Chapter 137 85 is like 85 yuan

Chapter 130 Seven

Gong Ming happily chatted with Miss Savannah, and soon the relationship between the two became much closer.

Gong Ming turned his head and found that the man named Ye Fan was still standing aside, a little dazed, and then he said directly, "Uncle, you are still here, I think you are gone!"

Ye Fan's face was flushed red, and then a few words popped out between his teeth: "I'll have a look again, can't I?"

Gong Ming, of course he understands the other party's intentions, this guy wants to see if I buy it or not?If I don't buy it, he can jump out and say something sarcastic.

However, how could such a trick allow him to succeed?
Speak directly to break Ye Fan's inner activities.

"By the way, I remember that your King's World Entertainment Company seems to be an anchor guild of the Dousha platform, right?" Gong Ming finally remembered, what is this King's World?
The previous time when Su Mei was in PK, she met a female anchor, who was the anchor of Wangwang Tianxia Entertainment.

"Does your Wangwangtianxia Entertainment Company have a guild called Wangwangtianxia on the Dousha platform?" Gong Ming asked directly.

Ye Fan's eyes lit up, how did the other party know the situation of his guild? Could it be that the young man in front of him also likes to praise the female anchor.

Gong Ming saw Ye Fan's reaction in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised to see that his guess was correct, and continued to tease: "Uncle, how can you say that your King's World Guild is also a big guild on the Dousha platform, this car, hehehe !"

Ye Fan was even happier in his heart. Since the other party also played live broadcasts, he could win over him, but he just wanted to talk but heard the other party say it again.

"Forget it, forget it, I'd better buy the car first! Otherwise, what are you going to say later?" Gong Ming casually took out his wallet from his pocket, and took out a black bank card.

Then he said: "Uncle, I'm not talking about you, you must be willing to spend your money to flirt with a girl, and you must not be stingy, you want someone's WeChat ID and don't want to buy a car like this, you take advantage of everything that is good! "

What happened in this showroom had already caught the attention of the Ferrari sales executive, who came from behind.

"Swipe the card!" Gong Ming handed his Swiss Bank Centurion Black Gold Card to the sales director.

"The commission of this order belongs to her!" Gong Ming pointed at Savannah standing next to the Ferrari 488 spider.

The sales executive nodded. Of course she understands these things. After all, they are all men. Who would...

Savannah was stunned when she saw the sales executive accepting the bank card. She originally thought that this handsome little brother just wanted to come over to help her out.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he directly bought this Ferrari 390 worth 488 million.

"Miss sister, do you regret it? We agreed to buy a car to give away the elf, but you said that yourself?" Gong Ming looked at Savannah with a seasoned expression and said.

Savannah blushed slightly, and then said in her broken Chinese: "Handsome brother, you really bought it, I thought you were joking!"

"I came to the Imperial Capital this time to buy a means of transportation at the auto show, but I didn't expect that Ferrari would buy a sports car as a gift for elves. How could I miss such an event?" Gong Ming said with a smile.

Savannah asked again: "Handsome brother, you didn't even ask the price, are you going to buy this car?"

Gong Ming shook his head with a smile, and said, "I don't have much money, so I just bought it. Anyway, someone will reimburse me when I get home!"

After saying this, Gong Jianguo, the father-in-law who was socializing in a five-star hotel in Sioux City, couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine, as if something important had happened.

"Brother Jianguo, what's the matter?" Zhao Zhongmin asked, patting the palace father on the shoulder.

"Brother Zhao, it's nothing, maybe I drank too much just now!" Father Gong perfectly attributed the reaction just now to too much alcohol.

Today, as soon as the contract was finalized in the morning, the group went directly to the hotel to start business exchanges.

At this time, the sales director installed the POS machine and took the contract together, and then said to Gong Ming: "Sir, our Ferrari 488 spider is a special edition, and the interior configuration uses the latest carbon fiber, so the price will be slightly higher." It's more expensive!"

Gong Ming didn't expect that this Ferrari 488 was not an ordinary 488. How could carbon fiber be so expensive?Could it be more expensive than my own Aston Martin one 77?

Seeing Gong Ming's indifferent expression, the sales manager reported the final price: "Sir, the final price of this Ferrari 488 spider special edition is 475 million!"

Gong Ming didn't expect that it would be 85 more for a simple carbon fiber configuration, but these were within his acceptable range, after all, he still had a one-time super consumption cashback card.

"It's okay, you can swipe your card!" Gong Ming said casually, as if it wasn't 85 yuan, but 85 yuan.

Ye Fan was speechless at the side, kids, be yourself!
Gong Ming took the POS machine casually, then entered the password, and prepared to sign the car purchase contract.

"Sir, our special edition Ferrari 488 giveaway is..." The sales manager was about to explain the giveaway, but was interrupted by Gong Ming.

"It doesn't matter what you give, anyway, didn't you say it? Buy a Ferrari and give it to the elf?" Gong Ming smiled and looked at Savannah.

"That, sir, that's a joke!" The sales manager wanted to explain, after all, buying and selling people is against the law.

Gong Ming didn't care about this, he walked up to Savannah and asked with a smile, "Miss, have you signed a contract with a brokerage company? If not, I can let the company sign you and make you a big star!"

When Savannah heard that she could become a big star, she was a little bit moved. She came to Huaguo all the way, isn't it just for her dream?
I was admitted to the Imperial Dance Academy with excellent grades, and I studied floor gymnastics, isn't that why?
"Handsome brother, why don't you give me a day to think about it, let's add a WeChat first!" Savannah took out a fruit phone from somewhere, clicked on the WeChat QR code, and agreed to Gong Ming's request. Friend requests.

At this time, the sales manager ran over again, and within 3 minutes, the car purchase contract was finalized, the car purchase gifts were also finalized, and even the first year's insurance was also finalized at the same time.

The 475 million Ferrari 488 spider special edition was bought directly.

Gong Ming felt as if he just bought a toy during the whole process, so easy.

Gong Ming signed his name on the car purchase contract. Since then, this Ferrari 488 has become Gong Ming's new toy.

When the contract was signed, Ye Fan had quietly disappeared into the crowd. After all, today's embarrassment is really too great.

(End of this chapter)

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