man returning from hell

Chapter 85 Chen Tiannan Enters Jiangbei

Chapter 85 Chen Tiannan Enters Jiangbei
It's not that Lin Tang is soft-hearted, but because the current him, the hatred he wants is not Xu Qingshan, but Yun Qianqian, the woman who dares to plot against him.

The important point is that...

This Xu Qingshan is not dead yet.

Xu Qingshan was a bit aggressive, but he didn't have the idea of ​​killing himself from the beginning to the end.

At least, unlike other people who keep their mouth shut, they will die by themselves.

At this point, Lin Tang can already spare his life.

Even though he killed their own people, it's not a bad idea to leave one person behind.

Of course, Lin Tang also hoped that if he left his life, he would understand how lucky he is to be alive, and stop trying to focus on himself.

Otherwise, it would be a bit ridiculous for this life that was finally slipped away from him to be taken back by him in the end.

No one likes to kill.

This is the case even for Lin Tang who has cultivated the Twelve-Story Building to enter the Dao.

Just a pity.

God fails to fulfill one's wish...

Seeing Lin Tang leaving, Xu Qingshan lay on the ground, clenched his fists tightly, looked around the empty surroundings, and finally sighed softly.

A master is no longer something he can change.

"You saved my life, I should be grateful, but the importance of the spirit sword is death, and I can't make the decision. It doesn't take long for the master to leave the customs. Lin Tang, let my master personally Let's talk to you!"


Lin Tang didn't leave Shenlongjia directly.

Instead, he found a place to retreat directly.

A fire dragon condenses a huge power of essence and blood. The mystery of the twelve-story building is that it can absorb the blood essence of the target it kills, and the fire dragon is also in it.

However, Lin Tang is still only a seventh-level existence of the sea of ​​​​blood, and he cannot directly absorb such a huge power of blood essence.

Not to mention, the heart of the fire dragon is also in his hands, and he needs to refine the heart of the fire dragon in the fastest time to make a breakthrough in his cultivation!

Retreat has become Lin Tang's top priority now.

"The sea of ​​blood is surging, and the blood of the fire dragon is surging. Although this fire dragon should be called a salamander, it is a strange beast in the sea of ​​bitterness after all. After refining the blood essence, it is enough for me to successfully reach the eighth level of the sea of ​​blood. Qianqian, look forward to it, the day I leave the customs will also be the day you, Yun Qianqian, repent!"



Ann County.

Because of its proximity to the coast, and the fact that it is less than a hundred miles away from Yun County, the most prosperous city in Jiangbei, this place has become one of the largest ports in China.

This morning.

The sky was bright, and the fog still shrouded the entire seaside, and the air was a little humid and cold.

Some port workers who came to work earlier took a breath to blow away the coldness of the morning, lifted their spirits, and prepared to start a busy day.

But at this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Look, what is that?"

When everyone heard the words and looked, they saw a black trace continuously extending towards them on the surface of the lake shrouded in mist.

The surface of the sea was torn apart, rolling up monstrous waves.

"what is this?"

"Boat? But isn't this speed too fast?"

Everyone was puzzled, but then they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

As that black shadow continued to approach, they could vaguely see that, amidst the torn waves and mist, that black fuzzy shadow had become more and more clear.

That's one person!

"My God, man!"

"how is this possible!"

"How can people spray and run on the sea? How is this possible!"

Everyone was horrified, and the whole port suddenly became a mess. They stared blankly at the figure, rubbing their eyes constantly, and couldn't believe what they saw.

Soon, that black figure had spread to the shore, and he stepped on the sea suddenly, his whole body spread his wings like an eagle, and accompanied by the waves, he landed lightly on the shore.

It was an old man in black clothes.

More importantly, the clothes on his body didn't even get a trace of sea water, and they were still extremely dry.

I don't know how long this old man has been running on the sea without showing any trace of fatigue, but he is still full of energy. Standing there, he is like a magic weapon about to be unsheathed, shocking the world!

Deathly silence.

The workers who got up early stared blankly at the old man in front of them, and immediately knelt down, their faces full of excitement.

This is fairy!

Only gods can do such supernatural powers.

Coming from the sea, if there is no god in this world, who else can do it?
The old man looked at the group of workers kneeling in front of him with a calm face, looked around, and said lightly: "Where is this place?"

Everyone quickly replied: "This is the Linhai Port in An County..."

"An County?"

The old man's eyes were slightly squinted, and the golden light in those eyes that should have been muddy was flickering like a knife: "I came here by stepping on the sea. After two days and one night, have I finally come to An County?"

Finally, someone looked at the old man tremblingly.

"You, you are a fairy, right? You must be a fairy when you come here by stepping on the sea. You, where did you come from?"

"A fairy?"

Hearing this, a strange smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth.

He slowly walked in front of the person who spoke, and at a height below zero, he slowly raised his hand and pressed it slightly on his head.

The man still had an excited look on his face.

This god wants to impart skills?

But also at this time...


The smile on the man's face froze, his whole head was grabbed by the old man, and he held it in his hands like a balloon. His voice became more and more chaotic, but he still heard the old man's answer: "This seat is not Immortal, but Shura who came to take his life!"


It's gushing!
Everyone watched this scene in horror, they never thought that this fairy would directly kill someone.

These are a group of ordinary people. When they saw this scene before, they were frightened and stupid. When they realized it, everyone screamed and ran away.

Looking at the group of fleeing people, the old man did not move.

With a wave of his hand, a golden light condensed directly in front of him, turning into a golden long knife, and swept out.

Blood, spilled all over the ground.

Dye the entire port coast red.

The old man's face was always calm.

He threw away the head in his hand, stepped on the blood, and stepped on the corpse, leaving bloodstains on the ground...

His back became more and more upright.

It was getting colder and colder, and the entire port was filled with a shivering coldness.

"Yuncheng...Bai family...Lin Tang, I'm here..."

(End of this chapter)

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