man returning from hell

Chapter 73 The Tao cannot be passed on lightly

Chapter 73 The Tao cannot be passed on lightly


Lin Yue looked at Lin Tang gratefully.

She knew that this man named Xu Ze who used his brother's name was good enough for her.

And to a certain extent, she should have listened to him.

After all, this is a god-like existence.

But myself...

Just allow yourself to have this last bit of persistence!

Lin Yue thought in her heart.

Lin Tang didn't know what Lin Yue was thinking, he took out a brocade box from his body and put it in front of Lin Yue.

"Eat it, it will help you enter the realm of cultivation, after eating it, I will teach you cultivation..."


Hu Bayi and Tang Yan looked at Lin Yue enviously.

They understand more clearly than Lin Yue what the meaning of cultivating Taoism is...

That is a road leading to a supreme future.

But envy is envy, they still can only quickly lower their heads and say: "Then sir, if we don't have anything to do, we will go down first!"


Lin Tang nodded lightly.

Lin Yue looked at the backs of them leaving, and could find that they looked a little lonely when they heard Lin Tang nodding.

Finally, she still spoke: "Can't they listen?"

"Do you think I'm unreasonable?"

"I just think that maybe we can let them stay!"

If it was someone else, Lin Tang would never explain it, but that was his sister, the one he trusted most.

"Not everyone is as lucky as you to be able to embark on this path. Back then, when I embarked on the journey of cultivation, the experience I endured was definitely beyond what you can imagine..."

Speaking of this, Lin Tang's gaze became a little darker; "A total of 1 people were kept there for us in captivity, and let us kill each other, leaving five in the end...

No one has pity on us, we can only survive by stepping on the corpses of innocent people, but this is not the end, but the beginning...

They threw us in the so-called desperate place, let their strange beasts chase and kill us, we escaped, and the food we ate could only be..."

Lin Tang's words paused, "Ten thousand people only take one of them, and in the end they just throw a basic introductory practice cheat..."

Lin Yue looked at Lin Tang, his words were a little calm, but she could feel that the calm words were definitely not as easy as he said.

Everyone only chooses one...

What kind of cruel thing is this?
"So, this is the reason why you told me that the Tao should not be passed on lightly?"

Lin Tang nodded and sighed slightly:
"If you want to cultivate the Tao, it's not easy. Ten years of sweeping the floor, ten years of chopping firewood, ten years of carrying water, and when the master is happy, I will give you a few words from time to time.

But this is still lucky. Some people can only walk step by step on the corpse, but in the end they are cut off at the end of the road...

For the two of them, I am not ruthless, but I have already given enough. They can all have access to the ancient martial identity, formations, and even martial arts of the Bai family...

They are far from qualified to possess this technique of Taoism alone. Of course, maybe one day in the future, they may come into contact with it, but it's just their performance in full screen! "

Lin Tang usually doesn't explain these things.

But in front of Lin Yue, he still hopes that she can understand him more!
Lin Yue was not talking, and opened the brocade box, only to see a lush vitality emerge, and even a faint green light could be seen flowing past.

Inside the brocade box was a green pill as thick as a little finger.

Then, under Lin Tang's explanation, he sat down cross-legged, with all his heart turned to the sky, and swallowed it directly.

There are no expected changes.

There was no earth-shattering sensation either.

The only thing is that Lin Yue's complexion has become a little more rosy, and she feels refreshed in spirit.

It's like, just doing it here, you can feel the subtle flow of air.

"This is……"

This feeling is wonderful, so wonderful that Lin Yue is a little surprised.

"Okay, this is the effect of Liuji Pill, but it's just the initial stage. Its real effect will gradually be manifested in your future practice!"

Having said that, Lin Tang's face became a little serious:
"Remember, my next preaching, you have to listen carefully and keep it in your heart, because I won't tell you a second time!"

Lin Yue suddenly became serious, and began to listen carefully to Lin Tang's teaching.

What he gave to Lin Yue was exactly the formation technique of "One Finger Buddha" that he had learned back then.

This is what he obtained from the tomb of the ancient saint back then.

His original master was officially an ancient saint in the God Realm: Emperor Buddha!
One refers to the reincarnation of the country.

With one word, the Futu will be destroyed forever!
This is the origin of the Buddha Emperor...

Therefore, Lin Yue didn't know what kind of existence she was cultivating at the moment!

after one day!

Lin Tang sat in the yard.

Outside the Hu family villa.

Lin Yue's figure is gradually fading away!
"Sir, why do you want Miss Lin Yue to leave? Isn't it good to stay by your side?"

Tang Yan couldn't help but speak.

He could sense the change in Lin Tang's heart the moment Lin Yue walked out of the house.

That is reluctance!

There are worries!

Just like a sad parent facing a child who is about to travel far away!
Lin Tang was silent and did not answer.

His eyes looked in the direction of Hu's other courtyard, as if he could see through many barriers.

Lin Tang didn't want Lin Yue to follow him.

It is not possible for a young eagle to grow into an eagle under the shelter of its wings. It needs to experience countless broken wings and tribulations before it can spread its wings and fly high.

The same is true for the whole journey of cultivation.

As long as I live, I will protect him for the rest of my life.

However, what if he is no longer there?
Who will protect her again?

So, leaving is the best choice!

But Lin Tang wasn't too worried that something would happen to Lin Yue, because he also asked Uncle Fu to protect her.

Although he doesn't look down on a half-step grandmaster, in the world of martial arts, it is enough to shock a group of people!
With her here, there will be no worries.

And the existence of the master, the current Lin Yue, is far from entering their eyes!

"Have a good experience, little sister, brother, I look forward to the day when I meet you again"

Lin Tang muttered!

Lin Yue in the distance seemed to hear Lin Tang's voice, and paused.

Turn around and look at Hu's villa.

deep, look at...

Finally, he took a deep breath, turned around and left without hesitation!

Also at this time!
A red Maserati stopped in front of Hu's villa, and a slender, fair leg wearing black high shoes stretched out first.


A woman wearing a long red dress came down!

She looked at the villa in front of her, took a deep breath, and said respectfully: "Gangcheng Yunjiayun Qianqian, please see Lin Tang, Mr. Lin!"

 Suddenly I have a bold idea, time has stopped, you are the only one who can move the whole world, what are you... going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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