Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 161 Investigated for Drunk Driving

Chapter 161 Investigated for Drunk Driving (4200 words)
Chapter 160 Investigated for Drunk Driving
When Qian Duoduo heard Gong Ming's fresh and refined bull beep, he couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his thumbs up and said, "Brother Ming, bull beep!"

Originally, in his plan, he would flatter the other party and then propose a dry bottle. If the other party hesitated at all, he could propose to end the drinking situation.

In the end, Gong Ming's coquettishness unexpectedly caused Qian Duoduo to break his waist.

"Duo Toge, I think everyone has enough to eat and drink, so let's have a decisive battle, one person and one bottle against each other, how about a draw as long as we finish drinking?" Gong Ming said and opened two more bottles of Niulanshan .

What else can Qian Duoduo say, when his own thoughts are spoken out by the other party, he can only say "yes", what else can he say?
However, his thoughts and Gong Ming's actions are completely different.

Reaching out to take the bottle of Niulanshan that Gong Ming handed over, the two touched the bottle and prepared to blow on it.

However, dreams will always be defeated by reality. After drinking Xiaosanliang Qianduoduo, he could no longer suppress the tumbling in his heart, put down the bottle, and ran out of the store.

Gong Ming choked down a bottle of Niulanshan in one gulp, threw the empty bottle on the table, and then sat on the chair.

You know, this Niulanshan liquor is 52% liquor, no one can stand it after a bottle?

Here I have to mention a joke, a southerner and a northerner drink together.

The southerner said: Let's just drink a little today, after all, my alcohol capacity is not very good.

As soon as the northerners heard this, they immediately became anxious: they can’t drink too well, so what are you afraid of? Don’t worry, I can drink well, and I’ll send you back later!
The two had a big meal, and the ground was covered with five or six empty wine bottles, and the northerners were already lying on the table.

The southerner gently shaved his teeth with a toothpick, and then said: I have said that I am not a good drinker, how do you know that your drinker is worse than me?
So when southerners say they can't drink it, they are all lying, and when northerners say they can't drink it, they really can't drink it!

A few minutes later, Qian Duoduo wobbled and walked in with the support of a girl.

Sitting at the main table, he said, "Brother Ming, you can drink a lot! My brother is convinced!"

At this moment, the cold system notification sounded again in Gong Ming's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, the system reward is being settled, please wait patiently for the host! 】

[The system settlement has been completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining a mysterious gift package]

[Host, do you want to open the mysterious gift bag? 】

Gong Ming, who was in Lonely Kerry, sat in his seat, feeling that he had no friends in the wine market!
It was time for the show to end, Gong Ming got up and walked to the front desk of the old Shengli in Changping Yangfang, ready to pay the bill.

At this time, the proprietress came out and said: "Master Heng has already arranged everything, even if everyone is drunk, there is no need to worry about paying the bill!"

Gong Ming took another look at Wang Henggao, such a person is really worth making friends with.

"Rongrong, haven't you had a drink?" Gong Ming looked at Shangguan Yurong and asked.

Shangguan Yurong also expressed her helplessness, what if she didn't drink alcohol?Without a driver's license, I can still drive for you, brother, driving without a license is illegal!

It seems that the matter of taking a driver's license test is about to be put on the agenda, Shangguan Yurong thought secretly.

"I've already called Sister Amy, she will be here soon!" Shangguan Yurong said with her head lowered.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, a taxi stopped at the door of the old victory, Amy came down from the back row.

"Honey, you're drinking!" Amy ran over, smelling the tangy smell of alcohol from a distance.

Shangguan Yurong nodded in confirmation.

The three of them walked to the Mercedes-Benz ML 63 that they just bought today.

"Amy, come and drive, Rongrong doesn't have a driver's license!" Gong Ming opened the co-pilot's door and got in.

Shangguan Yurong sat in the back row consciously, and Amy nervously got into the cab.

Seeing Amy's nervous look, Gong Ming also became nervous all of a sudden, and said weakly, "Don't you have a driver's license? What are you afraid of?"

Amy blushed with embarrassment, and then whispered: "I have never touched a car since I got my driver's license. This is the first time I have been allowed to drive by myself!"

After finishing speaking, his hand, which had nowhere to rest, accidentally touched the lock button on the door, and locked the door with one click.

Shangguan Yurong sat on the back seat with her body, and said in a trembling voice: "Sister, the lives of my husband and I are in your hands, so take it easy!"

It’s okay not to say, but when it was said that Amy became more nervous, Amy said tremblingly: "Don't worry, I should be fine if I drive slowly!"

Gong Ming sat on the co-pilot and watched the vehicles on the road pass this Mercedes-Benz one after another.

Suddenly, I feel ashamed for Mercedes-Benz. Although Mercedes-Benz has oil leaks and poor service attitude, it is certain, but the domestically produced Chery with 63 to [-] yuan can leave this Mercedes-Benz ML[-] far behind.

From Changping District of the North Sixth Ring Road to Wudaokou in the Haidian District of the Fourth Ring Road, the traffic control department checked on the road.

Looking at dozens of vehicles waiting for inspection ahead, this Mercedes-Benz ML30 with a speed of 63 kilometers per hour caught the attention of traffic controllers.

You know, a car like Mercedes-Benz can drive sixty or seventy casually, there is no problem at all, but this car is crawling at such a slow speed, it can be seen that there is a problem.

Along the way, Gong Ming had already fallen asleep on the co-pilot because of the slow crawling.

"Husband, wake up, we met a drunk driving investigation, get up!" Amy became very nervous when she encountered this kind of thing for the first time.

Gong Ming opened his sleepy eyes and asked calmly, "Did you drink just now?"

Amy shook her head and responded, "I didn't drink!"


Gong Ming slapped his forehead, and sighed in a very speechless voice: "I haven't been drinking, so why are you afraid that the traffic control will check for drunk driving? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Amy breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while and said: "It seems to be the same, I haven't drunk, I'm afraid of being investigated for drunk driving"

Gong Ming couldn't help but glanced at Amy again, saying that once a woman falls in love, her IQ will become zero, and it is true!

Boom boom boom!
A female traffic policeman knocked on the glass of the cab.

Amy lowered the glass, and a smell of alcohol rushed directly from the car towards the female traffic policeman.

The female traffic policeman frowned slightly, and gestured with the back of her right hand to three traffic control officers not far away. Someone seemed to be drinking in this car!

When the three traffic control personnel saw the gesture of the female traffic policeman, they immediately surrounded her.

"Hello, ma'am, please cooperate with our inspection. May I have a look at your driver's license and driving license?" The female traffic policeman began to ask according to the procedure.

Amy took out the driver's license from her newly bought Chanel bag, and took out the driver's license from the hidden compartment of the Mercedes-Benz, and handed them to the female traffic policeman together.

The female traffic policeman glanced at the driver's license and driving license briefly, but she didn't expect that the Mercedes-Benz ML 63 actually belonged to the woman in front of her, and then looked at the Chanel bag on the car, it really was a rich second generation!
At first glance, Amy has been labeled as a rich second generation.

The female traffic policeman returned the driver's license and driving license to Amy, and then said: "Ma'am, according to the regulations, we will conduct an alcohol test on you, please cooperate!"

"Okay, I will cooperate with all my strength!" Amy blew out at the alcohol testing instrument, and the red light of the alcohol testing instrument did not turn on after 10 seconds.

The female traffic policeman looked puzzled. Seeing that the driver's license was obtained in 13 years, why did she drive like a snail? She still couldn't help asking this question.

Amy hesitated for a moment, and said directly: "My husband bought this car for me today. I have had a driver's license for several years, and today is the first time I drive a car! Besides, today he had a party with friends and drank alcohol. I was afraid of driving too fast." He will get motion sickness and feel uncomfortable!"

This sentence deeply hurt the four traffic policemen in front of them. These people wanted to give themselves a mouthful, and they all blamed themselves for being cheap. Asking why, they ate a supper in advance!
At this time, the future BMW X5 parked next to Gong Ming's Mercedes-Benz.

"Hello, please blow it!" The female traffic policeman put the breathalyzer near the driver's mouth.

"Blow it?" the man asked suspiciously.

"Yes, just blow it!" The female traffic policeman confirmed again.

"Au, I have a net worth of one billion, eight listed companies have more than a dozen villas on Sheng'an Street in the imperial capital, and four cruise ships. This is not me just driving back from fighting landlords in Dubai!" the driver man said seriously.

The female traffic policeman said directly: "I'll let you blow this!" Then she leaned the breathalyzer to its mouth again.

"Oh, my sister is blowing this, you should have said it earlier!" The man pointed to the breathalyzer in the hand of the female traffic policeman.

"This, I guess it is an antique left by the Qin Dynasty. It is estimated to be worth more than one billion. This thing should be able to make people invisible in a second. It also has a missile interception function!" The man blew seriously.

"Get out of the car!" The female traffic policeman couldn't bear it any longer, and encountered such strange things every day.

"Sisters, can it be that I can't blow it well?" The man looked puzzled, he must be very good at blowing it.

Gong Ming couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"Brother, your bragging is really excellent. If I didn't have two sets of courtyard houses in Gongwang Mansion and a golf course in the second ring road, I would have believed it!" Gong Ming said cooperatively.

The female traffic policeman is completely depressed. Who are these people today?
"Brother, how much did you drink today?" The BMW man asked Gong Ming.

Gong Ming smiled and said, "Three bottles of 52 Niulanshan, how about you? Do you have any peanuts?"

"Why do you want peanuts? Brother, I never drink peanuts!" the BMW man said with a smile.

Gong Ming smiled, BMW man was right, as long as he had a plate of peanuts, he wouldn't be so drunk.

"Blow it!" The female traffic policeman greeted three assistants and surrounded the BMW.

"Zero!" The female traffic policeman took back the breathalyzer and said, "No alcohol, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Amy, and said, "Sisters, let's go quickly, don't block the traffic here, we don't want to eat supper!"

"How is it possible? I'm drunk!" the BMW man said in disbelief.

The female traffic policeman asked again: "When did you drink? How much did you drink? What kind of wine?"

The BMW man didn't even think about it, and said directly: "At noon today, I was doing something outside, and then I became addicted to alcohol, so I bought a bottle of cooking wine from the supermarket on the roadside, it was green onion and ginger. !"

Gong Ming couldn't bear it any longer. Sure enough, all the BMW boys in the imperial capital were talented. It would be a pity not to talk about cross talk!

He patted Amy's thigh and said, "Let's go, I can't do it anymore, I'm dying of laughter!"

An hour later, Amy drove a Mercedes-Benz ML 63 into the original work of Longhu Yihe.

The security guard of Longhu Yihe's original work glanced at Gong Ming on the co-pilot, then saluted and opened the gate of the community.

The vehicle parked in the parking lot, Gong Ming opened the gate, and the three walked in.

"Let's take a bath first, after all it's so late, let's go to bed early!" Gong Ming said to the second daughter.

As if realizing what was going to happen next, the two girls went back to their respective rooms shyly, took out a change of clothes, and entered the bathroom.

Gong Ming returned to the room, and completed two system tasks today, and the system also rewarded two gift bags, so he can take out the gift bags to have a look while there is no one around.

"System, open the gift bag!"

Gong Ming began to contact the life winner system in his mind.

[The gift package has been opened: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a (watch cashback card), worth less than 200 million, and get 1 to 5 times the rebate]

[The gift package has been opened: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a 1760p platinum watch from the Patek Philippe ultra-complex chronograph series worth 5002 million. The item has been delivered to Patek Philippe by international express, please go and collect it yourself! 】

Good guy, two good things came out of the two gift packages. The Patek Philippe in my hand is no longer worthy of my worth. I originally intended to replace it. When I fell asleep, the system sent me a pillow .

The thing that makes me most happy is the 200 million watch cashback card. Not only can I prostitute 4 to 5 Patek Philippes for free, but I can also get 200 million to 1000 million cash rebates.

The door was opened, and Shangguan Yurong and Amy walked in wearing nightgowns.

"Husband, I've finished washing, you can go take a bath too!" After speaking, the two of them got into the quilt directly.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the sun shines through the glass into the room.

Gong Ming pushed away the two jade arms that were hanging on him,

Then he got up, put on his nightgown, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

They made a decision, that is, to pull at least one more person into their camp, otherwise the goddess would never be able to fight.

However, the person who was included in the camp had to accept the test of the two of them. Otherwise, if Wu Zetian was drawn in, it would be difficult for the two of them to stay by Gong Ming's side in the future.

After making a decision, the two of them lay on the bed and recovered slowly. At nine o'clock, they finally felt that they had regained some energy. They got up and went back to their rooms to change their clothes.

The nightgown he wore yesterday had already been torn, so Gong Ming just opened the door of the villa and feasted his eyes again.

 I did my best, and it’s up to you guys, the subscriptions for this period of time are very weird. If you want to raise them, you can raise them slowly. As long as you don’t, just remove them from the bookshelf.

(End of this chapter)

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