man returning from hell

Chapter 802 Goodbye Master Qinglian!

Chapter 802 Goodbye Master Qinglian!

"How is it possible that there are still living people in this unknowable place!"

"The first rank of the Great Emperor?"

"You can still come and go freely in this unknowable land, this... how is this possible!"

There was a sound of gasping for air.

That was the shock of Emperor Huntian.

This semi-holy man standing at the pinnacle of the fifth universe, at this moment, finally couldn't keep quiet when he looked at the woman who came from the sky.

His body suddenly...

Be vigilant!

He clearly knew that this woman was coming towards the two of them!
If in the past...

A great emperor would never make him vigilant, but now this place is not an ordinary place, even he is afraid of it.

Now someone has appeared, no matter what strength it is, vigilance will inevitably rise!
To his surprise...

That woman landed in front of them, instead of looking at him, she set her eyes on the Blood Emperor.

"My father puts all his hopes on you, but I think he thinks too highly of you!"

The woman said coldly.

Exactly the same as in the impression...

But Lin Tang, when he heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly...

her father?

Isn't her father dead?
All hope?

What hope?
"Wait, do you know each other?"

Emperor Huntian looked at Lin Tang and the woman in front of him in surprise...

These two know each other?
Then this woman is a person from outside the unknown...

But how did she get in?How do they not know?

Lin Tang nodded: "I know a little bit. The Emperor once killed her younger brother, and abolished her cultivation on the top of the snow mountain, but I didn't expect to meet here..."

Lin Tang looked at Wang Lingxue.

He has a lot of questions he wants to ask...

Just like...

Who is her father?

Why is she here?

But Wang Lingxue just glanced at him indifferently, then turned around, and said coldly: "Come on, you will know some things soon, now, come with me to see my father!"

She's slow...

But every step, in this void, has a special footwork...

Lin Tang followed without hesitation.

He didn't know why Wang Lingxue was here, but she was absolutely not afraid that she would kill herself...

One is that she doesn't have this strength!

Second, the father in his mouth...

There is also the matter of this unknowable place. Now it seems that, except for her father who suddenly and mysteriously appeared, no one will give him an explanation!

Emperor Huntian is hesitating!

The woman who appeared mysteriously...

what father...

he doesn't believe...

But watching him follow up, he finally chose to follow up...

Here is not a safe place.

More importantly, he also believed in himself. If this woman was really playing tricks, even if the blood emperor was involved, he wouldn't mind, and he would kill them both!

Even if it is hard work, I will not regret being swallowed by the unknown!

Very long!
Lin Tang followed behind, following Wang Lingxue's movement step by step.


Lin Tang found some clues...

Looking at the tombs lined up below, the shock in my heart gradually became stronger...

He finally found out why it was wrong!

Because, the grave under his feet turned out to be the entire formation!


Not a big formation!

Rather, it should be said that this unknowable place is the entire formation...

And this formation eye suppresses the entire fifth universe...

This unknowable place turned out to be the center of the entire fifth universe...

Not only Lin Tang found out, but Hun Tiandi also found out. Along the way, his face became very serious...

This unknowable place is far beyond their imagination!
But soon, they finally saw two mountains in the distance...

Wang Lingxue headed towards one of the mountains.


There is a bamboo house.

The bamboo house is surrounded by water, green lotus blooms in the lake, and there are three figures standing there...

It was a man and two women...

The man couldn't see his face clearly, his back was facing him, and he was sitting in the gazebo.

The two women, Lin Tang, could see clearly...

But just seeing it clearly, his face became more dignified again...

"Yun Xi..."

"Fang Qiong..."

It turned out to be them...

Why are they here?


Fang Qiong and Yun Xi walked up...

"You came……"

It was Fang Qiong who greeted him.

At this moment, her aura is also changing, and she is also in the realm of an emperor, not only her, but also Yun Xi...

How long has it been?

However, when looking at the two of them, Lin Tang found that it wasn't just their aura that had changed, it seemed that they were going through some kind of transformation,

"What the hell is going on with you? Why are you here?"

Lin Tang's voice was a little hoarse...

All of this seems to have become complicated...

"There are some things that can't be explained clearly in a few words. Since you have so many questions, you can ask my master... As for the matter of Qingxue and Qingyan, you will naturally understand..."


Green smoke?

Lin Tang looked at Fang Qiong and Wang Lingxue...

Fang Qiong nodded slightly.

Wang Lingxue was still indifferent.

But Lin Tang seemed to understand something...

"Go, my master, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yunxi moved away...

Lin Tang took a step forward, and Emperor Huntian followed behind him...

He went towards the man in Tsing Yi.

"Who are you?"

Emperor Huntian spoke directly...

The tone is cold...

Lin Tang didn't move or speak, just looked at the man...

The man shook his head, turned around, and slowly raised his gaze...

When the man raised his eyes, Emperor Huntian was shocked, and his face became extremely pale in an instant...

Those were a pair of eyes as deep as the universe. In those eyes, he saw the destruction and birth of thousands of universes...


A hoarse voice spit out every word from Emperor Huntian, the man in front of him turned out to be a master!
At this time, there is still the existence of the master, which is too frightening!

The man just smiled slightly and looked at Lin Tang: "Little brother, it seems that you are not very surprised to see me?"


Hold tight!
But soon, Lin Tang said indifferently: "I kind of guessed it, but I didn't expect it to be really you...

It's just that I'm curious, were you responsible for that group of corpses in the ancient battlefield, in the unknowable land?The tens of millions of years of the cosmic sage ruled and fell, and was it you who did it? "

This man, who is not...

It was the man in Tsing Yi that he saw in Hell all those years ago, Master Qinglian!

And now...

He is here!
So everything, is it the pawns he arranged?

So what is he worth on this plate?
(End of this chapter)

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