man returning from hell

Chapter 812 Reincarnation vicissitudes, my name is Mo Jin!

Chapter 812 Reincarnation vicissitudes, my name is Mo Jin!
Heaven and earth, all is at peace,

The palpitating touch from the vast universe has disappeared.

As if, nothing happened.

Among the Tang world.

Bai Yue, Moran, Bai Yafei.

The former Lingdi, Lingdi, etc., all the familiar people fell silent...

At the beginning, they could still feel Lin Tang's aura...

But now, there is no...

"If... did it really appear? That scene, did it really happen?"

Yun Xiaobei's body trembled.

His face was extremely pale.

Eye sockets are red...

She had a dream. In the dream, Lin Tang was swallowed and disappeared into the chaos...

He didn't wake up!
She prayed that all of this was just her dream, not the prophecy in her blood, but now...

"Master... are you...really dead?"

she murmured.


Bai Yue frowned, but quickly regained her composure: "Don't worry, there is no one in this world who can kill my brother, and he will never exist!"

This is a firmness!
Anyone can die...

But only my elder brother, Lin Tang, will never die!
and so……

Even if he doesn't exist, the Tang Realm still has to run!

Because this is his world!

In the unknown!

Wei Ziqing and Gaia were also silent...

"Is he still alive?"



Now that things have happened, even this Qinglian holy land, the master of the eighth universe, is not sure...

There is no breath!
Even if they are the masters, they can't notice it, as if, in the world, his shadow has completely disappeared...

Are you still alive?
Perhaps, we can only use time to wait, to wait for the announcement of this answer, right?


Chaos, darkness!
But it was extremely cold.

This is the only feeling Lin Tang feels at the moment...

It's like being soaked in a pool of water...

not dead?

This was Lin Tang's first feeling. Immediately, it seemed that someone was pulling his body hard...

He opened his eyes slowly.

In front of my eyes is a young and tender face, on the forehead, it is already full of sweat...

And just as I thought, at this moment, I am lying in a gurgling brook...

"Yeah, are you awake?"

When he saw Lin Tang open his eyes, the little boy was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't believe it...

"I saw you breathing a little, so I knew you weren't dead. I just wanted to pull you up, and then called someone, but you woke up. That's great!"

The little boy's face was full of excitement... as if he had saved someone...

This feeling is very proud!

Lin Tang looked at the little boy, didn't speak, just stood up slowly, there were many and deep injuries on his body, but for himself, it was pretty good...

It's cultivation...

I noticed it, and I don't know why, it seems that I was restricted, and there was nothing left in my body...

"This is……"

He squinted his eyes, trying hard to recall the last scene in his memory.

Wasn't he devoured?

How come here?

"Where is this place?"

He asked the little boy...

The little boy tilted his head, a little surprised: "You don't know? This is Yandi, oh, no, it should be Daqin now. Two years ago, a man named Yingzheng ruled the whole Daqin. Now, here is Great Qin..."

Ying Zheng?

Da Qin?

Lin Tang was slightly taken aback...

I have returned to Daqin?
This is how the same thing?

Many things are beyond my expectation...

The cultivation base is lost, but it seems to exist again, but it cannot be grasped...

It seems that it is generally restricted by something?
Can return to Daqin?
What's going on here?

That extremely huge fangs and bloody mouth is a place, a passage of reincarnation?

not understand……

"By the way, what's your name?"

Seeing Lin Tang in a daze, the little boy asked, "My name is Mo Jin, a descendant of the Mo family, but now there are only a few members of the Mo family..."

Mo Jin?

Lin Tang's pupils constricted...

Staring deeply at the little boy...

It was him...


Lin Tang's face suddenly became a little weird...

When he was in the Tang world, Mo Jin once talked to himself. When he was in Daqin, he met a mysterious person who told him about Qingqiu, including what will happen on the earth in the future...

This... can't be me?
Could it be that he was reborn again and returned?

Do not!
This is not right!
If he was reborn, he would definitely lose his cultivation base, so he wouldn’t keep it, let alone it would seem to be sealed, unable to move at all...

This... what the hell is going on?

However, Lin Tang didn't say anything...

He just said lightly to Mo Jin: "Let's go, take me back, there are some things I want to ask you!"


one year later!

Lin Tang's injury has completely recovered, but for some reason, Lin Tang still has a feeling...

This time, I am just an ordinary person...

No way, I am practicing!
Power exists, don't use it!
His power was indeed sealed, not himself, nor Pang Ren, but the entire universe...

This universe is sealing itself.

Make yourself unable to use any power...

But vaguely, Lin Tang discovered something was wrong again.

Because, there is a brand new power born in my body, that is not the power of a saint, but an existence far beyond the power of a saint...

That is the power of domination!

"Using reincarnation as a supplement, life and death, time, sky, reincarnation in one life, and then surpassing the master, is this the real way of mastering?"

Lin Tang muttered, he seemed to understand!
This is the final road to domination...

This is the real way to achieve mastery in this fifth universe...

That black-mouthed giant is not a ferocious beast!
And the will incarnation of the fifth universe...

If you want to become a master, you must bear the test of the will of the universe...

It's a cycle of life!

So as not to get lost in the endless years, the only way is the birth of the master!

"It seems that there is some fun in these endless years!"

He sighed...

His eyes turned to Mo Jin...

After finally coming to Daqin, it's time for me to leave...

But before leaving here...


A man who has gone through 2000 years, witnessed all the years after Daqin, and even witnessed the destruction of the earth...

Maybe it's time for me to leave some opportunities for myself!

"Mo Jin, there are some things that I need you to do. After 2000, I need you to convey a word to someone?"

Lin Tang looked at Mo Jin and said calmly...

After 2000 years?

Mo Jin's expression became a little complicated: "Sir, I don't even feel comfortable if I can live to be eighty. After 2000 years... Are you sure you're not joking?"

But a teenager in his teens just thinks that Lin Tang is joking...

However, Lin Tang just said indifferently: "Maybe, but if you can, just remember it..."

Mo Jin spared his head,

In the end, he nodded, anyway, he couldn't live to that time...why agree?Even if it can't be done...

Who can blame themselves?
(End of this chapter)

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