man returning from hell

Chapter 741 One Sword Slashing Wheel Chapter!

Chapter 741 Slashing reincarnation with one blow!
The appearance of Lin Tang caused a lot of commotion.

It can even be said to be high-profile!

The flames tore through the air and directly shattered Yao Guang's protective formation, which no one expected, everything happened in an instant.

When he realized it, the flame dragon had already appeared above the Yaoguang Hall.

There, Lin Tang took Xiao Beibei's hand and stood there, looking down at the whole Yao Guang.

Its expression is indifferent.

attitude, but incomparably arrogant.

Not to mention the faces of everyone in Yaoguang Holy Land turned pale instantly.

Even everyone who watched this scene from a distance had complex expressions...

This, is that Lin Tang?

Sure enough, arrogant...

Sure enough, arrogant!

Everyone looked at the man and woman above the dragon, and they were thinking in their hearts!
"You, are you Lin Tang?"

Even though she was clear in her heart, the Great Elder and Old Woman still stood up and asked, but compared to just now, her expression is ugly now...

A face, as if tangled together.

"Elder Yaoguang, keep your heart? Your strength is not bad, but this is not what this emperor wants to hear..."

Ben Emperor?

This title has been heard many times.

He is not only the honorific title of the powerful in the imperial realm, but also the title of the emperor in some worlds...

So, when they heard Lin Tang's words, they just frowned slightly, but didn't think much about it.

As for keeping one's heart...

It is the name of Great Elder Yaoguang, but in this world, not many people know it!
Elder Shouxin frowned even more tightly.

Sure enough, as Jun Buqi said, this Lin Tang knows a lot about them...

So much that even I was a little surprised.

"The answer you want? Hehehe!"

The Great Elder Shouxin didn't speak, but there was a sneer, which was the Second Elder Agni: "You are a mere existence at the fifth level of reincarnation, and you want to sit on the position of the Holy Master, Lin Tang, don't you even look at it?" Judging by your face, do you have the qualifications and ability?"

Facing Li Huo's cynicism, Lin Tang remained indifferent.

Still looking at the Great Elder, even Jun Buqi and the others ignored it...

"So, is his answer your answer?"

Shou Xin took a deep breath: "The position of the Holy Master is not what we said, and we agree to it. After all, this position is for those who are capable. Since you know our Yaoguang, you should know it. If you want to sit To be in this position, we have to surrender to be qualified to challenge the Holy Lord!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned...

No one thought that Elder Shouxin would say such words. After all, they thought that the appearance of Lin Tang would cause the entire Holy Land to suppress him.

But now...

Listening to the meaning of this, this Elder Shouxin really gave this Lin Tang a chance?

However, the elders of Taixuan and Dahuang were not surprised.

Because, if you keep your heart, there is no problem...


Lord of the Holy Land!

But the Lord of the Holy Land is not unshakable...

It's just the possibility of shaking, it's too difficult, and it's even impossible to do it!
Because, if you want to challenge the Holy Lord, you must make no one in the entire Holy Land dare to fight him and recognize his power...

And such a person does not exist.

For the entire Great Wilderness, this kind of person has not appeared so far, so he was chosen to be forgotten!
Lin Tang didn't speak.

I just glanced at Jun Buqi faintly...

Jun Buqi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, narrowed his eyes, and shrugged his shoulders...

Obviously, this was also his idea.

Doesn't Lin Tang feel very strong?

Then let him try it...

If you really have this strength, you might as well give him strength, let him know how big the gap between him and the Holy Master is...

If not, let him see how ridiculous he is!
Of course, this is what he said to many elders. As for the reason behind it, only he knows...

"After all, this Holy Master is old..."

He murmured inwardly, but no one heard him.

"Some troubles..."

Lin Tang shook his head and looked at Lie Huo: "You just said that the face of this emperor is not qualified?"

He never forgot these words.

It's just that I didn't have time to talk to him just now.

Since they want to do this now, that's fine, let's deal with this matter first...

"That's right, that's what I said, and I don't even look at your face. If you want to challenge the Holy Master, you have to pass me first!"

"Don't worry, I will let you see how unbearable you are!"

Open and shut up, I don't have the posture that a strong person should have, but no one said anything, even the elders of Yaoguang...

This is the fire!

One, brutal, rude existence.

It cannot be denied that Agni's strength in the field is second only to the Great Elder Shouxin!
Lin Tang shook his head and flicked his fingers lightly.

The void roared.

There is the sound of swords and swords...

A blood-colored long knife appeared out of thin air, covering the sky and the sky, billowing blood, and wreaking havoc.


The voice fell lightly.

Dao Ning.

The knife has fallen.

Across thousands of miles.

The terrifying sword gang destroys everything. In the Yaoguang Holy Land, within ten thousand miles, countless lives and deaths, Nirvana, did not react, and were annihilated in an instant.

With this sword strike, thousands of miles away, several reincarnated powerhouses showed shock on their faces.

In the Yaoguang hall, Jun Buqi, the third elder, the fourth elder, and the elder Shouxin were equally horrified. Although the knife was not cut at them, there was a sense of danger to life and death.

they retreated,

But the second elder couldn't retreat!
That murderous aura locked on him directly, not to mention moving, even speaking, he couldn't speak!
"how is this possible!"

He was terrified...

However, the knife has fallen.

One blow.The fire is also extinguished...

The knife kept going.

The Yaoguang Temple, together with the entire Yaoguang Square, and even the floating island, were divided into two by this knife...

"It seems that you are not qualified to say that the emperor is unbearable..."

A faint voice came from Lin Tang's mouth, and the voice drifted out.

All quiet.

no response...

Everyone looked at him in horror, in disbelief at all...

One knife... cut reincarnation?

The fifth layer of reincarnation, kill the sixth layer of reincarnation?

This... how is this possible?

They stared blankly, rubbing their eyes, hoping they were wrong...

But the Yaoguang Holy Land that was divided into two.

The dust and smoke sweeping across the sky...

Everyone trembled.

They finally understand...

This Lin Tang is not crazy!

But really have the qualifications to compete with the Holy Master for the position of the Holy Master!
However, this is not the end...

On the sky, Lin Tang had already spoken again. This time, his eyes turned to Elder Shouxin:
"Next, is it you? Or who? Or, together??"

The expressions of Elder Shouxin and the others suddenly changed...

(End of this chapter)

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