man returning from hell

Chapter 78 What is he!

Chapter 78 What is he!
Hearing Chen Jinnan's words, the members of the night marching team acted instantly.

The long spears in their hands were frigid, and they directly attacked Lin Tang's hands and legs without any hesitation.

Although they are the night troop of the ghost market, they are also the guards of Chen Jinnan's home.
The master has an order, how dare they not do it?
Not to mention that Lin Tang's behavior of pushing away the members of the night team just now is already contemptuous of the night team.

Nocturnal, like ghosts and ghosts.

They cannot be despised!
Despiser: Die!
Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly, and sighed softly: "I didn't want to kill people, but there are always people who want to kill me, anyway, since you want to kill me, then, you stay!!"


Hearing Lin Tang's words, Chen Jinnan sneered.

All the people present shook their heads secretly:
"Ye Xing is powerful, and they are cultivating above blood quenching every month, and their combat effectiveness has reached the level of half-step masters.

Does this young man dare to say such big words even now, even if he can't see his own situation? "

Lin Tang didn't pay attention to them, and stood there calmly, even his hands were already behind his back.

However, at the moment when the murderous spear lights of the Ye Xing people were about to attack Lin Tang.

Lin Tang's footsteps stepped on the ground slightly, and his whole body slid back directly towards the rear, like a retreating eagle, but full of endless chicness.

The spear light was less than one centimeter away from Lin Tang's cheek, but at such a distance, they couldn't touch his body no matter what.

"This is……"

Chen Jinnan narrowed his eyes and scolded: "What are you doing in a daze, kill me!"

It turned out to be a warrior, no wonder he dared to be so rampant.

But so what, he can only die!
"Damn you!"

When the members of the night walk were scolded, their faces suddenly became ferocious, and their figures were also approaching. Gun, move forward a few minutes!
But no matter how close they are, the distance of less than one centimeter can't get close, as if there is a sky between them and Lin Tang!
Also at this time, Lin Tang's body suddenly stopped.

"Get up!"

He opened his mouth slightly, and at the same time, his feet lightly stepped on the ground.

With that step, the ground under his feet instantly rippled like the surface of a lake, and the ripples carried endless destructive power, spreading towards the night marching team in an instant.

"not good!"

"Go back!"

As soon as the ripples came out, it seemed calm but carried endless destructive power. How could this group of nightwalkers not feel it.

A horrified look suddenly appeared on his face, and he retreated crazily.

But the speed of the ripples spread faster than them, but the time of the blink of an eye has spread from their feet!
Bang bang bang!
The moment the ripples swept past, the bodies of this group of night walk members exploded directly, turning into a bloody mist, without even screaming!
Lin Tang still carried his hands on his back, his face still calm.

Blood mist is spreading.


In the end, as if attracted by something, they kept rushing towards Lin Tang's body and were absorbed!

Until, completely disappear!

The entire floor fell into complete silence.

Everything seemed to have never happened, and the group of night walk members seemed to have never appeared, leaving no traces.

But the expressions on everyone's faces have changed from pity at the beginning to panic.

Even Chen Jinnan's face became extremely pale.

With an unbelievable voice, he shouted tremblingly from his mouth: " are the master!"


The whole hall finally burst into an uproar.

This young man who looked to be in his 20s turned out to be a master!
how can that be!

But the method just now...

Wu Yang's body trembled, his eyes widened. Just now, he actually called a master a little brother!
Cold sweat ran down Chen Jinnan's cheeks.

Lin Tang took a step forward with his hands behind his back, followed by Chen Jinnan's step back.

He steps out again!

He retreats again!

Finally, Chen Jinnan had no choice but to retreat.

The whole person leaned directly against the corner, unable to hide.

"You...what are you going to do, I am Chen Jinnan, you are the master, you can't kill me..."

Lin Tang didn't speak, but just looked at him lightly.

Chen Jinnan's cold sweat broke out even more.

The master cannot be humiliated!
This is a well-known rule in the martial arts world!

But he...

Not only did they humiliate him just now, they even slandered him as a stealthy person, and even asked someone to kill him!

Chen Jinnan never felt that he had such a miserable day.

Now he wished to kill that Wu Yang, this man is a master, why didn't he remind himself?
It's a pity that he doesn't know, even Wu Yang doesn't know, how to remind him?
However, when they knew that Lin Tang was the master, the group of people who were hiding far away finally understood one thing.

The so-called Huangpin elixir is not Chen Jinnan's, but this young master's.

This Young Master Chen even dared to covet the Grandmaster's things!
Everyone looked at him and couldn't help trembling.

His courage is simply, big enough!


When thinking about Young Master Chen's identity, they became quiet again.

His identity is an existence that even a grandmaster must fear!

Chen Jinnan seemed to have remembered his identity, and the fearful expression on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by calmness.

There is confidence!

"The grand master should not be humiliated. I was wrong this time. However, I ask you, senior, to look at my father's face and let it go. I will definitely be grateful!"

"For your father's sake?"

Lin Tang finally spoke: "Who is your father?"

He was really curious about who this father named Chen Jinnan was, who actually caused such a change in his attitude before and after.

It made him feel even more that he would let himself go because of his father!
Hearing what Lin Tang said, arrogance suddenly appeared on Chen Jinnan's face: "My father is the leader of the Dao League: Chen Tiannan!"

Leader of the Dao League!

Chen Tiannan!
Hearing this name, Lin Tang froze.

Then, he suddenly laughed: "So it's him..."

"It seems that you also know my father. This ghost market is the industry of the Dao League. My father Chen Tiannan is also a strong master. He is also well-known in the world of Taoism. You, do yourself a favor and let us pretend that nothing happened. ,how?"

Seeing Lin Tang laughing, Chen Jinnan also laughed.

That is a comfortable smile!

He just knew that he would have to be a bit scrupulous about calling out his father's name, even the grand master!


It is also at this time.

Lin Tang suddenly said indifferently: "Chen Tiannan, what kind of person is he, and you want to give him face with this deity?"

(End of this chapter)

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