man returning from hell

Chapter 69 Are you disappointed?

Chapter 69 Are you disappointed?
Gu Cangyue will never understand how ridiculous it is to use his so-called famous formation in front of Lin Tang.

The name of the supreme god formation is not for nothing.

Although the current Lin Tang's strength is no longer one ten-thousandth of the original.

But in front of him, there are loopholes everywhere in the array created by a mere grandmaster!

Isn't it ridiculous that this formation full of loopholes is being used as her trump card by this ancient Cangyue?
So Lin Tang moved!
He grabbed the bursting thunderbolt in his hand and swung it down like a long whip.

Air, torn apart.

Smells like burnt...

The thunder fell like a silver mad dragon, directly facing the suppressing black flood dragon.

The silver mad dragon landed directly on the body of the dragon incarnation of Gu Cangyue.

The black dragon mist was directly scattered, revealing the majestic and delicate body, without any hindrance, it directly defeated the huge body.

This blow directly hit the weakest point of the formation.

Gu Cangyue was screaming.

Those pair of red pupils like lanterns are widening, terrified...

He is running away!
He didn't understand why he couldn't resist his attack even though he had borrowed the power of heaven and earth around Qingcheng Mountain!

"The deity said that he will let you try what is despair, and now you want to escape, have you asked the deity?"

A cold, heartless voice came.

I saw Lin Tanglei falling down once.

The dragon's body was directly and forcefully crushed from the middle, exposing Gu Cangyue's body, unable to maintain it!

Gu Cangyue vomited blood, flew upside down, and forcibly knocked down a corner of Qingcheng Mountain, crushing it!

The black beam of light piercing the sky, shattered, turned into dots of black light and fell down like black rain.

"no, do not want!"

Gu Cangyue was terrified, looked at Lin Tang desperately, and begged.

No more disdain towards Lin Tang just now!
He never thought that this Lin Tang was so terrifying.

That was his trump card, he had spent ten years in order to arrange this formation.

But now...

he looked at him...

The heart is terrified, and I still don't understand why he has borrowed the natural power of heaven and earth, why he is so vulnerable in front of him!
"don't want?"

Lin Tang sneered and took a step forward: "It's too late!"

Thunder, swing down again...

The air was torn apart, directly turning Gu Cangyue's arm into dust, and even tearing the ground apart, turning it into a crack several inches deep!

"Back then, Lin Tang begged, did you ever soften your heart, never!"


Gu Cangyue screamed, that whip not only destroyed his arm, but also went straight into the soul, the whip was deep in the soul!

The mad dragon is down again!

Lin Tang took a step forward: "The Lin family couple, in order to seek justice, were run over to death by you. Have you ever hesitated? No!"


Gu Cangyue's pupils constricted, and his legs were scattered!

The mad dragon is here!

Lin Tang shouted further:
"Lin Yue is just a little girl, but because of you, she was tortured and her family was destroyed. Have you ever repented? No!"

Gu Cangyue's body wriggled and wanted to retreat, but her limbs were already destroyed, how could she move?
he opened his eyes

Looking at the thunder, falling from his lower abdomen, splitting his body in two.

Of course, he is not dead yet!
His will is still dying!
In the last step, Lin Tang has already walked in front of Gu Cangyue. He is condescending, furious, and thunderclap in his hand:
"They have no power or power, but this deity does. Gu Cangyue, this deity is here, and you, you should be lost!"


Gu Cangyue uttered her last wail!

The mad dragon had already fallen, his head exploded and turned into ashes, his soul was completely scattered!

In the past, the masters of magic arts, masters of Zhouyi and formation masters who were well-known in the martial arts world, all ended up in vain.

Really, miserable, miserable!
Lin Tang stood upright, the thunderbolt in his hand fell to the ground, making a crackling sound, tearing out a scorched black crack more than ten meters long, burning with fearsome flames...

Darkness, shroud!
He, like Shura...

Aloof, indifferent, unfeeling...

His eyes were burning with red flames...


The screams spread throughout Mount Qingcheng.

Everyone looked at the mountain in horror, they didn't know what happened...

There, it has been completely shrouded in darkness.

who is it?

Who is it?

Lin Tang?

Or Ancient Cang Yue?
No one knew, but they discovered that their bodies were already drenched in cold sweat!

This battle is no longer a battle between warriors.

It affects Qingcheng Mountain for several miles.

The beam of light piercing the sky, the [-]-meter-long black flood dragon, the blood-colored cyclone, and the falling thunder.

This battle is the battle of immortals!
They know that no matter who wins or loses this battle, it will become a battle of legends!
at last!

Stop screaming!

The explosions stop!

Everyone knew in their hearts that this battle was over!
Li Shi clenched his fists tightly, looked at the collapsing black beam of light, and suddenly laughed hysterically:
"The formation is stopped, the formation is running, and the master's incarnation wants to stop it in order to kill the formation. Only the master has a way, even if he falls, he can't get rid of it!
But now, the formation has stopped, so there is only one possibility, the master won, haha!

Lin Tang, you are still dead after all, you are still buried for your arrogance, and for the thousands of lives of my Chen Li family, hahaha! "

Hearing this, a group of warriors smiled, and compared with Lin Tang, they liked Gu Cangyue alive more.

Because, he is the long-established strongman in the martial arts world!
However, the complexions of the various families that participated in the killing of the Chen and Li families changed. They knew that if Gu Cangyue was alive, then it would be time for their family to suffer revenge!
Yun Qianqian's face also darkened.

He, after all, let her down...

Lin Yue and Moran's complexions also darkened. They knew better than anyone else whether this Lin Tang was their brother Lin Tang or not.

But he did conclude with the two of himself at this time.

He wins!

Her revenge against the Lin family has been avenged!

He is defeated!
There will never be a day of revenge for the hatred of my family.

Even if it is me, I am afraid that I will not escape death!
So at the moment when Li Shi said that Gu Cangyue had won, Lin Yue only felt that it was dark, and she couldn't even stand up!


Also at this time!

The sound of footsteps came slowly from the road on Mount Qingcheng!
Under the night!
The cyan figure walked through the darkness step by step, step by step, and became clearer and clearer!

Until, it is completely displayed in front of everyone!
When he saw the face of the person who came down, the entire Qingcheng Mountain was completely silent, and the wild laughter on Li Shi's face froze instantly.

And he didn't stop because of the silence, he still walked step by step until he stood in front of Li Shi.

He has spoken!

The voice was calm and silent, but with a hint of teasing, "Are you disappointed?"

 Since the book was opened, there are only less than 30 fans on the list. Could it be that dark texts and killing streams don't suit everyone's tastes?Alas, society is so complicated, I want to go back to find my mother...

(End of this chapter)

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