man returning from hell

Chapter 743 Feixian 1 sword!

Chapter 743 Flying Immortal Sword!
There is no need for too much nonsense among the strong.

Not to mention.

Lin Tang contemptuously contempt for Lord Yaoguang, he is even more unwilling to use it as a waste.

In an instant, he has already started,

And this shot was even more earth-shattering.

"Good come!"

Facing the sword that shattered the mountains and rivers, Lin Tang did not panic at all.

Instead, he turned to Xiao Beibei who was beside him: "Just look at it, and see how the teacher can crush these 10-year-old ants!"

He stepped out.

Ascend to the sky.

With a single finger pointing out, the pagoda suddenly appeared...


Bloody's finger pierced through the void, crushed the chaos, turned into a pillar reaching the sky, and slammed into the cut knife.


Void burst!

Terrifying energy riots enveloped the entire Yaochi vault, the sky and the earth were shaking, as if all the heaven and earth energy in the world had been exhausted, causing it to explode, rolling up a shocking mushroom cloud, sputtering in all directions, sweeping!

The power of consummation of reincarnation is hard to describe in words.

And Lin Tang is no ordinary reincarnation powerhouse either.

Under this kind of collision, if it weren't for the extremely strong barrier of the Great Desolate World, this single blow would be enough to destroy the entire world.

However, even so, with a radius of thousands of miles between the two of them, everything is under this power, washed and annihilated...

Only that Yaochi hall still exists.

That is, another world that does not belong to this ten thousand li range!
The Lord of Yaochi frowned, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "Sure enough, you have some arrogant capital, but if that's the only way, you should die!"

He stepped out.

Ascend to the sky.

It has reached thousands of miles above the sky.

A long sword appeared in his hand.

sword out...

Sword energy permeated the air.

The strength of the sword qi turned into a rain of swords all over the sky, smashed the void, and turned a radius of ten thousand miles into a chaotic world.

Especially at this time...

The rain of swords has enveloped the entire chaos, and with the flickering sword light, chaos has become a world of sword domains!

"When I think about it, the heavens and the earth come together, where the sword is, where the domain pours out, the Yaoguang is stronger again!"

The Holy Lord of the Great Wilderness was quite emotional.

I have seen the Lord Yaoguang make a move back then, but at that time, he absolutely did not have such strength...

Complete reincarnation...

An existence that is only one foot away from entering the realm of the Great Emperor is indeed powerful, so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it,

"Huaquan embroidered legs!"

Lin Tang laughed lightly.

I saw a sea of ​​clouds following each other, shrouded in the sun, and accompanied by the light of the sun, turning into a sky-reaching avenue, supporting Lin Tang, soaring to the sky.

With his hands behind his back, he stood on the Yunguang Avenue, with his hands behind his back, like an exiled immortal climbing to the top.


Lord Yaoguang sneered.

He practiced Taoism at the age of ten.

Twenty into the bridge of God.

Chitose enters the Heavenly Palace.

Long live Nirvana.

Fifty thousand into reincarnation.

Looking down on the entire Great Wilderness, how many arrogant people dare to compete with it?
What's more, he once traveled through hundreds of worlds alone, and escaped from the desperate situation of entering the world!

Over the years, there have been many self-righteous and strong people who died at his hands, but no one has ever been as arrogant and ignorant as this Lin Tang!

"Okay, then remember the sword of this Holy Master.

This sword is called Feixian... Under this sword, in the world, there is no Lin Tang in the name!
It is also the Holy Lord, giving you the highest glory! "


Hearing the voice from Chaos Sword Realm, the expressions of the two Holy Lords of Dahuang Taixuan and a group of elders of Yaoguang changed.

"It turned out to be Feixian's sword!"

"This Yaoguang Holy Master is so unhesitating to cast Feixian..."

"This, this is too impatient, right?"

"It seems that for Lin Tang, the Lord Yaoguang is really angered by him, and wants to make him terrified!"

Some people don't know what supernatural power Feixian is.Someone explain.

20 years ago.

At the Great Wilderness Holy Meeting, the Lord Yaoguang once used a sword to kill the Lord of the Western Regions who had completed the cycle of reincarnation back then.

Just needing this sentence, everyone gasped even if they didn't know clearly, and didn't dare to ask anymore.

The Lord of the Western Regions...

Reincarnation is complete.

At that time, the Lord Yaoguang was the eighth-layer of reincarnation, and he was able to kill with one sword. Does this kind of supernatural power need to be described in words?

Lin Tang murmured.

Nodded: "I still have some impressions. I wanted to kill him directly. If this is the case, then I will give you a chance...

Let's see, your 10-year-old Feixian sword is still as bad as before! "


Lord Yaoguang sneered.

He reaches out!
Hold the longsword.

This grip is not only as simple as holding the long sword in his hand, but also holds the sword intent within a thousand miles of gangsters.

As if being grasped by an invisible big hand, the thousands of sword intents converged and turned into a brilliant sword!


Cut off the sword.

Chaos, firmament, void, space.

In front of it, the rarity does not exist.

This barrier, which hindered countless ascetics and could not be broken, was shattered and annihilated under this sword!
The vastness covers the sky.

The only thing that can be seen is the tear that appeared in the eyes!

And in that crack, the divine sword appeared.

The sword glow soaring to the sky does not have that kind of unstoppable fierceness...

Instead, unexpected outliers appeared.

A sword, not a sword!

They are fairies in white clothes, descending gracefully from the sky.

Fairies dance.

Graceful linger.

It seems that there are only these countless fairies in the whole world, without that sword...


Flying fairy sword from outside the sky!
This is the horror of the whole Feixian Sword...

"True or false, in the dream, the sword comes out without a shadow, without injury, as if it is the most gentle sword in the world..."

"But it's such a sword, but no one has ever been able to resist it. Even after 20 years, this flying fairy sword still makes people feel so desperate!"

Taixuan and the two Holy Masters of the Great Wilderness smiled bitterly.

It was this kind of sword that suppressed them, and they were in a state of panic all day long...

They thought that after 20 years, they would be better, but now, they are still so unbearable...

Even looking at it from a distance, I feel terrified, not to mention Lin Tang who bears the brunt of it.

The world is colorless...

Perhaps, this is the most intuitive adjective now!

"As soon as this sword comes out, it's over!"

Everyone thought so.

Looking at Lin Tang.

Want to see his surprise and panic...

Of course.

His expression had indeed changed.

not calm...

But that was not fear and surprise, but disappointment...

"It seems that the emperor thinks highly of you after all, I thought everything would be different.

You will also amaze me, but I never thought that the power of this sword is much weaker than what I remember! "

He spoke.

Shaking his head.


It was also at this time, when the Flying Immortal was approaching, he raised his head...

(End of this chapter)

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