Chapter 15

Chapter No.16 Blatantly Robbing the Big Brother

After the second round, the two sides were very friendly and added friends. This may be Su Daji's first friend anchor on Shark Fighting Platform!
At the beginning of the third round, Su Daji consciously climbed onto the pillow!
After all, it doesn't matter if she shows her talents or not, because sleeping is the best talent show!

At this time, a voice came from the live broadcast room next to it.

"Hi, young lady across the street. I'm Xiaoxiao Mo from the Perfect Guild. I'm very happy to connect with my young lady." Xiaoxiao Mo from the Perfect Guild is a girl who can reach 80 points in appearance.

With her green tea-like makeup, Gong Ming only wanted to give her 82 points.As for the remaining 18 points, everyone knows!
Xiao Xiaomo continued: "Miss, is the big brother on this list the legendary emperor? It's really amazing. Have you already contributed 16 yuan?"

Su Mei smiled slightly, alleviating the embarrassment: "Yes, young lady, thanks to the support of our big brother, otherwise Su Daji would be ugly again today!"

Hearing Su Mei's words, Xiao Mo immediately got angry: "Brother, big brother, please familiarize yourself, welcome to Xiao Mo's live broadcast room, Xiao Xiao Mo can sing, dance, and play games!"

As she spoke, she showed an expression that everyone understood, Su Mei was even more embarrassed at this time, what do you mean?Come to my live broadcast room to blatantly snatch my elder brother. If you snatch him away like this, what will I do in the future?
"Miss, let's start right away!" After speaking, he clicked the PK button!

"Brother Gong Sifenming, you won't go there!" He said with a pitiful and helpless expression!
The corner of Gong Ming's mouth raised slightly, and then he said: "Just as I was about to go there, the young lady opposite can sing, dance, and play games, unlike some people who can't sleep well!"

"Wow, brother, please forgive me, I will go to learn to sing and dance, I will go to bed right now!" Su Mei stared at the screen pitifully and said, before lying down on the pillow!
Seeing the start of the PK, Li Xiaoyao, the eldest brother in Xiao Mo's room, shot two super rockets directly.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Gong Ming's mouth rose slightly: "What do you mean? Who do you look down on? You just swipe twice!"

With the finger pointing, ten super-hot animations rose in Su Mei's live broadcast room!

"This is super fire, what's the point of two shots and two shots?" Gong Ming typed on the screen.

This sentence directly exploded in the live broadcast room.

At this time, a large number of water friends from Su Mei's live broadcast room ran to Xiao Mo's room, and then the barrage bombing started

"Our big brother said, brush the super fire ten shots to start!"

"Our big brother said, brush the super fire ten shots to start!"

"Our big brother said, brush the super fire ten shots to start!"

"Our big brother said, brush the super fire ten shots to start!"

Uniform format, such words as keeping the formation downstairs, are directly 1 minute on the barrage in Xiaomo's live broadcast room!

At this time, Xiao Xiaomo's face was darkened, and he said coquettishly to Li Xiaoyao, the leader of the list: "Brother Xiaoyao, I want to be super hot!"

Li Xiaoyao frowned slightly. Xiao Mo was openly in other people's room before, and his behavior of pulling big brother made him very unhappy, but now he is still so greedy?

"Ten rounds are super hot, and you deserve it too!" After Li Xiaoyao sent this sentence, a message appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Duke Li Xiaoyao quit the live broadcast room!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned, what do you mean?This female anchor was abandoned?There are so many melons to eat!
Seeing the departure of her big brother, Xiao Xiaomo's face turned blue, but she quickly regained her composure. After all, the PK is still going on. If she surrenders now, the loss will be too miserable!

In the live broadcast room, she was dancing and begging for gifts, but she was blown away by the barrage!
"What's dancing? Not yet, Su Daji looks good when she sleeps!"

"That's right, let's go back and watch Su Daji sleep!"

"Really? It's so beautiful, I'll go too!"

Looking at the barrage on the public screen, Xiao Xiaomo wanted to cry but had no tears, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money, and there is no way to play like this!

Su Mei looked at the rocket that took off in the live broadcast room, lay on the pillow and said directly: "Thank you, Brother Gong Sifenming for the ten shots! The little girl has nothing to repay, she can only act as a sleeping one!"

Hearing Su Mei's words, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"Su Daji, I suspect you are driving, but I have no proof!"

"Little anchor, are you drifting away? Just perform one sleep after ten super-hot shots! How can I sing a song?"

At the end of the first round, Gong Ming didn't brush anything after ten shots of super fire. Seeing that the difference between the two sides was seven shots of super fire, how could it be impossible to turn around if there was no trade union to make up the gap?

At the beginning of the second round, ten shots are super-fired first?The battle is locked!

"Thank you, big brother, for allowing the little anchor to successfully pass the third round!" Seeing that she had won again, Su Mei jumped up from her seat happily.

Just when it fell, it was not perfect, and I sat on the ground with my buttocks, and I could feel the pain through the computer screen with that plop!

Su Mei stood up, with one hand behind her back, stroking her wounded place, that pear-blossoming face with rain added three points of enchanting charm!

In the live broadcast room, the barrage flew up
"Typing with both hands to show innocence!"

"I can't take it anymore, I can't keep up with nutrition!"

"My nutrition express is wasted again!"

"You guys can afford the Nutrition Express, poor thing I can only drink Wahaha!"

Looking at these bullet screens, Gong Ming smiled slightly, these people are so cute!
"Little anchor, you go to bed first, I'll get a bottle of Feizhai Happy Water." Gong Ming sent a message.

'Xiuer Benxiu! '

'Little anchor, sleep? '

'I have found something in common with my elder brother, and I can also afford to drink Fat House Happy Water! '

'Let's not talk about it, I'll also go downstairs to buy a bottle of Fat House Happy Water, pretending to live the same life as my elder brother! '

'Fat House Happy Water: Am I too ostentatious? '

Naturally, Su Mei saw Gong Ming's message. She smiled on her face, but her heart was full of skin, but she followed Gong Ming's instructions and slept on the pillow again.

The patrol super tube of the Dousha platform, after entering the live broadcast room, saw the female anchor Su Daji sleeping on the table, and was stunned. What does this mean?Sleeping live,?
Look again, the gifts on the VIP seats are even more sluggish, when can you get so much super fire while sleeping?

Chaoguan hurriedly got up and reported the data of this live broadcast room to the superior!
The fourth round was also a small problem, 20 rounds of super fire solved the battle!

The fifth round came to the semi-finals. Because it was a PK battle hosted by four guilds, there were six rounds in total to decide the championship!
 make up for yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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