man returning from hell

Chapter 786 It seems that this emperor still has this strength!

Chapter 786 It seems that this emperor still has this strength!
As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed from a simple one to a huge change.

It was like a thunderstorm.


Going to the God Realm?


Is this great emperor crazy?
But soon.

An elder of the Phoenix clan jumped out.

His face was full of anger and a sneer: "Overestimate your own strength and go to the God Realm? Who do you think you are? Even if you are a great emperor...don't forget, this is my Phoenix clan!
Besides, my Phoenix family wants my Phoenix family to be your respect as soon as I open my mouth, and even more dare to attempt to conquer the God Realm, you are simply arrogant! "

he sneered...

It can be clearly felt that a supreme murderous aura enveloped Lin Tang's body.

Not only him...

There were also many people present.

What's more, You Lingzi and Feng Qingqing were enveloped in a murderous aura. If it wasn't for these two, who else would come to the Phoenix Ancient Realm to attempt to humiliate the Phoenix family?
Even, delusionally challenged the Supreme Being of the God Realm!
Lin Tang's expression was calm...


He just raised his eyes and looked at the two emperors of the Phoenix clan: "Has the Phoenix clan never taught that the strong are respected, and the emperor is unspeakable?"


The emperor's honor!

The strongest existence in the entire existing universe!
Not to mention being disrespectful in front of a powerful emperor like this, even if you look up and talk, you can only use the title of emperor!
This is the unspeakable rule of the emperor!
As long as the emperor is not the emperor, he is not qualified to talk about it at all!
He slowly raised his hand...

There are flames, appearing suddenly!

That flame instantly devoured the elder of the Phoenix clan who just spoke...

This scene happened too fast.

Soon, that elder died without even reacting.

Soon, no one present could see clearly how the flame appeared.

"Since this is the case, then this emperor will teach and teach for you!"

A faint voice came from Lin Tang's mouth.

In the empty hall, reverberation, the air became quiet...

Especially the two great emperors.

He even stood up directly from the top of the treasure hall, his eyes narrowed...

This is the might of the Great Emperor.

Between words, control life and death!

When you think about it, the emperor is respected!
"Fellow Daoist, you are a little too arrogant, right?"

The female emperor of the Phoenix Clan, Tianfeng Great, stood up.

Her eyes were majestic, and a group of Phoenix clan who were shocked at first reacted and looked at Lin Tang vigilantly.

But under the signal of Emperor Tianfeng, no one dared to do anything.

This is a conversation between emperors!

They are not eligible to participate!


Lin Tang smiled lightly...

He slowly raised his eyes: "But what can you do? Kill this emperor? Or, stop this emperor?"

he smiles...

His eyes flicked across the faces of Emperor Tianfeng and Emperor Tianhuang, and finally, after scanning all the people present, he said, "Why do you think this Emperor brought Feng Qingqing back to the Phoenix Clan? Is it to please you all?" ...

Do not……

This emperor is just looking at her, giving you a chance, one, surrender, or a chance to die! "

This is the real madness!
In front of the two Phoenix Emperors, they were first required to surrender, but now, they are directly declaring war, using the most direct way to declare war!

In the entire God Realm, for tens of millions of years, there have been strong emperors born, but there has never been a strong emperor who is so crazy!
"Okay, what a death or life!"

There was laughter.

That was Emperor Tianfeng.

She has been emperor for a thousand years...

For thousands of years!
No one has ever dared to say such a thing in front of him...

If it was in the past, this person is dead now!

But today...

Even though her heart was full of anger, she still suppressed it...

This is the emperor's self-control ability!
"Qilin, the sudden attack of the Xuanwu clan has something to do with you, right?"

In the world, there are not so many coincidences.

The basaltic and unicorn clans launched an attack, but they surrounded without fighting...

The mysterious emperor of the Phoenix family came suddenly, and she had to combine these two things together!
Lin Tang nodded.

"That's right!"

There is nothing worth covering up about this matter!
"Then, this emperor is very curious, what kind of agreement did you reach with Qilin Xuanwu to make them make such a choice, and even dare to fight the god emperor..."

This is the reason why Tianfeng has not made any trouble so far.

Emperor Qilin!

Emperor Qimo!

Emperor Xuanwu!

Emperor Xuanhun!

These four Great Emperors are all extremely intelligent Great Emperors...

They knew better than anyone else that the God Emperor Xuantian was so powerful, they dared to cooperate with such an existence of the Great Emperor Realm, and even wanted to fight the God Emperor Xuantian!
There are only two possibilities...

One is that all four of them are collectively crazy!
The second is this person, let them believe it!

The former, impossible!
So, only the latter!

"Without him, this emperor gave them a chance to preserve their race, and you, I will also give you a chance!"


After all, Emperor Tianhuang couldn't bear it anymore!
"My Phoenix family, do I need your opportunity? Do you want my Phoenix family to submit? It's very simple, let me see if you have the power!"

She is furious!

Step out!
The aura of the sixth level of the Emperor Realm spread out like a tide, surging out, stirring up the whole world...

Indistinctly, it seems that there is an ancient phoenix covering the sky and covering the sun, trying to destroy Lin Tang!
just breath...

It has already made the chaos turbulent, and the river of fate roars!

This is the true strength of the Great Emperor!

One thought and one anger, all supernatural powers!

Looking at the fire phoenix that covered the sky and the sun, Lin Tang shook his head...

With a trace of helplessness.

He knew that things couldn't be solved that easily!
But yes!

The Phoenix family is a proud family...

I am so direct, if I want to surrender, it must not be so easy!

That being the case...

He lowered his eyelids slightly, and slowly raised them...

at the same time!

He's out!

A calm, waveless, even powerless hand stretched out...

The next scene immediately made everyone freeze, even Tian Feng's pupils constricted...

That hand has no power at all!

But he grabbed it with one hand, directly grabbed it into the river of fate, and directly grabbed the neck of the second Emperor Tianhuang.

Just like that, he pinched her neck directly, and let her pupils dilate, frightened, struggling...

"It seems that this emperor still has this strength!"

He smiled lightly, and looked at Emperor Tianfeng lightly: "Then now, can you think about what this emperor said?"

The hall is quiet!


Everyone was stunned, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief...

The majestic Second Emperor of the Phoenix...

Being choked like a chicken?


PS: Recommend a new book [There is a system at the beginning], the same style of writing, indifferent, passionate... The plot will be better...

(End of this chapter)

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