man returning from hell

Chapter 83 So, You Should Leave!

Chapter 83 So, You Should Leave!

March 2018, 12!
In the center of the Shenlong frame, an explosion suddenly exploded, spreading to a radius of a hundred miles around the Shenlong frame.

Look at the satellite.

I saw that the center of the entire Shenlong frame collapsed to a depth of [-] meters.

Like a huge meteorite falling to the ground, it turned into a huge deep pit with tens of miles in length!

No one knows what's going on!

However, some people's expressions suddenly changed when they saw that the place where the accident happened was in the center of the dragon frame.

Especially in a sect thousands of miles away from Shenlongjia, when they heard the news from the ghost market, the entire sect was furious!
At the same time, several figures set off directly from the sect.

Those with the highest cultivation, even those who are half-step masters, and more than a dozen internal rotation experts!
Others don't know, but they do.

There is a secret place there!
There are spirit weapons in the secret realm!
The collapse of the secret realm, there must be an inside story...

They need to know what happened here!

A distance of thousands of miles would take a long time for others, but in today's high-tech era, they have already arrived here in less than half a day.

When they got off the helicopter, they couldn't help but gasped when they saw this scene.

What kind of fighting and movement can cause such a terrifying effect.

"How to do?"

A strong internal rotation man watched this scene, took a deep breath, and said to the leading middle-aged man:

"This kind of movement is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. I'm afraid it's a battle between a grandmaster and that thing. But looking at it like this, the grandmaster probably couldn't escape..."

With such a terrifying effect, the entire secret realm collapsed, sinking into a depth of [-] meters. In addition to the existence of that thing, even the Grandmaster would not be able to escape! "

The middle-aged man's face was gloomy.

His name is Xu Qingshan, he is Fang Cunshan's elder brother.

Master hadn't come out of seclusion, and he became the only host in Fangcun Mountain.

And this Shenlong secret realm, the master has repeatedly instructed to protect it by himself, because this time his master is retreating to prepare for seizing the spiritual weapon in the secret realm!

But now...

Something happened in the secret realm.

How can Xu Qingshan's complexion be good?

"Only three sects know about the secret realm. One is Fangcunshan, the other is Daomeng, and the third is Qingyun sect. Except for these three sects, no one else knows about it. But now, someone came here first, it must be People from the two sects of Qingyun Sect of the Dao League..."

Xu Qingshan frowned tightly.

Looking at the deep pit, he clenched his fists even more, made up his mind, and ordered directly:

"Find it for me. This is such a big movement. If he comes out, he will definitely be injured and leave some traces. The spirit weapon must not be robbed. Find it for me!"


Everyone nodded, and they were about to spread out to find clues!

But also at this time...

I saw a shock coming from the deep pit one after another.

"This is……"

Xu Qingshan's expression changed, he stared at the center of the giant pit...

Also at this time!
I saw an explosion in the deep pit!


Bring up the smoke and dust that covers the sky...

At the same time, a blue figure was slowly stepping out of the smoke...

He, just like that, walked up the [-]-meter-deep pit and cliff, step by step, like walking on the ground!

And in his hands...

A heart the size of a baby's head was still beating there, making a thumping sound!
"This is……"

"Why are there still people in this deep pit?"

"It came out of the secret realm?"

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment. They couldn't believe it at all. You must know that this is a huge pit with a depth of [-] meters.

It is conceivable how terrible disasters encountered under that secret realm, but now, there are still people who can come out of that secret realm.

How did he get out?
How could it be possible!

"Watch me up!"

Suddenly, Xu Qingshan gave an order directly, and dozens of square-inch-mountain inner-spinners pulled out their long swords and formed a defensive formation!

No matter who that person is, being able to come out of the secret realm definitely has something to do with the collapse of the secret realm!

who is it?


Or what strength...

They didn't know, but no matter what, they had to stop it!
Despite the 1-meter cliff, the man seemed to be taking slow steps, but in less than a minute, he had already stepped out of the deep pit.

When he came out, they finally saw what he looked like.

About 23 years old.

The shoulder-length hair, the resolute water chestnut, the sword eyes and star eyebrows...

What's even more exaggerated is that even if he broke out from the depths of the secret realm hundreds of meters deep, he didn't see any embarrassment on his face.

He just stood there like that, even holding the still beating heart in his mouth, he still couldn't help but feel a little overshadowed.


Under the Six Paths of Cold Mountain!
The fire dragon fell directly.

There is no doubt about this.

Although I don't have any enmity with Huolong, this is the world of martial arts, where the weak prey on the strong, not to mention, the essence and blood of Huolong has absolute value for me!
Under that knife, the essence and blood of Huolong's whole body were absorbed by him, and with the help of Huolong, he directly stepped into the seventh level of the blood sea!

And the collapse of the secret realm was also caused by that knife.

As for speaking out...

But it's just a hassle.

However, when he came out, Lin Tang was still slightly taken aback.

Because in front of him, there were about twenty men standing there, holding long swords and staring at him closely, with vigilance on their faces.

"It should be the cause of the lava collapse, the warriors brought out!"

Lin Tang thought to himself.

He didn't take it to heart either, and stepped forward, heading directly in their direction.

He wasn't in the mood to bother with them.

He was going to meet Yun Qianqian well and let him understand that calculating the price of a butcher was far beyond her ability to bear.


Where can you escape to?
He Yun Qianqian should understand that the king of Hades from hell is more frightening and desperate than the god of death!


Just when Lin Tang was about to stagger away from Xu Qingshan's body.

Xu Qingshan suddenly took a step back, his body directly blocking Lin Tang's path.

"Why are you leaving in a hurry? This brother, why don't you stay and talk? There are some things that Xu needs to explain..."

Lin Tang stopped in his tracks.

He raised his head slowly, looked at Xu Qingshan and said indifferently: "I am in a very bad mood right now..."

Xu Qingshan was slightly taken aback.

He didn't expect Lin Tang to say this at all, so he couldn't help but say, "So?"

"So, you should leave!"

Lin Tang looked at Xu Qingshan indifferently: "Leave before I can suppress my anger!"

(End of this chapter)

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