Chapter 144 Surrender to Fate

Chapter 140 Four Surrender to Fate
"So? In the end, your decision is..." Gong Ming handed over the final choice to Shangguan Yurong.

The car was in an awkward situation for a while, when Gong Ming's cell phone rang.

After connecting to the bluetooth in the car, I found that this call was actually made by Ren Ran.

Ren Ran's nice voice came from the stereo: "Boss, is it because I don't call you that you can't remember him?"

Gong Ming smiled and said, "What's wrong? My Miss Ren, unexpectedly remembered to call me, this salted fish!"

"Boss, look at what you said, you are a shopkeeper, and you are busy with errands like us. You see, it's only been a few days, and their calves are getting thicker!" Ren Ranjiao's voice came from the phone. Come.

Hearing this delicate voice, Shangguan Yurong felt inexplicably nervous, as if someone wanted to grab something precious from her.

"Okay, let's get down to business! What exactly is it?" Gong Ming asked straight to the point.

"Boss, we have found two good seedlings at the Shanghai Academy of Drama, and we plan to sign all of them into the company, just to ask for your opinion!" Ren Ran said directly.

"You decide this kind of small matter yourself. By the way, what are the names of the two students you are going to sign?" Gong Ming directly delegated authority over such small things as signing artists, but then thought that if it was an ordinary student, Ren Ran He wouldn't make this call at all. It must be that there is something special about these two students?

"Yes, these two female students, one is from northern Xinjiang, named Didier Reba, and the other is named Tian Xiwei!" Ren Ran said from the phone.

Hearing the names of these two people, Gong Ming's eyes lit up. According to the historical process, Didi Gerba should sign a direct contract with Yang Xiaomi this year and become her artist.

Perhaps because of the space problem, the current Yang Xiaomi is not as popular as in his previous life, and he has not jumped out to open his own studio alone.

However, I recently heard from Qin Hao that Yang Xiaomi wants to open his own studio to take over the drama himself. Of course, Qin Hao will have a large stake in the film.

"Sign it. By the way, you send someone to the capital. I found two good seedlings here. If possible, I will sign them to the company." Gong Ming suddenly thought of Savannah, who fell into the world. The elves, such elves can only be in their own hands.

"Okay, boss, then tomorrow I will go to the imperial capital in person!" Ren Ran hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Gong Ming was taken aback for a moment, before she finished speaking, she hung up the phone. Does she know where she lives?
Shangguan Yurong is very entangled now. The phone call just now made her fully aware that the male god in front of her has an unusual identity and background.

After all, it doesn't matter if he is so handsome, and he can open a film and television entertainment agency. Thinking about it, his family background is definitely not simple.

"Have you figured it out? Give me your choice!" Gong Ming stopped the car in front of the traffic lights, and asked Shangguan Yurong again to the side.

Shangguan Yurong finally made the final decision. The male god in front of her had a pun. If she wanted to, she would not have to worry about life for the rest of her life. This time the choice was very important.

"I want to go to SKP!" Shangguan Yurong made the final decision.

Skp, the biggest luxury counter is Hermes, but Hermes, how can a girl like me own it casually!
"Okay, then let's go to skp!" Gong Ming clicked on the phone's navigation and located skp by voice.

"700 meters ahead, turn right at the traffic lights, please pay attention to pedestrians on the sidewalk!"

Gaode map made a navigation reminder.

The imperial capital Skp was originally the Shin Kong Place of the imperial capital. In 14 years, the imperial capital took the Shin Kong Place back from the hands of the Taiwanese, and then formed the current imperial capital Skp.

In just one year, the imperial capital skp has become a landmark building in the imperial capital's luxury business circle. Shangguan Yurong only heard about the existence of skp from her roommates, but she really dare not go in for a stroll.

After all, the 1st floor of skp is full of international luxury counters, and a random pair of sandals in it costs 7500, which is just the cheapest kind.

You let a girl whose living expenses do not exceed 1000 a month go to such a shopping mall, she really dare not.

Gong Ming drove the Porsche 911 to the Imperial Capital SKP near Dawang Bridge in Chaoyang District, entered the underground parking lot, and quickly found a parking space.

"Get out of the car!" Gong Ming helped Shangguan Yurong untie the seat belt that was restraining the giant panda.

Opening the co-pilot's door, Shangguan Yurong came out.

After taking this step, her life will say goodbye to the past.

"Shall we buy clothes for you first, or eat something first?" Gong Ming looked at the nervous Shangguan Yurong, and gave her the choice.

"Let's go shopping for clothes first! Let's go after shopping, it's too expensive here!" Shangguan Yurong walked to Gong Ming's side, and consciously held Gong Ming's right hand on his chest.

Although a decision has been made, if the big fish are scared away at once, the loss outweighs the gain.

How could Gong Ming not understand Shangguan Yurong's mind, the two walked to the elevator and prepared to go upstairs.

Along the way, Shangguan Yurong looked at the cars in the parking lot. The cheapest car here was a BMW [-] series, and there were countless million-dollar luxury cars.

As for the kind of 30 million, I dare not park in this parking lot. Generally, such cars are parked in the second underground parking lot.

Just as he walked to the elevator, Gong Ming heard a cooing sound.

Turning his head to follow the sound, he found that the sound was actually Shangguan Yurong's stomach?

Seeing the look in Gong Ming's eyes, Shangguan Yurong couldn't help but blushed, this scene was so embarrassing.

"Didn't you have lunch?" Gong Ming asked with a teasing smile.

Shangguan Yurong nodded, hummed softly, and then said: "The first day I took over the work of Porsche and their family, how did I know that their family does not provide work meals, and I originally planned to eat casually after get off work, but it turned out..."

The elevator door opened, Gong Ming pulled Shangguan Yurong into the elevator, and pressed the button for the sixth floor.

"Aren't we going to buy clothes?" Shangguan Yurong asked suspiciously.

Gong Ming shook his head with a smile, and then said, "I'm a little hungry too, go eat something with me!"

The sixth floor is the gourmet world of the imperial capital skp, where there are a lot of gourmet food that can be checked in.

"What kind of food do you like to eat?" Gong Ming asked Shangguan Yurong beside him.

Shangguan Yurong thought for a while, and said directly: "I am from Sichuan Prefecture, so I like to eat hot pot and so on, why don't we go eat hot pot!"

Gong Ming thought of the spiciness of Chuanfu hotpot, and his saliva was drooling just thinking about it.

"Forget it, places like Skp probably won't let those Chuanfu hot pots stay, I'll take you to eat Huaiyang cuisine!" Gong Ming made the final decision.

The two came to Yuyuan Jingmeng on the sixth floor. This is a Huaiyang restaurant. The per capita consumption is only 300 yuan, but for 300 yuan, if you want to eat something, you are completely dreaming.

Huaiyang cuisine is famous for its delicacy, and its development places are Huai'an and Yangzhou, both of which are in Jiangnan province.

This has also caused people all over the country to think of Jiangnan Province when they mention it, and they are all a group of foodies.

Not a single duck can survive without leaving Jinling, and not a single crayfish can escape the iron pot of Dahuai.

"Welcome to Youyuan Jingmeng. Are there two, Mr. and Madam?" A waiter asked
"We have a large group of people here, can't you see it?" Gong Ming didn't know what to think, and said it directly.

Miss waiter, the whole person is extremely embarrassing.

"Okay, the two of us will prepare a seat by the window for us!" Gong Ming saw the embarrassment of the waiter, and gave up his plan to continue teasing.

"Okay, sir and madam, please follow me!" The waiter didn't want to stay for a moment, and a two-person seat by the window last time walked over.

"Sir, here is the menu!" Gong Ming and Shangguan Yurong sat down, and the waiter put a menu in front of Gong Ming.

"See what you like!" Gong Ming handed the menu to Shangguan Yurong.

Shangguan Yurong took the menu and simply flipped through it.

Huaiyang cuisine is famous for its exquisiteness, and the pictures on each menu are extremely exquisite.

"Give me a Wensi tofu, another stir-fried seasonal vegetable, and this Subei old chicken soup!" Shangguan Yurong ordered three dishes and handed the menu to Gong Ming.

When Gong Ming saw Shangguan Zi Yurong's posture, he had never eaten Huaiyang cuisine.

Picking up the menu, pointing to the waiter, this and this, ordered five or six dishes in a row, and then handed the menu to the waiter.

"By the way, serve a pot of lemonade!" Gong Ming said to the waiter.

It is best to eat Huaiyang cuisine with lemonade, because lemonade is the most greasy.

Huaiyang cuisine is famous for its heavy oil, so it will be served with lemonade for guests to choose.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the dishes ordered by the two were served one after another.

It is already two o'clock in the afternoon, and this is the peak shopping period in Imperial Capital Skp, which also makes the restaurant on the sixth floor very quiet.

After eating for about an hour, Shangguan Yurong drank the lemonade in the glass, and then patted her slightly swollen belly in satisfaction.

"How is it? Huaiyang cuisine is better than hot pot, right?" Gong Ming only ate a little the whole time, and the rest was watching each other fight over food.

Shangguan Yurong nodded, and then said: "Well, no one in Sichuan Province does salted egg yolk crayfish at all. The crayfish in our place are all spicy, and the crayfish in our place are all calculated according to the pot. , the crayfish here are actually counted by one!”

That's right, the crayfish in the Imperial City are calculated on a one-by-one basis. Last year, a person from Dahuai came to the Imperial City and wanted to eat lobsters, so he ordered a pot directly. When he finally paid the bill, he almost didn't cry.

Before, he said aggressively to the waiter, "Do you know that crayfish are a specialty of our Dahuai region. If you say that, some people will think that we can't afford crayfish!"

 Thanks to Heguang Tongchen for the great reward. Pujie has been busy with work recently. After NO.15 settled down, the update returned to normal. Recently, 4.5 thousand words per day, sorry.
(End of this chapter)

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