Chapter 164 Are You Wholesale?

Chapter 160 Four Are You Wholesale?
At this time, Zhang Zhi came up with two saleswomen.

Each of the two beauties sells a tray in their hands, and there are four Patek Philippe ladies watches worth between 30 and 40 on each tray.

"Master Gong, look at the Patek Philippe women's watches ranging from 30 to 40 yuan in our imperial capital are all here!" Zhang Zhi hooked two female salesmen.

Two female salesmen put eight Patek Philippe ladies' watches on the coffee table.

"You two choose by yourself, just choose the one you like!" Gong Ming didn't know much about women's eyes, so he directly asked Shangguan Yurong and Amy to choose by themselves.

After choosing for a long time, Shangguan Yurong and Amy finally set their sights on Patek Philippe 4947 at the same time.

However, Shangguan Yurong chose the blue-gray 4947G-001, and Amy chose the wine-red 4947R-001. The two colors correspond to their personalities.

That's not all, the two of them took another 4947G-010 with a silver-white dial together.

Gong Ming glanced at the two suspiciously, but didn't say anything. It was just a watch, and it wasn't worth much, so he just took it.

I took photos of the remaining models in turn, and sent the five photos to Andy and Ren Ran respectively.

"Which one do you like? Send me the serial number of the photo!" Gong Ming sent a voice message to the two at the same time.

"3" Andy replied, and sure enough, such a reply really matched her character.

"I like all 1245, as long as it is given by the boss, I want it!" Ren Ran replied.

Gong Ming really has no resistance to this stunner.

"Then I'll help you choose the second!" Gong Ming sent a voice directly after speaking.

"Okay, thank you boss, but the boss had better see if there are about [-] yuan, and bring one to our little sister Savannah!" Ren Ranjiao said.

Gong Ming didn't expect that this stunner would have such a request, but it's just a watch worth more than [-] yuan, so just give it away, treat it as a signing gift for a newcomer, and it's not worth much anyway!

"Mr. Zhang, see if there are any women's watches worth around [-] yuan? It's best to bring me one that suits exotic styles!" Gong Ming said to Zhang Zhi.

"Yes, of course, you can rest assured that the Patek Philippe Mansion in our imperial capital has the most complete watches!" Zhang Zhi said in a doggy manner.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Zhi ordered the female salesperson to go downstairs and bring up one of each model of ladies' watches ranging from 15 to 20.

Gong Ming was sitting on the sofa, drinking the freshly brewed Biluochun, chatting with Jaina.

As for Zhang Zhi, he could only stand aside. After all, even though he was the No. [-] figure in the Patek Philippe Mansion, he was still a bit unqualified in such a scene.

At this time, the door was knocked, and two female salesmen walked in with a tray, on which there were still eight watches.

Gong Ming chose a sports watch at random. After all, Savannah is just 17 years old this year, and a sports watch should be just right for her. Other styles are too mature for her.

"Then please trouble Miss Jaina today. If Patek Philippe has a new model in the future, you must notify me in advance!" Gong Ming got up, because he bought everything that should be bought, and it was time to go downstairs to check out.

"No trouble, Mr. Gong is our most valued customer of Patek Philippe. It is our honor to serve you!" It is not without reason that Jaina can become an executive of Patek Philippe, but this flattery makes people feel particularly comfortable.

"Mr. Zhang, please take me to pay the bill!" Gong Ming said to Zhang Zhi. Although Zhang Zhi just stood aside the whole time, Gong Ming still found out from his words that this man was still very ambitious. of.

But what about ambition, the watch industry is like this, the invisible ceiling is there, the Hua people have reached the extreme level of Zhang Zhi in Patek Philippe, and it is impossible to go one step further.

"Alright Young Master, please follow me!" Zhang Zhi took the lead and walked towards the counter on the first floor.

Gong Ming did not notice that in the corner of the lobby on the first floor, a man and a woman were looking at a basic Patek Philippe watch.

And this man, this is the guy who drove an SUV and raced at the Jingang Auto Park yesterday.

Because this man was sitting at the third table, Gong Ming didn't remember his name, but the other party recognized Gong Ming at the first table at a glance, but he knew that if he rushed up to say hello on such an occasion, he would look very awkward. low.

"Master Gong, the total of these models is 275 million, may I ask you to pay by card or not?" Zhang Zhi, who received the bill from the salesman, came to Gong Ming and said.

At the time of sales, this was holding the POS machine on a tray, standing behind Zhang Zhi and waiting.

"Of course I swiped my card. I can't run around with more than 200 million in cash!" Gong Ming patted Zhang Zhi's shoulder after speaking.

"Here's your card!" Gong Ming took out the Swiss Bank Centurion Black Gold Card from his wallet.

Zhang Zhi took the card with both hands, and secretly thought in his heart that no one who can afford a Patek Philippe watch worth tens of millions is a simple person, and just this card has a net worth of more than one billion US dollars.

The man standing in the corner was also secretly surprised when he saw the card that Gong Ming took out. He didn't expect that this was the real boss. Fortunately, he discovered it early and didn't miss it. After reading it Young Master Han, he still has to attend their activities frequently.

"Master Gong, well, thank you again for visiting our Patek Philippe!" Zhang Zhi returned Gong Ming's bank card with both hands.

Gong Ming casually put away the bank card, as if he didn't know what this card was.

"Then help me wrap up these watches. By the way, I remember that you should have gift bags for Patek Philippe. Don't you see three beauties here?" Gong Ming said jokingly.

"That's right, that's right, Lusha, hurry up and bring the three authentic bags that Hermes sent over!" Zhang Zhi hurriedly said to the salesman beside him.

In fact, Zhang Zhi's heart is very complicated now, you are so big, rich and handsome, but you still covet this little gift from our Patek Philippe, won't you lose face of your young master if you say it?
"Rongrong, Amy, let's see which one you like!" Gong Ming originally wanted to buy a bag today, but when he thought of the last time he bought a watch at Patek Philippe in Shanghai, they took these Hermès silk scarves, Plus a Hermès bag.

The Patek Philippe Mansion in the imperial capital, no matter how you give it, it can’t be inferior to the one in the magic capital.

Lusha ran over quickly with three bags in her hand. These three bags were all Hermès. This year's new products will sell for 10 to 14 at the counters.

Shangguan Yurong and Amy happily took the Hermès bag from Lusha. You must know that this bag belongs to Hermès, which woman would not like it?
"Yu Rong, I'm going back to school today. The teacher called you yesterday and I haven't been able to get through. The new students are coming soon, and you have to host the orientation activities in the student union!" Leng Qiushuang said to Shangguan Yurong.

Gong Ming didn't expect that Shangguan Yurong would join the student union, it's incredible!
(End of this chapter)

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