Chapter 122 Housewarming (4000 words chapter)
Chapter 120 Two

Looking at his father who was already sound asleep on the sofa, Gong Ming had roughly understood what happened from his few words just now.

Presumably it was Mr. Zhao, because he saw himself having dinner with Han Mengyao, and thought that he and Han Mengyao had a very good relationship and had some special relationship, so he directly decided to hand over this cooperation project to his father.

Who wouldn't be tempted to put a net profit of 4000 million yuan?

You must know that the net profit of Dad's small broken company is only 600 million yuan a year, and the 4000 million yuan is equivalent to five years of net profit!
The next day, after waking up in the morning, Xiang Xiangxiang saw Gong Jianguo sleeping on the sofa, and ran back to the room in fright.

"Grandma, grandma, someone is sleeping on the sofa, it seems to be grandpa!" Xiangxiang shook her mother Jiang Yan's arm.

The old mother Jiang Yan was dragged into the living room by the little girl. Looking at Gong Jianguo who was still snoring and sleeping on the sofa, she suddenly became angry. She picked up the fly swatter from the kitchen and said to Xiangxiang: " Come to Xiangxiang, watch grandma come to fight flies"

After finishing speaking, the fly swatter hit his father Gong Jianguo's ass hard.

Dad rubbed his sleepy and hazy eyes, and saw a little girl who came out like a fairy tale, standing behind his wife, looking at him secretly.

He saw this little girl yesterday, she is Han Mengyao's daughter, but why is this little girl in his home, is it possible that Han Mengyao is also there?
"Xiangxiang, come here to brush your teeth and wash your face!" Gong Ming rarely got up early, and went to the supermarket in front of the community to buy the children's toothpaste and toothbrush that he forgot to buy yesterday.

"Dad is up, let's take a look, we are going to move!" Gong Ming said to his father Gong Jianguo on the sofa.

In fact, Gong Ming originally thought about moving in a few days. After all, moving to a new house is a big event, and he always needs to inform his relatives and friends at home.

"Moving, what house are you moving, isn't our family here all the time?" Dad obviously didn't react.

My mother was also puzzled. After all, I have only lived in this house for seven or eight years, and the mortgage has just been paid off this year. It seems that I have not bought a house after moving to my own house.

"Ahem, Dad, do you still remember the villa on the golden shore of Taihu Lake that I asked you to decorate?" Gong Ming asked in a roundabout way.

Dad Gong Jianguo nodded, and then said: "I know, the decoration cost is 500 million, that one set? Didn't you already take over the house two days ago? What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

"Well, that house belongs to me. It was illegally leased to a film and television company by several property managers to shoot a movie. I sued them and paid more than 500 million yuan in compensation. If not, your company will make money from it. !" Gong Ming said casually, as if it was an insignificant matter.

"Wait, let me take it easy!" At this moment, Gong Jianguo's head, which was originally hungover, suddenly sobered up.

"You mean, that villa is yours, and you gave the 500 million decoration project to my company!" Gong Jianguo sorted out the outline of the matter.

Gong Ming nodded, and his father, Gong Jianguo, snatched the fly swatter from his mother, and came towards Gong Ming: "You prodigal son, the decoration of a villa is 500 million, and your money is blown by the wind!"

"Help, Mom! Dad doesn't want you to live in the villa, he wants to beat me to death!" Gong Ming shouted directly.

"What are you doing? You want to beat my son and tell you Gong Jianguo that my son loves me so much that he bought me a villa to live in. If you have an opinion, don't live there!" My mother's wisdom is always the highest, and she immediately thought Understand the twists and turns of things.

You must know that there are villas on the golden waterfront of Taihu Lake, and there are also villas with one villa in Sioux City. The cheapest set of townhouses will sell for about 4000 to [-] million.

Although she has never been to Villa No. [-], she knows that this villa is not simple after hearing the house number.

The whole family came to the table and prepared to have breakfast.

For breakfast, I ate two eggs, one deep-fried dough stick, and a bowl of white porridge. The amount of food shocked my mother Jiang Yan.

"Grandma, I'm done eating!" Xiangxiang patted her slightly chubby belly and said

"Xiangxiang, I'm full, and grandma is full, so let's take it away?" Mother Jiang Yan completely ignored her, and her father Gong Jianguo, who was eating fried dough sticks and reading the newspaper, immediately started to pack up the dishes.

"No, ma'am, I still have a mouthful of porridge!" Father Gong Jianguo put down the newspaper in his hand hastily.

"Son, if you have money, why don't you invest 1000 million in Dad's company!" After the meal, Dad Gong Jianguo pulled Gong Ming to sit on the sofa and said mysteriously.

"Why do you want 1000 million yuan? I won't be able to get that much money for a while!" Gong Ming was very puzzled. After all, everything in Dad's company was running normally, and this project was about to start. With a net profit of at least 4000 million yuan, why did you start from I want 1000 million?
Hearing his son's words, Gong Jianguo spread out the newspaper in his hand, and then pointed to a piece of news on page A2.

"Look, the integration of Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou, here and here are the centers of future development. If we get the land now, the land price will at least double within a year!" Gong Jianguo took out his mobile phone and opened the map, pointing to the map. mentioned in several places.

Gong Ming looked at the places indicated on the map and had to praise his father for his good vision.

Two years later, a large-scale economic development zone was established, and two subways were opened nearby, and the land price here directly quadrupled.

"Dad, the land is ready, but after taking the land, have you thought about what to do next, get the land to the bank for a loan, then build a house, and then sell the house, how much money can you make?" Gong Ming asked directly.

Yes, land is valuable, and housing prices have been rising, but ordinary people don’t have the money to buy so many houses. No matter how high your housing prices are, it’s just a bunch of numbers. When you wake up every morning, you see that line of numbers, which is how much you have to pay back to the bank today. money?
This is a day that every real estate developer must go through, and the pressure is not ordinary.

Just like the current richest man, Wanda Wang Dalin, it’s not like he was almost bankrupt in a few years, so let’s forget about real estate?

They are all people in this circle, so how can they not know the twists and turns in real estate, and the thoughts that had just arisen were obliterated by his son in a few words.

After going downstairs, Gong Ming pressed the key of the big G of the Mercedes-Benz.

"Son, isn't that your Audi R8? Where did this Mercedes-Benz big G come from?" Gong Jianguo, his father, asked enviously.

When did my little boy change cars so diligently? A few days ago, he was still driving an Audi R8. How long ago did he change to a Mercedes-Benz big g.

"This is Xiangxiang's car. My car is at Xiangxiang's!" Gong Ming fixed Xiangxiang on the child safety seat, while his mother sat beside Xiangxiang.

"Bring the key, I'll open it!" Dad stretched out his hand, wanting to ask for the key.

"Dad, you drank alcohol yesterday. If you drive now, you will be caught drinking and driving!" Of course, Gong Ming couldn't hand over the keys.

"That's right, I don't know how to abide by the traffic laws all day long, don't drink and drive, and don't drink while driving. Children understand it. Don't you know?" Mother Jiang Yan opened the rear window and stuck her head out. Counting on Dad.

Dad patted his head in embarrassment. At this time, Xiao Xiangxiang made a stab from the side: "Grandma, why does grandpa want to drink and drive? Xiangxiang knows the reason why drinking and driving is not allowed, but grandpa doesn't. Grandpa is not as smart as Xiangxiang!"

After finishing speaking, she straightened her little nose proudly, and her expression seemed to say: "Grandma, look, Xiangxiang is so smart, come and praise me."

My mother really loves this little clever ghost, and she directly praised: "We Xiangxiang are still smart, and grandpa is so stupid when he is so grown up."

Dad opened the co-pilot's door and sat in. As for his Audi A6l, because he drank yesterday, he stopped at the Taihu Marriott Hotel and did not drive back.

An hour later, the Mercedes-Benz big g drove into the golden waterfront villa area of ​​Taihu Lake.

"Grandma, are you going to Xiangxiang's house? Xiangxiang's house is so much fun. If grandma comes, Xiangxiang will show you around!" Seeing her villa getting closer, Han Xiangrui said Jiang Yan, the mother beside her, said.

My mother is also very puzzled, isn't it to my new villa?Why does Xiangxiang's family also live in this community?

"Mom, Xiangxiang's family lives in No. [-], and ours lives in No. [-]. The distance is very close. If you want Xiangxiang in the future, it will be very convenient!" Gong Ming explained.

In front of Villa No. [-], put the Mercedes-Benz Big G in the public parking space, and then Gong Ming took out the new door key and opened the door.

"My lord, this will be our new home from now on, let's see if you like it?" Gong Ming said courteously to his mother.

Looking at the villa in front of me, the decoration style is modern and simple, without the grandeur of European decoration, but it gives people the warmth of home.

"Honey, come here quickly, let me see if I'm dreaming?" Mom greeted Gong Jianguo, who was behind her.

Dad didn't know the danger was coming. When he walked to his mother, a hand was already on his arm.

"Ah!" An earth-shattering scream made mother Jiang Yan completely sure that all this was not a daydream.

"Xiangxiang, go and see grandma's new home with grandma." Mother Jiang Yan still hadn't forgotten Xiao Xiangxiang's existence at this time, so she hugged Xiao Xiangxiang and came to the gate.

"My lord, this is the latest type of fingerprint lock. Let me engrave your fingerprints for you!" Gong Ming pointed to the fingerprint lock without a keyhole on the door.

After the fingerprints were successfully registered, the mother took Xiao Xiangxiang's hand and recorded the fingerprints.

"Xiangxiang, from now on, as long as you miss grandma, you can come to the house to play directly, and you don't need to find someone to open the door for you!" After finishing speaking, my mother glanced at Gong Ming, which seemed to mean "I made the decision, who No comments allowed? '

Gong Ming didn't dare to have any objections, after all no one could easily challenge the majesty of the head of the family, otherwise the fists of the two uncles were just for display.

My mother walked around the villa happily with Xiangxiang, and found a special room on the second floor.

This is a children's activity room with a large number of play equipment and a large Lego wall on the wall.

"Big brother, come up quickly, you can play Lego here!" Xiangxiang ran to the tempered glass guardrail and shouted loudly at Gong Ming.

After speaking, he ran into the room.

Gong Ming was very puzzled. He only looked at the master bedroom, second bedroom, living room, etc. for the decoration plan at that time. As for the children's activity room, he didn't seem to have asked for it.

Well, the Lego company held an event some time ago and sent a lot of building blocks to our company. You also know that none of the young people in our company are married?What's the use of Lego?

I originally thought that if any customer has children at home, I would send some, but I received your order of 500 million.

When our designer thought about switching to Lego anyway, it would be better to build a children’s leisure room for this villa, so that children can also play with Lego to develop their intelligence.

"Dad, you're still thoughtful!" Gong Ming was a little dumbfounded.

There is a large home theater on the third floor, with six space chairs in one room, standard cinema configuration, perfect for families to watch movies together.

After Gong Ming simply walked around the villa, he came to the children's activity room.

Xiangxiang happily assembled building blocks, while her mother was videoing with her little sisters.

"Sister Wang! What are you doing? I don't have time to repair the Great Wall this afternoon. Alas, it's all because of our stupid son who bought me a villa at this time. Look at such a big one. The house, he will leave after school in a few days, let me take care of it alone, what do you think I should do?"

Sure enough, the war between women is invisible. All kinds of flaunting of wealth, husband, and son, accidentally become victims of the battlefield.

Gong Jianguo sat on the sofa, wondering what he was thinking about?
"Dad, what's the matter?" Gong Ming took out two bottles of water from the refrigerator and went to his father's side.

"Son, it's nothing, I'm just thinking about something!" Gong Jianguo said a little bit, the goal he had been striving for was easily achieved by his son, and he suddenly felt that he was old.

"Dad, should you replace that broken Audi of yours?" Gong Ming opened the bottle cap for Dad, and sent the mineral water over. Driving an old-fashioned broken Audi A6L and going out to negotiate contracts will be laughed at!"

Gong Jianguo took the water and thought about it. This is indeed the truth, but even though he is a boss, the financial power has always been in Jiang Yan's hands, and the small treasury has to secretly buy some cigarettes. Think about it or forget it?
Otherwise, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he had caught something?
"That son, this time the contract has been negotiated. Thanks to you, Dad will reward you with a car. You can go and see for yourself and I will reimburse you when you come back!" After speaking, he glanced at his son, afraid that he would not understand Then he added: "Recently there was an auto show in Beijing, and Porsche seems to have released a new SUV!"

(End of this chapter)

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