man returning from hell

Chapter 88 He...he is Lin Tang

Chapter 88 He...he is Lin Tang

In the dragon frame.

In a certain peaceful valley cave.

Lin Tang has been sitting here like an old monk in meditation for three full days.

The breath of his whole body is constricting. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to detect that there is a person here.

It was as if, in front of him, he was directly integrated into nature.


Just then.

The sound of water dripping suddenly came from this cave, so clearly audible.

As if it came from heaven and earth.

at the same time……

A huge force burst out from Lin Tang's body, surging out like ripples.

The entire cave was swept up by a fierce wind, and the terrifying movement made beasts run around within a few miles!
Also at this time, Lin Tang slowly opened his eyes, only to see a ray of blood flashing out of those deep eyes, shining like the sun!
"After three days, the blood essence of the fire dragon was finally absorbed by the Twelve-story Building, turning into a rain of blood and merging into the sea of ​​blood, making me enter the realm of the eighth layer of the sea of ​​blood..."

Lin Tang exhaled deeply.

The digestion time of three days is far beyond my imagination, the essence and blood of the same realm only need one day, but the fire dragon is three times as much.

"Sure enough, the essence and blood of alien beasts are far stronger than human beings. This may be related to the strong defense of alien beasts!"

Standing up, moving his muscles and bones, there was a burst of crackling sound, full of endless power.

Each realm has its own small threshold.

The first five levels of the master are beginners, the fourth to seventh level is mastery, the eighth level is the peak, and the ninth level is complete!

Now that he has broken through to the eighth level, Lin Tang clearly feels that his power is undergoing an explosive force that surprises him.

This is a feeling I didn't have in my previous life.

"Perhaps, this is the difference between the Twelve-Story Building and other secret techniques of ghost cultivation. After all, the secrets of holy grades, looking at the three realms and six realms, and the thousands of starry planes, only exist in legends!"

Thinking of this, Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly, lost in thought.


is a good thing!
But there is still one puzzled thing in his mind.

On the day of retreat three days ago, his spiritual consciousness fluctuated. It was a ray of spiritual imprint he left on the formation when he set up the Daotian Gathering Spirit Formation in Yuncheng.

And at that time, the spiritual imprint disappeared!
Was it destroyed?
Or was it because the strength was still weak when the spiritual imprint was left, so the spiritual imprint could not last long and disappeared automatically?

Lin Tang is not sure!

"Forget it, then let you live for a while, and wait for me to know what this spiritual imprint is talking about!"

The Bai family is their own power. Although they don't have much belonging to it, they respect themselves after all.

If there is no problem, Lin Tang may not go back to Yuncheng, but if the death of the Bai family is caused by him, then he should also go to such a fate!
After all, even though I am a butcher, I still can't say that I am ruthless!

"Have you heard? The spokesperson of the ancient martial arts world and the mortal world, something happened to the Bai family in Jiangbei Yuncheng!"

"Nonsense, now the entire martial arts world is buzzing, and I just came back from Yuncheng, how could I not know!"

Not far from the dragon frame, Lin Tang heard a sound.

I saw a few men dressed as warriors walking towards the Dragon Rack, apparently intending to enter the Dragon Rack.

However, their conversation made Lin Tang stop directly, and then went straight towards them.

"An accident happened to the Bai family in Yuncheng, Jiangbei? What happened?"

Lin Tang stepped forward, looked at several warriors and asked.

Unknowingly, a young man appeared and these martial artists were startled: "Who are you? Why are you here? Could it be that you also came out of the center of the dragon frame?"

"I still have to ask. Think about it. The center of the dragon frame collapsed. There was news that it might be a secret place. Naturally, many people of the same way went there!"

Before Lin Tang could answer, someone was the first to despise the companion who just asked the question, which made the companion a little bit embarrassed.

The man ignored him, instead he smiled at Lin Tang and said, "Brother, you are also a martial artist who has come out to practice, but the matter of Jiangbei Yuncheng has already been rumored in the ancient martial arts world. How could you not know?"

"When a person's news is always unclear, I don't know if I can say it?"

Lin Tang explained with a slight smile.

Hearing this, the man nodded his head: "That's true, no matter how much there is going on, there are always some people who don't know!"

After finishing speaking, he slowly told all the things they knew.

"Okay, that's all we know. It's getting dark now, and there's still some distance to the ghost city. Goodbye, brother!"

After finishing speaking, these martial artists disappeared after a few leaps!

Lin Tang, on the other hand, still stood there.

"So, is that so?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, he didn't expect so many things to happen in just three days.

"Chen Tiannan? You can also be a reincarnated Shura, butcher from hell. I really want to see, you Shura, where is your Shura from?"

Thinking of this, Lin Tang took out his mobile phone from his body.

This was given by Hu Bayi to Lin Tang, saying that it was in case of emergency, so he immediately dialed Hu Bayi's phone number.

Jiangnan River City.

Hu Bayi sat on the sofa blankly, sweating coldly.

Yuncheng was shocked.

Mr. Lin's whereabouts are unknown.

The entire Bai family's power has suffered an unprecedented blow. Although Jiangbei has not made any major moves yet, everyone knows that this is because Jiangcheng has just been bloodbathed by Lin Tang, and has not yet recovered from the panic.

They were still afraid of Mr. Lin's residual prestige, even if there was news of his fall, but without certainty, this Jiangnan didn't dare to resist like Jiangbei!
However, as long as the time is longer, within a week, let alone the Bai family in Jiangbei, even their forces here in Jiangnan will be uprooted!
"Sir, where are you!"

Hu Bayi clutched his head, his fat body trembling.

At this time, his cell phone rang suddenly. Hu Bayi didn't want to answer it, but when he saw the number on it, he stood up immediately.

An expression of excitement and disbelief appeared on his face, and he quickly connected the phone.

"Ling County, send a helicopter over!"

There is no extra words, after finishing this sentence, the other side has hung up, but it was just such a sentence that made Hu Bayi, a fat man in his 40s, burst into tears!
at the same time.

On the way to Shenlongjia.

Among the warriors just now, the man who was talking to Lin Tang just now frowned suddenly.

"What's wrong, Junjie? What are you thinking?"

Ma Junjie frowned: "I don't know why, why do I always feel that the brother who just asked me looks familiar, as if I've seen him somewhere before!"

"Have you seen him?"

Liu Feng laughed: "That's not the case... But it's normal, since you are a warrior, you may have seen it in any field, so don't worry about it!"

"No, it's definitely not as simple as a warrior, I just can't remember it for a while, wait..."

At this moment, Ma Junjie's expression suddenly changed, he took out his mobile phone in a panic, and skillfully entered a website. Seeing this, he gasped, and the mobile phone fell to the ground directly!

The whole person stood there in a daze, his body trembling.

"You are..."

Liu Feng frowned, what did Ma Junjie see, why did he have such an expression?
He lowered his head and picked up the mobile phone in his hand. Looking at it, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his hands were shaking.

The avatar of that person just now suddenly appeared on the screen of the phone.

At the same time, a line of blood-red marks appeared below, so clear and dazzling:
Lin Tang!

Former name: Xu Ze.

Known as Butcher Tang.

Strength: Grandmaster six levels [estimation]! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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