man returning from hell

Chapter 752 The first saint of ice and snow: Wang Lingxue!

Chapter 752 The No. [-] Saint of Ice and Snow: Wang Lingxue!

That is a woman.

Young and graceful.

Dressed in white, like snow falling.

Come in money.

Qianqian jade step.

There are snowflakes falling...

The ice spread again...

She was walking, but what she could walk was not just her steps, it was like a world of ice.

She came like that...

The eyes are cold.



But the moment she appeared, Lin Tang's pupils shrank suddenly.

Countless people in the arena showed amazement in their eyes.

Even Yun Xi's eyes showed a deep shock, it was a kind of astonishment that was difficult to look up to...

"The number one saint of ice and snow!"

Some elders responded.

After waking up, he quickly said, "What are you doing here? This time, I didn't call you?"

The First Saintess of Ice and Snow didn't look at them, nor did she seem to hear their questions...

Glanced around, swept over Lin Tang's body, and finally landed on the body of the Holy Lord of Ice and Snow: "I have seen the Holy Lord!"

"You are doing well in your other courtyard, what are you doing?"

The ice maiden's face was a little cold.

That is anger.

Without announcing, he went to Xichi Palace by himself. This number one saintess has already surpassed her!
"As I said, refusing is not a good thing. This time, it is only for the safety of the Ice and Snow Holy Land. I hope that the Holy Master will refuse him for the sake of the entire Ice and Snow Holy Land..."

"If you refuse, how?"

"Without him, this Holy Land of Ice and Snow will easily change hands, and if it is serious, it will not be left behind!"


This is the real threat!

It's just that this is no longer what Lin Tang said, it has already come from the mouth of the number one saint of ice and snow...

"She, is your first saint?"

Lin Tang looked at Yun Xi and asked.

Yun Xi's face was a bit dignified: "Well, the number one saint, Lingxue saint... a saint who makes the southern region lose face, even the Holy Lord of Lingxu, there is an existence that has to be admired..."

Ten years of life and death.

A hundred years of reincarnation!

This Wang Lingxue entered the Great Wilderness Southern Territory. In just a few decades, he took one step to life and death, one step to Nirvana, and even, three years ago, went straight to reincarnation!



In front of such a person, who dares to call it a genius?Who dares to call it the pride of heaven?




Everything is above oneself, this kind of person can only look up to!

"You, know her?

Look at her, she is very familiar with you! "

Lin Tang remained silent...

It's not as simple as being familiar with herself!

Not seen for nearly a hundred years.

In view……

I met her here.

And her growth has reached such a terrifying level, it is simply unbelievable...

in case.

If I didn't have the advantages of my previous life, I'm afraid that now, this woman will really catch up with her footsteps abruptly!

"Do you think he has this strength?"

The Lord of Ice and Snow spoke coldly.

Since ancient times, there has been no confrontation between the Holy Master and the Holy Maiden...

This is not only because the first saintess is the next successor, but also because the status of the first saintess is only under the Holy Master!

Especially this woman in front of me...

She is the most powerful number one saintess in Bingxue for millions of years. She came here without any publicity, and she has already slapped her face naked.

This is the Lord of Ice and Snow, how can you be dissatisfied?

"That year, he ruled the earth for three years at the age of 23!"

Holy Maiden Lingxue said lightly.

The voice was calm and unwavering.

Lord Ice and Snow frowned.

She continued: "I entered the other shore at the age of 27, and ruled the land of the spiritual realm for five years!"

The Lord of Ice and Snow was still speechless, looking at her quietly, wanting to see what else she could say.

"In the year 32, he stepped into hell. In just eight years, he ruled hell and became the king of hell. In that year, he was in the realm of the heavenly palace, and the person he fought was reincarnation!"

Finally, someone is starting to lose color!

From the sea of ​​suffering to life and death, it took only 9 years.

Within nine years, they have crossed terrifying realms one after another. This is really...

More importantly, Tiangong battles reincarnation, this is really...

However, the Holy Maiden Lingxue was still talking: "When I was 40, I entered the fairyland..."


They have never heard of other worlds, and even if they did, they are not very familiar with them.

But fairyland...

That is an existence that is not much weaker than the Great Desolation!
"From then on, the fairy world is respected! In that year, he didn't have reincarnation, and the way of cultivation was only fifty!"

There is no too much description, there is only one sentence, the fairy world is respected.

This has completely eclipsed everyone.

But it doesn't stop there!
Because she spoke again: "In his hands, tens of thousands of races have been destroyed, dead and injured undead are counted in hundreds of millions, and strong people who have died, reincarnated, are countless!"

At this moment, everyone's faces were only extremely pale!

Lord of Ice and Snow.

All the elders of Ice and Snow Holy Land...

Everyone stared at Lin Tang suddenly.

This is the person...

From the sea of ​​bitterness to reincarnation...less than a hundred years?
How can it be?

How cold was his killing and his heart?
"She knows you better than I do!"

Yun Xi's faint voice rang in Lin Tang's ears.

Lin Tang said nothing...

He just looked at the people in front of him lightly.

"You... know him? Are you familiar with him?"

The Lord of Ice and Snow spoke.

Her fists are clenched...

If this is the case, is this person really so terrifying?

I'm afraid that it will really make the entire ice and snow holy land disappear in smoke from then on!

This rejection, whether she can say it out, really, needs to be carefully considered!

Holy Maiden Lingxue spoke coldly.

"what relationship?"

Lady Lingxue slowly raised her eyes...

this moment.

Her gaze became extremely cold.

There are ice crystals condensing...

Even the void in front of my eyes will freeze...

But soon, it returned to normal: "Enemy!"


As soon as these words came out, not only the Ice and Snow Lord and others were stunned, but even Yun Xi was a little surprised...

But soon, his face changed.

He looked at Lin Tang suddenly.

But I saw that his expression did not change, he was calm...

Slowly nodded: "Yes, enemy!

This Emperor, beheaded her younger brother with his own hands! "

Wang Lingxue...

Wang Lingyun's sister!
The one who dares to declare war on himself!

But he once saved his own existence!
Now, it appears!

It's just that I didn't expect that it would be in this place...

Wild world.

Southern Region...

Ice and Snow Holy Land, the number one saint!

This fate is really funny...

Wang Lingxue didn't speak, but just looked coldly at Holy Master Bingxue: "Holy Master, since you already know about our relationship, can you trust Lingxue?
If you believe it, this time, why not let Lingxue make a choice on behalf of the Ice and Snow Holy Land? "

did not speak...

Holy Lord of Ice and Snow, fell silent...

She, is she going to be the master?
(End of this chapter)

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