Chapter 157
Chapter 150 VII Golden Port Automobile Park

As for Andy's Lamborghini, let's simply arrange a Maverick. After all, the price of more than 300 million on the road is most suitable for a mature and stable woman like Andy.

Afterwards, he directly dialed Chen Ming's phone number and told him about his requirements. After all, the regional managers of supercars like Aston Martin or Ferrari, or even Lamborghini, knew each other.

Moreover, Chen Ming didn't pretend to be like himself and others. After all, you can pretend for a day for a month by yourself, but if you can pretend for a lifetime, then you are really invincible.

After all, Qin Hao and these demons are rich second generations, which one is not a human being?

Can let Qin Hao call him Lao Chen, if so, if he still pretends, then his pretending is also advisable.

And this kind of favor that is of no use to him, who is he not to give?
An hour later, the sales manager of Mercedes-Benz came over, and four staff members installed the translation trolley on the four wheels of this Mercedes-Benz ML63AMG.

In this way, the Mercedes-Benz showcase dismantled the Mercedes-Benz ML63.

"Young Master Ming, all the formalities have been completed. Here are your car keys!" The sales manager handed the Mercedes-Benz car keys to Gong Ming respectfully.

Gong Ming reached out to take it, said thank you, and then turned to look at Wang Heng and Han Shuo.

"Brother Heng, Brother Shuo, what's next?"

Wang Heng thought for a while and said, "Do you know about Jingang Auto Park?"

Who hasn't heard of the Jingang Auto Park in the imperial capital?It is better to say that it is a small car club than a car park.

The submerged track is a feature of Goldenport Auto Park. Sometimes you can see luxury cars speeding on the track in the auto park when you stand on the side of the road.

The F3-level venue has a 2.3-kilometer super short-track rally track and a 2.8-kilometer asphalt track.

Gong Ming looked at Wang Heng suspiciously.

Wang Heng smiled and said, "I've booked the show from [-]pm to [-]pm!"

When Han Shuo heard this, he jumped up immediately, and said happily, "Brother, my dear brother, arrange some nice cars for me!"

Just finished speaking, and then added: "Brother, it is best to arrange a 718, let me try its performance, can I get it?"

Gong Ming did not expect that Wang Heng's reciprocity would come so quickly.

In the game I saved yesterday, something like Qian Xiaohao's cheating on the game happened, which made Wang Heng's side explode. They arranged a racing car today.

Obviously, Wang Heng put his heart into this event at night. After all, the other party also found out that Sioux City does not have a professional F3 racing track, so he wanted Gong Ming to experience the speeding feeling of the car on the track.

"By the way, Brother Ming, for this event, I also invited some buddies, all of whom are friends who play cars in our circle, and some of them are masters. We will run for a while then." Wang Heng said in advance.

Gong Ming agreed, "Brother Heng is paying attention!"

At this time, Ren Ran came over with Savannah, and made an OK gesture to Gong Ming.

Sure enough, if this woman Ren Ran attacks, is there anyone she can't take down?
"I just ordered a red Aston Martin DL.8 for you. It just so happens that this car is also on display today. Why don't you go to Lao Chen to see if you like it?" Gong Ming sent Ren Ran away with a reward.

After all, it was the system that rewarded his confidant, with outstanding abilities, appearance reached 95 points, and loyalty was always at full value. What's wrong with giving some rewards to such a secretary?
Looking at the time, it's almost 03:30.

Wang Heng and Han Shuo left first and went to Jingang Auto Park to make some arrangements.

When Han Shuo was leaving, he took away the keys to Gong Ming's Porsche 911.

That car stopped at the Tangshui shop near Gongti yesterday, but it didn't come back, so it just happened to be able to drive away today.

Near four o'clock, Gong Ming took Shangguan Yurong to Jingang Auto Park. As for Amy, who didn't come home all night, his mother called her and went back to explain what happened yesterday.

Amy is also hard to say, Amy also has a headache. I can’t go back and tell my mother, “I was sneaking in the middle lane yesterday, and found that the little brother of the opponent’s top laner is very handsome and has very good physical strength. Then I did it out of excitement. With an assist, he handed over his first attempt, allowing him to complete a double kill! '

If you say that, you will probably be beaten to death by your mother!

"Husband, my mother told me to go back. I won't be able to accompany you tonight, but Sister Shangguan will work hard with my share. Come on!" She transformed into an old driver overnight!
Shangguan Yurong didn't know what her good sister said to cheer up?
But thinking about the experience last night, if it wasn't for the help of this good sister, I probably would have died. After all, it was a pain I couldn't bear!
But thinking that tonight, I may have to endure this pain and be happy again, I feel so shy!
Gong Ming parked this brand new Mercedes-Benz ML63Amg in the parking lot.

At this time in the parking lot area, Gong Ming found that Wang Heng and Han Shuo were surrounded by a dozen people, and Wang Heng was greeting these people.

Han Shuo was flirtatiously leaning against the door of the Porsche 911Gt 3 rs.

Gong Ming hugged Shangguan Yurong and walked towards Wang Heng and Han Shuo.

When Gong Ming and Shangguan Yurong came to Wang Heng's side, Wang Heng took the initiative to introduce these people around to Gong Ming.

There are a total of more than a dozen people, if he can remember everyone's name, then what a ghost.

But Gong Ming told everyone politely, hello!
"It's time for us to reserve the venue soon. Thank you very much for your interview today. After a while, I will run with brother Ming for two laps, so that my brother can get familiar with the venue, and then we will arrange the racing." Seeing that both parties are simple After getting to know each other, Wang Heng said hello.

Everyone responded enthusiastically. Today's round was obviously more harmonious. Everyone was very polite and gave Wang Heng and Gong Ming a lot of face.

Obviously, Wang Heng lost face because of Mr. 13's drinking game last night, and he started to work hard today!

At four o'clock, the private time began, and a group of people, led by the staff of Jingang Motorsports Park, entered the racing track!

With the help of the staff, Gong Ming inspected this Ferrari 488 spider.

The owner of this Ferrari 488 spider is a young man, and he doesn't seem to have any pride.

Because the other party and Shangguan Yurong share the same surname, Shangguan Hao, which is the only name Gong Ming remembers among the dozen or so people.

After all, the other party is the owner of this Ferrari 488 spider, Gong Ming took the key from the other party, and politely said to the other party: "Thank you, buddy!"

(End of this chapter)

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