man returning from hell

Chapter 719 Parting in the Sunset

Chapter 719 Parting in the Sunset
The fluttering wings of a butterfly on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean are enough to affect a tsunami on the east coast, let alone news like a storm like Lin Tang's apprenticeship?

Within three days, the news of Mr. accepting apprentices spread throughout the entire Tang world in an instant.

There is envy...

there is jealousy...

There are also boo boo...

Everyone knows exactly what this means.

It has been 70 years since my husband rose to power in Jiangbei, and my husband is almost a hundred years old, but there is no news about him except for the white moon that he accepted in Yuncheng back then as a disciple... …

"The second disciple except Bai Yue!"

Everyone murmured in their hearts, bullying like a tsunami in their hearts.

For them, they didn't know that Lin Tang still had an apprentice far away in the fairy world...

But that's what they envy.

With the entire Tang world, and even Bai Yue in hell, all the thousands of people in the Tang sect love him, who would dare to give this little gentleman a gift?

"From today onwards, with the existence of Mr. Xiao, the White Fox Clan will probably become the ruler of the entire Wild Clan!"

Everyone thought so.

This is also the existence they really envy...

Once flying on the sycamore branch
The sparrow bathes in fire and turns into a phoenix.

A small clan that could be devoured in a hundred years is destined to become a big clan that will be a barbaric clan. How can this not be enviable?

Even the two white tigers are thinking about whether to give up the position of the barbarian king and give it to the white fox family...

But also at this time...

An order came out from the Tang Sect: the white fox clan will live in the Green Forest Land forever, and without permission, they are not allowed to expand their territory, and if major events do not happen, they are not allowed to leave the Green Forest Land!

As soon as this order came out, Tang circles were in an uproar.

what does this mean?
This means that the white fox clan in Qinglin will never have a chance to fight for hegemony in the barren land, even in the Tang world!
"What the hell is going on here?"

"Sir, how did you cut off the opportunity of the White Fox Clan?"

I don't understand.

With the existence of Mr. Xiao, shouldn't the white fox family be liked by Mr. Xiao?Why, like this?

Everyone is curious, discussing...

However, neither the Tang Sect nor Lin Tang has heard any news...


The Wild Beastman Continent.

The land of green forests.

The address of the White Fox Family.

Tongtian, under the banyan forest that occupies most of the green forest land, in a wooden house.

Yun Shang respectfully knelt in front of Lin Tang, tears running down his face: "Thank you, sir, for your kindness!"

"Don't you hate this emperor for ruining the future of your white fox clan?"

Lin Tang said lightly.

His eyes were not on Yunshang, there were not many people in this world that he could pay attention to.

Xuantian counts as one.

The Soul Emperor is also one of them.

There may be others, but Ke Yunshang is definitely not one of them.


Yunshang was slightly taken aback: "Why do you want to hate?"This sir is saving my white fox family, how dare I hate sir.If it weren't for Mr.'s will, I am afraid that my white fox clan will not be extinct after a hundred years, and after ten thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years, I will die in my own hands after all! "

Yunshang is not lying.

What he said was just a fact that the white fox family was unwilling to admit.

Ever since Lin Tang accepted Yun Xiaobei as his apprentice, no matter who it was, even Yun Shang could clearly feel the excitement of the entire white fox clan sharpening their swords.

It's an impulsive...

If it is among other races, after a hundred or ten thousand years, with the protection of the ruler of the entire world, it will definitely become a behemoth race.

But the white fox family is different...

The white fox family has inherent defects.

This family is not able to conceive, and they are extremely poor. A couple can only conceive one child. If they are lucky, they may be able to conceive two.

But this is also a miracle that rarely occurs among hundreds of people...

And for a large clan, if it wants to prosper, the head is the most important point. Only a huge population can make the entire race prosperous.

Yunshang understands it, and some old people from the Baihu clan understand it, but people outside don't understand it, even young people from the Baihu clan don't understand it.

Ke Lintang knows...

It is precisely because of knowing that Lin Tang issued this order...

It looks like they are suppressing the entire white fox family, but in fact, they are saving the white fox family and making arrangements for the white fox family to survive in this Tang world...

Hearing Yunshang's words, Lin Tang took a deep look at Yunshang.

This old fox still has some vision...

In his life, he has never had such thoughts about a race, even if it is Tangmen, he just let it develop...

But the white fox family...

Thinking of this, Lin Tang looked at Xiao Beibei who was talking to his parents in the distance, and Xiao Beibei who was constantly urged by those young parents...

Everything is for her!

One, a little girl blessed by heaven.

One, the little girl who inherited the hope of the entire Tianji Clan.

A little girl who is destined to help her reach the pinnacle of existence.

If I don't guarantee this point, I will be a little bit disappointed!
Everyone thought that Xiao Beibei was just a little girl talking nonsense when she said that she saw her, but Lin Tang could understand that this little girl had indeed seen her.

she saw...

In the form of a dream, he saw the future in which he accepted her as his apprentice.

The way of prophecy...

It's really scary!
Lin Tang didn't say anything, neither did Yun Shang, standing beside Lin Tang respectfully...

On the other side, the little girl's eyes were slightly red.

Accompanied by her parents, she came up, just like the little girl, their parents were also full of reluctance...

"Sir, Xiao Beibei, please, sir, she...she is still young, and may annoy him sometimes, but I hope you can...forgive her waywardness!"

Parents' hearts are made of meat.

Even in the face of a strong man who dominates the entire world, at this time, kindness overcomes fear.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this, women, it's my honor to follow Mr. Beibei, you... what are you talking about!"

Xiao Beibei's father was a little dissatisfied, but the eyes that had been staring at Xiao Beibei couldn't bear to leave no matter what...

Seeing this scene, Lin Tang felt a little complicated. It was an unspeakable feeling, as if seeing his former parents...

He could only remember that when he first traveled far away, they were also like this.

At this moment, Lin Tang found out.

It turns out that no matter what position I have reached, even if I have become an emperor, there is still a soft place in my heart, and it will never become hard.


He nodded and held out his hand.

Xiaobeibei's little hand obediently brought it up...

"Father, mother, Xiaobeibei, I want to leave with Shi Zun, nuns, nuns want treasure..."

Xiaobeibei looked at his parents reluctantly.

Although I am still young and reluctant to give up, I still hold back, not wanting to worry my parents...


under the sunset.

above the vault of heaven.

The sky that was torn apart by a flaming mad dragon went away with the sound of dragon chant.

In the green forest.

A couple embraced, weeping in a low voice, waved to it, and said goodbye...

(End of this chapter)

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