Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 116 Let's go, Mom will bring you a good meal

Chapter 116 Let's go, mom will bring you a good meal (second update)

Chapter 110 Six

Hearing footsteps behind her, mother Jiang Yan turned her head to take a look, and found that her son had returned, so she put down the popcorn in her hand and got up.

"I'm back, why did I remember coming back so early today?" Mother Jiang Yan asked directly.

"Your Majesty is so excited that you didn't go to build the Great Wall with Aunt Wang and the others!" Gong Ming stepped forward and hugged his mother's arm and said coquettishly.

"Get out, build the Great Wall every day, your Aunt Wang and the others don't have to go to work to make money!" Mother Jiang Yan withdrew her hand, and directly gave Gong Ming a headache.

Gong Ming touched the place where he was hit, and then said with a smile, "Mom, I'm hungry, is there anything delicious?"

"Let's go, your dad won't come back today, we mother and son will go out and eat something good!" Mother Jiang Yan said when she came to the bathroom, washed her hands, and adjusted her makeup a little.

Gong Ming hasn't gone out to eat with his mother for a long time. The last time he went out to eat was after his college entrance examination. Count the time and more than a month ago.

Gong Ming remembered the things he bought for his mother in Shanghai, and hurriedly took the shopping bags from the bar at the door to the sofa.

"Mom, look at the clothes I bought for you, try them on, and if you can't wear them, I'll give them to your little sisters!" Gong Ming said jokingly, it is impossible to give away as gifts, the clothes I bought are completely I bought it according to my mother's figure, how could there be something that I couldn't wear?
At this time, the mother who came out of the bathroom saw the large and small shopping bags on the sofa, and complained, "Stinky boy, if you have money, you know how to spend it, and you don't know how to save it for later marriage." daughter in law!"

However, even though he said this in his mouth, his actions in his hands were indeed very honest.

The time Gong Ming poured a cup of tea, the shopping bag on the sofa had disappeared, and when he turned his head, he heard the door slam shut.

Gong Ming shook his head, picked up the teacup, sat on the sofa boredly, and adjusted the channel with the remote control.

It's only 2015 now, and the only variety shows I can watch now are Dolphin Channel's Brothers Running, and Modu Tomato's Extreme Challenge.

This summer vacation is really when Channel Tomato dominates the variety show channel. Gong Ming switched the TV to Channel Tomato. After a commercial, part of the variety show content was inserted.

However, as long as this variety show is released in a few years after Douyin becomes popular, it will be completely beaten to death.

Gong Ming thought of Douyin, picked up his phone, and dialed Andy's number.

"Andy, how is the Douyin short video platform doing?" Gong Ming asked straight to the point.

"Boss, the server has been set up and the Douyin software has been edited, and the next step is to put it on the market!" Andy introduced.

Gong Ming thought, how about playing a big one? Now that the self-media has just emerged, and he has this Douyin platform, what kind of female anchors in the future cannot be...

"Very good, by the way, you can contact the Tomato TV station in Shanghai and tell them that we want to name their Extreme Challenge, of course not the one that needs exclusive naming rights!" Gong Ming thought of the Extreme Challenge program.

After all, all Kuaishou short videos rely on extreme challenges. Now that I have Douyin to open the way, where is your Kuaishou thing?
This is called the way of Kuaishou, so that Kuaishou has nowhere to go.

"Alright boss, what about the naming fee?" Andy asked again.

"1000 million to 2000 million, you decide!" Gong Ming revealed the final price. He fully believed in Andy's ability to keep the price within 1000 million, but there was still room for control.

Mom changed into the clothes she had just bought and walked out.

"Son, how do you see it? Does this suit look good on me?" Mother Jiang Yan said and turned around in a circle.

Such a good opportunity, how could Gong Ming give up on such an opportunity to flatter: "Wow, a fairy from the sky descended to the mortal world. Mom, if you wear this dress and tell me that you are my sister, everyone will believe it!"

"Slick tongue, you know nonsense!" However, the son's compliment was appreciated by the mother, and she chose a Hermès bag from the newly bought bag rack.

"Since your mouth is so sweet, my mother treats you to a big meal today!" said mother Jiang Yan happily.

Gong Ming happily went downstairs and drove towards the destination that his mother had mentioned.

Looking at the fly shop in front of him, Gong Ming felt a little regretful.

Gong Ming looked at a large bowl of luxurious beef noodles in front of him. Is this the legendary feast?
"Hurry up, their beef noodles are very delicious. Aunt Zhang mixes beef, and get me another one," my mother greeted towards the kitchen.

"Mom, how did you find this restaurant?" Gong Ming was puzzled, it seemed that his mother had never eaten at such a fly restaurant in her previous life.

"A friend introduced it, saying that the beef noodles here are very delicious. I tried it once, and it tastes good!" My mother picked up a piece of beef and put it in her mouth.

At this time, the Audi R8 parked on the side of the road attracted many people to take pictures. After all, this is an old town. How could such a sports car suddenly appear without attracting others to take pictures.

A serving of beef noodles was quickly eaten by Gong Ming. Seeing that the last soup in the bowl was not left, Gong Ming finally realized that as long as people are hungry and eat such an ordinary bowl of beef noodles, they will feel that it is a meal in the world. tasty.

Back home, his father hadn't come back yet, so Gong Ming sat on the sofa with his mother and watched TV for a while.

"Mom, why does dad always come back so late recently?" Gong Ming asked his doubts.

My mother watched TV and said casually: "Is work not going well?" It's just that anyone can hear the worry in her tone.

"What's the matter, didn't you just complete the decoration of a 500 million villa? Dad, did you encounter any trouble?" Gong Ming was very puzzled. How could it be that his father, who had just completed a 500 million order, was not working well?
"Hey, you also know that the real estate market has been like this for the past few years. Recently, there was a hot project that your father wanted to fight for, but his competitor turned out to be doing crooked ways." Mother Jiang Yan watched the TV, and then said: " Well, don't ask about your dad, just let him go, I believe your dad can solve it!"

After watching TV with my mother for a while, Gong Ming wanted to enter, and the world of League of Legends was killing everyone.

At this time, the mobile phone and WeChat rang for a video call.

Gong Ming picked up the phone and took a look, and found that the caller was actually Han Mengyao, his brows slightly frowned, he couldn't figure it out, why did you call him so late?
"Whose phone is it? If it rings, don't rush to answer it!" Mom Jiang Yan said after throwing popcorn into her mouth.

Gong Ming had no choice but to connect to the WeChat video call in front of his mother.

Seeing that the person on the other end of the video was actually Han Xiangrui, this little girl, Gong Ming heaved a sigh of relief.

"Big brother, are you asleep? Xiangxiang misses you, are you thinking about Xiangxiang?" Han Xiangrui's childish voice came from the phone.

My mother raised her head and looked at the past, and found that it was a little porcelain doll girl who walked out of a fairy tale, her eyes lit up immediately.

"Little girl, call me grandma!" Mother Jiang Yan snatched the phone and chatted happily with Han Xiangrui on the other end of the phone.

Gong Ming's head is full of black lines, why every woman wants to be a grandma as long as she reaches that age.

"Grandma, are you the big brother's sister? You are so beautiful!" Han Xiangrui, a villain, has reached the pinnacle of flattery.

Seeing the happy chatter, one old and one young, Gong Ming once again felt that he was this family, a superfluous existence.

After the two chatted for a while, Han Xiangrui started to get straight to the point: "Grandma, can you ask your big brother to pick me up to play tomorrow?"

Jiang Yan listened to the villain on the phone calling grandma, and she was so happy that she directly made a decision for Gong Ming: "It's absolutely fine, let your big brother pick you up in a car tomorrow and take you to the aquarium to play." ,is it good?"

After finishing speaking, he fixed his eyes on Gong Ming, and his eyes seemed to say, 'I'll give you a second to choose to agree. '

That's right, you won't be given that kind of opportunity to consider.

Gong Ming had no choice but to nod his head. What should he do if he doesn't agree to the imperial edict issued by his mother?
Then, the old and the young chatted again. While chatting, Gong Ming suddenly heard his mother telling the little girl about the embarrassing things about him when he was young.

You know, the little girl Han Xiangrui looks harmless to humans and animals on the surface, but she is a proper bear child in her bones. If she learns the things she did when she was a child, I don't know which family's children will suffer.

At this time, the cell phone of the little girl Han Xiangrui was snatched, and an apology came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gong, Xiangxiang, just now I called you with my mobile phone while I was not paying attention, and I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you!" Han Mengyao apologized quickly on the other end of the phone, but when she saw that the person answering the phone was not Gong Ming was obviously taken aback.

A few seconds later, Han Xiangrui said in a childish voice beside her: "Mom, what are you doing? I'm on the phone with my elder brother's grandma, and my elder brother has agreed to take me to the aquarium tomorrow!"

Holding a chicken feather as an arrow, this set of kung fu Han Xiangrui has indeed achieved self-taught.

Mom, when she saw the woman on the other end of the phone, she was also slightly taken aback. The woman in front of her was only in her early 20s. If she were her own daughter-in-law, she would be more than enough, but it's a pity that she has a child!

Gong Ming took the mobile phone from his mother, and said to Han Mengyao: "It's okay, Ms. Han, anyway, I have nothing to do tomorrow, and I promised Xiangxiang to take her to the aquarium tomorrow. It just so happens that I miss Xiangxiang too." Already!"

Han Mengyao said on the phone: "Mr. Gong, thank you for being considerate. We don't have time tomorrow, so Xiangxiang can't go out with you!"

Before finishing a sentence, Han Xiangrui, a clever little ghost, yelled directly on the other end of the phone: "Mom, you said we can't lie, we obviously have nothing to do tomorrow, why can't you let big brother take me to play?" ?”

 Now one update is 3000 words. If you are not used to it, I can change it to 2500 words.

(End of this chapter)

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