless.

These things are simply of no interest to them.

That is at this time.

Everyone found that the next auction was supposed to be going on, but it stopped at this time.

A person in charge quickly came up to the booth, and said to the woman who was auctioning, the woman nodded and went straight down!
When seeing this man, all the disciples couldn't help raising their spirits,

"This is, Boss Zhu, he actually came up in person?"

Boss Zhu, Zhu is rich.

He is the person in charge of this yacht, and also the person in charge of the Zhu family under the Li family in Jiangcheng, although he is only about fifty years old.

But in Jiangcheng, it is definitely a famous existence.

Although the items in this auction are valuable, Boss Zhu will never be allowed to appear on the stage in person.

So, there is only one possibility.

That is, someone temporarily wanted to auction some things, and this thing, even Boss Zhu, was moved.

Allure of value?


Rare treasures?
Inside the box, everyone is looking forward to it.

And in the Kun character room.

A graceful woman, when she saw Boss Zhu appearing, she also froze for a moment, then laughed,

"Boss Zhu usually doesn't participate in the auction industry. This time, he was buying a gift for his mother, but he unexpectedly met Boss Zhu coming out for auction. This thing seems very unusual. What could it be?"

Yun Qianqian was very curious and looked forward to it.

After finally being able to come to Jiangcheng to participate in this so-called auction, she unexpectedly met Boss Zhu who sold it himself. This made her very curious, what exactly would be auctioned this time.

From the character room,

A man saw Boss Zhu coming down.

His eyes also narrowed immediately.

He is the most beloved youngest son of the Zhu family: Zhu Yuanxin.

Boss Zhu is officially a member of the Zhu family. In terms of seniority, he still needs to call him uncle.

He knows better than anyone else that what Zhu Youqian can sell is absolutely extraordinary.

Because, the last time Zhu Youqian auctioned it off, it was the dragon head of the four divine beasts of the Shang Dynasty, the Azure Dragon.

And now, that dragon head is placed in the National Museum, and the final transaction price is as high as tens of billions!
But that was ten years ago.

Now that Zhu Youqian is making a sale, the value of the item that will be auctioned may not be less than that item!
He was finally curious.

Among the booths.

Zhu Youqian stood there with a big belly. When he came up, most of the boxes around had opened their windows, but there were only a few that didn't show up.

There, at a glance, he could just recognize this group of people, most of them were sons of wealthy families in Jiangcheng.

Zhu Youqian took a deep breath: "I believe everyone is very curious, this time, what kind of treasure is it that Zhu will come up for auction in person?"

"Boss Zhu, I'm afraid you got something good?"

Laughter came from a box.

Zhu Youqian smiled: "That's not quite correct, because this treasure was delivered to me by myself.

To tell you the truth, this time, if the employer hadn't said that he would put it up for auction, I, the Zhu family, would have eaten up this thing even if I had exhausted all of my property! "

Speaking of this, Zhu Youqian smiled wryly: "However, even if you eat this thing, you will have to pay a heavy price..."

Hearing this, everyone became even more curious and surprised.

Although the Zhu family is not the largest family in Jiangcheng, there is only one Li family that can suppress them all.

Now Boss Zhu actually said that even if he wanted to eat this thing, even the Zhu family would have to pay a very high price.

This immediately made everyone a little curious.

In particular, Zhu Yuanxin was even more surprised and curious that he could make his uncle say this, what exactly is this thing?
"Boss Zhu, can you please let me know?"

"Tell me quickly, let us all know what this thing is!"

"That's right, it's not good for you to tantalize your appetite!"

Countless urging voices came from every box.

Hearing this voice, Zhu Youqian smiled helplessly.

But still took a deep breath.

"Since that's the case, let everyone take a look at the items in this auction!"

No nonsense!
All the lights in the hall instantly gathered on the booth in front of Zhu Youqian.

The red veil was slowly lifted in front of everyone's eyes.

That moment when what's under the drape is in front of everyone's eyes.

In the boxes around,

There were constant sounds of chairs falling.

And, there were bursts of rapid air-conditioning sounds.

"This is……"

Everyone just felt that their minds were blank.

hands trembling...

Surprised, unbelievable.

A gesture of greed and covetousness broke out in the eyes...

No one doubted whether the thing in front of Zhu Youqian was fake.

Because, they absolutely dare not!
It was also because of this that the noisy hall was suddenly silent.

Zhu Youqian was not surprised at the silence of the hall now, because the moment he received this thing, it looked exactly like them!

"It seems that everyone knows what this thing is without my introduction...

That's right,

This is the only one that has been handed down in the martial arts world for a hundred years.

Also, the Zhu family has hundreds of years of background.

This is the first martial art to appear here.

Its name is: Yin Yang 36 palms! "

(End of this chapter)

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