man returning from hell

Chapter 99 Miaojiang Witchcraft [End of Chapter 4]

Chapter 99 Miaojiang Witchcraft [Fourth update completed]

"You... what do you mean? Why am I disappointed?"

Murong Xiao looked at Lin Tang with some puzzlement. Although he was very worried about his mother's health, shouldn't he be happy for saving his mother? Why did he say he would be disappointed?

"Don't you understand? It's just him raising the price for himself!"

Murong Xiao looked at Lin Tang confidently: "If I'm not wrong, the next thing you want to say is that you can't save my mother because you don't want to disappoint my sister...

Come on, I've seen a lot of people like you. You don't have any ink, but you always want to pretend to be aggressive. This trick is no longer feasible in front of girls! "

Lin Tang smiled.

For Murong Xue, if it was in the past, even if she is not dead, she would have already been slapped by me.

But now...

"For some things, it's refreshing to do it yourself, but it's actually quite good to let others do it!"

Thinking of this, he looked at Murong Yan: "You also want me to save your wife?"

Murong Yan's eyes were narrowed, a little gloomy, but she still laughed: "If you can save my wife, naturally, I will be very grateful, but..."

Speaking of this, Murong Yan's tone suddenly turned cold: "If you can't save your life, don't blame me for driving you out of Murong's house!"

"You really want me to save you?"

Lin Tang's face became a little weird: "Miaojiang witchcraft is somewhat mysterious, but in the end it's just a trick of using Gu to influence people's hearts and even launch attacks. Do you really want me to save you?"


Hearing this, Murong Yan, Murong Xue and other members of the Murong family all exclaimed: "How do you know it's Miaojiang witchcraft?"

They looked at Lin Tang in surprise, full of puzzlement.

They naturally knew what was going on with Zheng Anmin on the bed, because what was in her was indeed a Gu in Miaojiang witchcraft!

But how would this person know?
He just glanced at the patient, how did he know that!
"Miaojiang witchcraft?"

Hearing this, Murong Xiao's face was full of disbelief: "Did my mother really suffer from the voodoo in Miaojiang witchcraft?"

Although Murong Xiao is not very clear about Miaojiang witchcraft, he still knows more or less.

This kind of Gu can be said to be an unsolvable technique, unless the person who cast the Gu can break it himself, it can't be broken at all!

Lin Tang nodded slightly, and then looked at Murong Yan with some mischief: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a kind of Gu technique called: Guixin Gu!
Once this kind of Gu is triggered, although it will not be very painful, even ordinary people will notice it and naturally resist a little.

Of course, luckily your wife didn't resist at all when this voodoo was triggered, on the contrary she accepted it very much.

It is also because of this automatic acceptance that your wife didn't suffer any harm, but just fell into a deep sleep... This is really interesting, Patriarch Murong, your wife really has foresight ! "


As soon as these words came out, Murong Yan and the others couldn't help taking a few steps back, and looked at Lin Tang in horror.

Because, what Lin Tang said was not wrong at all, whether it was Heart Returning Gu, or his wife's reaction at that time, it was absolutely true!
Especially the foresight of the last sentence, everyone's cold sweat flowed down.

Murong Xiao clenched his white teeth tightly.

Although Lin Tang's words are euphemistic, the meaning is not clear!
My mother is just an ordinary person, how could she know such things as Guixin Gu, and how could she not struggle at all?

Thinking of the reaction of his father, younger sister, second grandfather and others just now, Murong Xiao's expression became even more ugly!

" shut up, what do you know, what is the heart return Gu, what is the Miaojiang witchcraft, we don't know at all, and, even if it is true as you said, can you save my mother?"

Suddenly Murong Xue looked at Lin Tang angrily.

He even looked at his sister with an aggrieved face: "Sister, don't think too much, this person is deliberately deceiving you, she just wants you to misunderstand us, don't believe him!"

"You don't need to say more!"

Murong Xiao clenched his teeth tightly: "It doesn't matter if it's a misunderstanding, since he said it was Miaojiang witchcraft, let him try it!"

Speaking of this, she looked at Murong Yan: "Dad, since you also hope that my mother will be well, then you shouldn't mind him trying?"

Murong Yan hesitated, looked at Lin Tang, and suddenly laughed: "Yes, try it, it can cure your mother, that would be great!"


Murong Xue looked at her father in disbelief, but when she saw his father's eyes, she also laughed.

It was a reassuring look.

This is Miaojiang witchcraft, except for the master who can undo it, any superb medical skills can't do it!
A boy in his 20s, what ability does he have to heal his mother?

"Alright, anyway, it's you who will be ashamed at that time. Of course, you will have to pay for this embarrassment!"

Murong Xue sneered.

Lin Tang just smiled slightly: "Alright, then I'll try it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tang slowly walked to Zheng Anmin on the bed, looked at Zheng Anmin in front of him, stretched out his left hand, and pressed it on her lower abdomen.

What no one saw was that with the palm he pressed down, a ray of blood-colored light directly entered her lower abdomen.

The moment the bloodshot entered, Lin Tang withdrew his hand and smiled slightly: "It suits your wishes, man, I cured it!"


"Is this cured?"

Hearing Lin Tang's words, everyone present was stunned, and then tried hard to suppress the urge to laugh.

Especially that Murong Xue directly held back the laughter and looked at Murong Xiao full of cynicism:
"Haha, sister, this is what you brought back to save mother? You pretended to be so unfathomable just now, but then you touched mother's stomach and agreed. Do you think that our Murong family are all fools?"

Murong Xiao's face turned pale, and he was also disappointed when he looked at Lin Tang.

She bet all her bets on this man's hands, but in the end...he still let herself down!

"First it was the Miaojiang voodoo technique, which promised to save my wife, but now it failed. Young man, should you give me an explanation?"

Murong Yan took a deep breath, stood up, and looked directly at Lin Tang.

It was an expected calmness, with a hint of anger at being played.

"Explain? Explain what?"

Lin Tang looked at Murong Yan indifferently: "Didn't I say I saved her?"


Murong Yan was furious immediately, and just about to speak, it was at this moment that Zheng Anmin's body on the bed trembled violently, and then quietly opened his eyes,


Everyone was frightened by this scene, especially Murong Yan and the others, their mouths were wide open, and their faces were filled with disbelief.

Murong Xiao's complexion went from being pale at the beginning to being excited now, like riding a roller coaster.

Seeing the waking mother, she rushed forward, just about to speak.

But when she saw Murong Xiao, Zheng Anmin was the first to show an excited expression, although her voice was a little weak, she concealed her excitement:
"Xiaoxiao, promised to be Young Master Yun's woman, right?"



Don't say I'm can there be an orgasm without a foreshadowing?

How about water?Simple!Here's the plot:
Lin Tang came to the port area to take revenge, and the Yun family was destroyed...

15 words, simple, right?It's a pity... I can't do it, so don't keep calling me stupid, and I update four or four. I haven't missed a chapter in the past few days. There is nothing deceiving...

The results of the first round are out today, so it won’t be updated after 0 o’clock. I will update it after I know the data at [-] o’clock tomorrow...

I was apprehensive, after all, the data was far behind others.

Thank you all in advance...

(End of this chapter)

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