Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 110 Qian Hai Has Broken Love Again

Chapter 110 Qian Hai Has Broken Love Again (Second Update)

Chapter 110
Gong Ming was taken aback. He thought something happened to his brother. He had just finished the college entrance examination and his perfect life had just begun. If something happened, it would be bad.

"Haizi, don't scare brother, where are you? Send me your location, brother will come now!" Gong Ming hurriedly said on the phone.

"The old place!" Qian Hai said helplessly.

Gong Ming turned around directly, went up the elevated road, and headed for the old place.

The so-called old place is the barbecue restaurant next to the school when I was in high school, where I met the little anchor last time.

Half an hour later, Gong Ming parked the car in the parking space behind the Porsche 718 with a beautiful flick.

In front of the Porsche 718, this space blue Jaguar F-TYPE is parked.

Looking at the color of this coquettish bag, you don't even need to look to know that it's that guy Wu Yong.

Get out of the car and enter the barbecue restaurant, because it is not yet five o'clock, the barbecue restaurant is a bit deserted, Qian Hai and Wu Yong are sitting on a table, the table is already full of barbecue, there are two more on the ground Empty beer bottles.

"What are you thinking? You're still drinking while driving?" Gong Ming threw the car keys on the table.

"Brother Ming, you are here, sit down and have a drink with your brother!" Qian Hai opened another bottle of beer and took a glass from behind.

Because Gong Ming drove over in a hurry, he didn't even take a sip of water, he was already thirsty.

He poured himself a glass of beer and drank it all in one gulp.

"What's going on?" Gong Ming looked at Wu Yong and asked.

"What else can happen? I've lost my love, I think I have no chance, Zhao Ya is going to go abroad!" Wu Yong said from the side.

Then Wu Yong began to briefly describe, it turned out that for more than a month, Qian Hai accompanied her to travel all over the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland in order to capture Zhao Ya, and the relationship between the two quickly heated up.

Just this morning, when Qian Hai called Zhao Ya, he wanted to ask her out to play, but found that his mobile phone number was blocked.

WeChat was blocked at the same time, and I drove excitedly to Zhao Ya's community, but I heard from the neighbor next door that the family had moved back to the imperial capital yesterday.

He left in such a hurry, without leaving a single message for himself, and it turned out that Qian Hai was the one who was abandoned again.

Qian Hai really couldn't figure out, is being well-matched really so important?

Gong Ming really didn't want to hit his brother, but he still wanted to say: "Brother, I have already said that Zhao Ya is not suitable for you, and you are not from a university. Think about driving a 718 into school to meet your seniors." , isn't it better than Zhao Yaxiang?"

This other kind of comfort can only be expressed by a beast like Gong Ming.

"I don't care about her leaving without saying hello, I just care about all the hard work for so long, all in vain!" After Qian Hai finished speaking, he swallowed a roasted wing whole, put it in his mouth, used superpowers and watched A whole chicken wing bone was picked out.

"Damn, beast, let my brother worry about you in vain. You know, I killed you from Taihu Lake with one kick of the accelerator!" Gong Ming reached out and snatched another skewer of roasted wings from Qian Hai's hand.

"Brother, the chicken wings are mine, and the chicken testicles are yours!" Wu Yong also stretched out his claws at the only chicken wing in the bunch.

There was a beautiful arc in the air, and then Gong Ming happily enjoyed the chicken wings.

"Eat your chicken testicles!" Gong Ming said while chewing on the chicken wings.

The three of them chatted there one after another.

Suddenly, Wu Yong took out a key, and looked at the two with a smile: "Look, how about the new Jaguar F-TYPE, let's drive together when school starts!"

The schools that the three of them applied for were all in Shanghai, Gong Ming applied for Magic University, and Qian Hai and Wu Yong both applied for Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

In other words, the two goods are still mixed together.

Now that Qian Hai no longer needs to enlighten, the three of them chatted about the interesting things that happened recently.

Hearing that Gong Ming had traveled all over the three countries in Southeast Asia, and he went there on a yacht, Qian Hai and Wu Yong really didn't know what to say except envy.

During this period of time, Wu Yong has been helping with the business at home. In the morning, he helped at the Songhe Tower at home, and in the afternoon, he went to the 4S shop to help sell cars.

In one month, three Mercedes-Benz cars were also sold, and this Jaguar F-TYPE was a reward from his father.

This week, I watched him drive his own Jaguar F-TYPE to and from Songhelou and the 4S shop every day.

"By the way, do you know that Ye Hang and Wang Huanhuan broke up!" Qian Hai suddenly threw out such a topic.

Gong Ming was taken aback, he hadn't had any contact with those people in the class group for more than a month, and Ye Hang had already blocked himself in Moments.

Gong Ming never thought that he could eat such a big melon.

"You also know that Ye Hang has already blocked me in Moments!" Gong Ming said helplessly, but that posture was like talking about you, you can say what you want, and don't say it if you don't want to.

How could Qian Hai stand this kind of provocative method, and then said happily: "You don't know, didn't Ye Hang and Wang Huanhuan go to Sanya for a trip a while ago, and then Wang Huanhuan met a black man while visiting a nightclub, and the two of them That happened in the toilet, and the black man passed his disease on to Wang Huanhuan!"

When he said this, Qian Hai deliberately paused, looked at Gong Ming, and found that the other party didn't care.

I had no choice but to continue: "Then when I went back to the hotel at night, Ye Hang and Wang Huanhuan had another incident. Unfortunately, Ye Hang was also infected. No wonder some classmates saw Ye Hang in the infectious disease hospital these days!"

If the expression of gloating at other people's misfortune was seen by outsiders, they would think that the students in his class were not united.

Gong Ming didn't continue to expand the topic, anyway, as long as he knew that he was unhappy, it would be the greatest happiness for himself.

The three of them were like this, continuing to chat one after another, eating barbecue and drinking beer.

A case of beer had bottomed out, and the night had already enveloped Sioux City.

Because Gong Ming's body was transformed by super soldier serum, he didn't feel drunk at all.

"Okay, I won't be looking for this year. I'll call a driver back for you. Take a shower and go to bed early. Tomorrow is a new day!" Gong Ming took out his mobile phone and called on a driver platform. Three surrogate drivers.

Half an hour later, the vehicle of the three people was driven away by a substitute driver.

It was already time to go back downstairs. At nine o'clock in the evening, I looked up and saw that my house was brightly lit.

It seems that both parents are back today. Gong Ming took out his mobile phone and called the two of them one by one. After confirming that they had all arrived home safely, he completed all the driver orders on his mobile phone and gave them five-star praise.

 Post two first, everyone will watch first
(End of this chapter)

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