man returning from hell

Chapter 762 Here I come!

Chapter 762 Here I come!
Dahuang, stunned by it,

face to face,

Nobody knows what happened.

The emperor fell.

This is an indisputable fact.

But since this is the case, shouldn't the current Lin Tang control the Great Wilderness and become the master of the world, why did he disappear again?
And disappeared, where to go?

Nobody knows……

Even, no one came out to explain.

at the same time.

In the void of chaos.

Lin Tang casually opened up a space world...

Immediately, the whole person walked into this world and never came out again.

No one knew, but at this moment, the blood vessels in his body were rolling, almost causing him to lose control.

Great Emperor Blood Essence...

In the cracks of the world, on the battlefield of the emperor, although he beheaded him, he abruptly erased his figure from the river of fate.

But for him, he also paid a great price.



This is an insurmountable gap.

Although I succeeded, the price was that the sea of ​​qi and blood in my body collapsed, and even my soul was covered with fragments!
Of course, the greater the price paid.

The harvest is bigger.

The soul of Huadao...

The Essence and Blood of the Great Emperor...

Its richness is definitely the one that Lin Tang has absorbed the most since his rebirth, so that under this broken body and soul, this force is already vaguely unable to be suppressed.

There is no way...

Lin Tang can only temporarily choose to retreat!

And this retreat is a full three years...

The body of the blood emperor.

Twelve story building.

Under the absolute law of body and soul, Lin Tang's body is constantly repairing until it is completely complete.

It was also during these three years that Lin Tang opened his eyes.

A body's cultivation base, from the sixth level of reincarnation, to the perfection of reincarnation, is only half a step away, and it is half a step to the realm of transformation...

And this is because he suppressed his cultivation, and he was unwilling to enter so quickly, otherwise, he was worried that the foundation would be unstable!

But even so, what Lin Tang gained in this battle of the Great Emperor far exceeded his imagination!


Even though he was out of the customs, Lin Tang did not leave the customs.

Instead, he continued to sit cross-legged in the chaotic space, his brows were tightly frowned, it was an unsolvable doubt...

three years ago.

Emperor Leiyun died.

When he knew that Lin Tang came from the earth, his words made Lin Tang still unable to solve the riddle...

"Earth? Are you from Earth?"

"Hahaha, no wonder, no wonder..."

"But it works? You will die, because, that place will never be what you can imagine... Hun Tiandi? Haha, he is not the first, and he will definitely not be the last..."

"This emperor, the defeat is not wronged!"

"This emperor, I am waiting for you here, waiting for you, come to this emperor's battlefield, and reunite with this emperor!"

He knows the Soul Emperor!
Also know the secrets that exist in that place!
Even, as if in ancient times.

The earth has also been invaded by countless strong men, and even, it will never end!

"What, exactly, is hidden there?"

Lin Tang muttered...

heart, more and more heavy,

A prophecy from the Emperor of Heaven...

The invasion of a soul emperor...

The last hysteria before the death of a great emperor...

But no one is willing to speak out.

No one wants to tell themselves...

This made Lin Tang feel uneasy!
"Whether you don't want to or don't dare, it doesn't matter anymore, because this emperor will personally disintegrate everything, all of you!"

Lin Tang sneered and stood up.

The Land of Green Hills...

He's set!

Even if he wants to destroy countless worlds and emperors at once, he will not hesitate!

Because, he hates this feeling of being concealed.

But if you hate it, then you are doomed to use countless blood to wash away the resentment in your heart!


Yunju other courtyard.

Guzheng is ethereal.

Yunxi, Xiaobeibei, and her maid, all three of them are in the courtyard.


Also at this time.

Gu Zheng stopped.

Yunxi looks up...

Slightly stunned.


There was an excited voice, it was Xiaobeibei...

Like a runaway wild horse, she rushed up and hugged the person fiercely.

Tears welled up in his eyes: "Beibei misses Master so much..."

three years.

Xiao Beibei is much taller.

It's a full 1.4 meters.

She became more and more slim and graceful, and became a standard little beauty. Even when she spoke, her pronunciation was no longer the same as before.

"Not bad!"

Lin Tang nodded and smiled.

He's good, not only Xiaobeibei's changes, but also her cultivation...

In three years, her cultivation has reached the consummation of life and death.

nice progress...

Perhaps, before he was eighteen, he could already reach Nirvana, and this was enough to amaze everyone.

Yun Xiaobei wanted to say something else.

But looking at Yunxi, he stopped talking.

Instead, he blinked at Xiaoya, the little maid beside Yunxi, and the two of them just slipped away.

Lin Tang shook his head...

Helpless smile.

When I was young, I was still cute and cute.

I haven't seen you for three years, but it's a kid who has grown up.

"Little Beibei, it's pretty good!"

Lin Tang looked at Yun Xi and said.

Yunxi nodded: "That's right, it's been three years, and you're in retreat?"


Lin Tang nodded: "I made a breakthrough in the battle and advanced to the consummation of reincarnation... It's not a bad harvest..."

Yun Xi's expression was a little complicated.

Complete reincarnation...

Three years ago, when I fought against Emperor Leiyun, I was still in the sixth level of reincarnation, a retreat, a realm of three years and one year...

That's not bad?
Then in this world, what kind of speed can be called really good...

"You, really..."

Yun Xi wanted to say something, but in the end, she just shook her head.

I can't talk anymore.

"Next, what should I do?"

she asked.

Lin Tang was silent for a while: "There must be a fight with Wang Lingxue..."

"What about after the war?"

"Like a bodhisattva, to save a person..."



Lin Tang nodded,

Yun Xi was silent for a while: "She is very important to you?"

Lin Tang hesitated.

Shaking his head, he nodded again: "I don't know, but I owe her a lot. If I don't go, maybe my path of cultivation has come to an end!"

There are bumps in the road.

There are demons in the heart.

Lin Tang has always been based on the firmness of his heart...

But Fang Qiong...

But she became a hurdle in his heart that he couldn't let go of.

Not handled well.

In this life, I am afraid that even the Dao of Transformation will not be able to enter!
Yun Xi is not talking...

Three days later...

Lin Tang, Yun Xiaobei...

Yun Xi...

The three of them left the small courtyard of Yunju...and headed towards Tiannv Xueshen Mountain!

at the same time.

In the Land of the First Saintess, Wang Lingxue opened his eyes.

stand up, take a step...

Heading towards that place as well...

Because, just now...

A voice came into her mind: "Come on..."

(End of this chapter)

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