man returning from hell

Chapter 770 Arriving at Qingqiu, the background of horror!

Chapter 770 Arriving at Qingqiu, the background of horror!

Xiaobeibei once had a dream,

In the dream, countless people are worshiping.

They are worshiping themselves.

And in a dream.

She said that she had a complicated complexion and a little surprise on her face...

He got it.

Because, he saw her...

There are alluring cities in the world, but alluring cities will be colorless in front of her.

She stood there.

Looking at myself with a smile.

With banter.

Also with, an unspeakable look.



It was as if nothing in the world could make her astounded so slightly pale...

She is her.

Hu Wuyang!
"It was a bit of a surprise, because, damn you..."


The body of the ancient Nine Tails appeared.

And he, with the body of Chonglou Blood Emperor, cut it off with one blow!
Even the soul is destroyed for it.

But now...

she lived!
It also appeared in front of me...

This really surprised Lin Tang...

"But he didn't die after all..."

Fox Wuyang smiled...

It's a nice smile, but it's not really a smile...

Because of her smile, it was very cold, and she said without emotion: "Perhaps, I should be grateful to you, thank you for bringing me back to life, and thank you for letting me leave that sea of ​​suffering!"

Lin Tang knew what she was talking about.

For Hu Wuyang, the Xuanling clan is not a place worth lingering.


It was indeed a good thing for her.

But whether he is really grateful or just a hypocrite, Lin Tang doesn't know...

But this time she came...

Lin Tang looked at Xiaobeibei...

Eyes narrowed slightly.

Finally, with a slight smile and a wave, Xiao Beibei walked up by himself...


She scratched her sleeves nervously.

a little scared...

I'm a little worried...

"She wants to take me away..."

Lin Tang nodded.

He knows why...

Because, Xiaobeibei has already achieved the body of a sky fox...

Naturally, it also attracted the attention of the Sky Fox...

But isn't this from the memory in the soul?
Why, this time, someone came to take it away in person?


It is this fox Wuyang...

If I didn't guess wrong, among the Tianhu clan, Hu Wuyang's talent, existence, and absolute top existence are...

after all……

Complete reincarnation...

No matter where it is placed, it is standing on the pinnacle of the world.

Even though the Tianhu family is strong, it is absolutely impossible to have more than five emperor-level existences, otherwise, they will not be unknown in this world!

"Xiao Beibei, I can go back with you, but I have a question, why did you come here?"

Hu Wuyang didn't hide it.

"She has already attracted Qingqiu's attention, her safety needs to be guaranteed!"

I see……

Lin Tang nodded.

But because of the ten pupil skills, or because of the blood of heaven...

Lin Tang is not very clear!
But no matter what, the Qingqiu clan, he must go...

This is a question that needs no thinking.

"In that case, let's go..."

Lin Tang spoke.

Pulling Xiaobeibei...

Suddenly, Hu Wuyang stopped...

She looked at Lin Tang without moving.

Lin Tang's footsteps stopped...

Just look at her like that.

"The land of Qingqiu has always been closed to outsiders..."

Hu Wuyang said.

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes: "Do you think you can stop me? Or do you need to lead the way?"

Hu Wuyang fell silent...

looking at him...

In the end, there was no opening.

Tear open the void.

There are cracks appearing...

one step into...

She has no choice...

At that time, he was above the realm and crushed Lin Tang, but in the end, he was beheaded by him.


She couldn't see his cultivation clearly.

What can I do to him?

More importantly, he's right...

Qingqiu Tianhu Road, when Yun Xiaobei entered Tianhu and the like, the road was already in front of him.

Can't get in...

No one can stop it...


The three leave.

What is left is the faces of the people.

They don't even know what they're talking about.


Who is that stunning woman...

I don't know why it feels like this.

Perhaps, with the emperor's departure this time, Dahuang will not see him for a long time...


Even so, everyone understands it in their hearts.

The great wilderness is already Lin Tang's great wilderness.

The point of his sword is the direction in which everyone in the Great Wilderness is heading...

"Go away!"

"One day, he will come back..."

"One day, Dahuang, there will be an even more shocking battle!"

"Get ready!"

"This day will not be far away!"

Everyone nodded...

They, too, feel this way...


Lin Tang is not an ordinary person.

Great wasteland.

Even the so-called Qingqiu.

It's not his end...


Qingqiu is a completely different world.

It's a world in the palm of your hand.

Not in the way of heaven.

Except for the Tianhu family, no one can enter, and they don't know...

This is why Lin Tang couldn't find it.

And today...

The road of Qingqiu Tianhu is at his feet.

He has been waiting for this day for decades!
Through space, through barriers, through chaos...

I don't know how long it took.

There is no concept of time here, or one day, or ten days, or, one year...

at last.

In the distance, Lin Tang and Yun Xiaobei saw it.

It was an island suspended in chaos.

The island is not big...

It's about the size of one continent on Earth...

Of course...

This island is green all over...

There is a family of phoenix trees and green willows that reach the sky, covering the entire Qingqiu...

It just shows up there.

Like, the patron saint of the entire Qingqiu.


Hu Wuyang spoke, his voice was cold...

Tear off the barrier.


What greeted him was an incomparably majestic spiritual energy, the richness of which was several times greater than that of the Great Wilderness...

Even here, Lin Tang felt it.

That is a wave of supreme coercion and divine sense...

The moment he came in, over his body...

"Hua Dao!"

Lin Tang's heart froze...

Not one!
But three!

In this Qingqiu, there are actually three powerhouses at the Dao of Transformation level...


it's two...

One, it's just a half-step existence!

This land of Qingqiu is truly terrifying...

The appearance of the three of them also attracted the attention of many Tianhu clan...

It was a woman who looked like a country and a city.

Dozens of them, but everyone's cultivation is actually in the reincarnation here!

Except for a little Beibei who is Nirvana, the whole Qingqiu is really terrifying...

In other words, the background of the Tianhu family is unimaginably powerful!

"Yes, Holy Maiden..."

Many Tianhu women saluted Huwu, but their eyes fell on Lin Tang and Yun Xiaobei...

Especially Lin Tang...

Qingqiu, no man has appeared since birth.

Now one suddenly appeared, if it wasn't for the existence of Hu Wuyang, there would be chaos...

(End of this chapter)

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