Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 167 Four Seasons Minfu Eating Roast Duck

Chapter 167 Four Seasons Minfu Eating Roast Duck

Chapter 160 Seven Seasons Minfu Eating Roast Duck
The two servings of fried liver were finished, and Amy paid the bill.

Gong Ming, at this time, he didn't rush to pay the money. After all, life needs a little fun. If he is machismo all the time, this kind of life will be very boring.

"What are we going to do next?" Gong Ming asked Amy.

Amy didn't say a word when Gong Ming's cell phone rang.

Gong Ming picked it up and found a call from Wang Heng.

Looking at one of Amy's apologetic eyes, he connected the phone.

"Brother, I heard that you are going back to Sioux City tomorrow, why don't you come out for a gathering at noon, and that fellow Han Shuo will also come, and return the Porsche 911 to you by the way." Wang Heng's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Of course Amy heard it too, and she also knew that sometimes it was necessary for a man to go out to socialize, after all, her father had been here for so many years.

"Go! I'm fine. I'll go home and rest in the afternoon, and I'll see you in the evening!" Amy said to Gong Ming.

"Okay! Brother Heng, you decide the place, I'll be there in a while!" Gong Ming said to Wang Heng.

"Then you go home first! Be careful on the road, and send me the location when you get home!" Gong Ming handed over the keys to the Mercedes-Benz ML63 to Amy, after all, this car was originally bought for her.

"Well, why don't I take you there, anyway, I have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I'll go home and rest after I send you there!" Amy said to Gong Ming.

It's not easy to take a taxi in this place, and it's the noon rush hour, so it's difficult to take a taxi at this time in the imperial capital.

"Okay! It's just a little hard work for you!" Gong Ming couldn't help but stroked Amy's hair pitifully.

Amy smiled slightly, feeling that Gong Ming's concern for her came from the heart, and suddenly felt that everything she had done was worth it.

Siji Minfu, a roast duck restaurant located next to the Forbidden City, since the last time Quanjude stepped on thunder, Gong Ming has been deeply afraid of the roast duck in the imperial capital.

A few days ago, I made a strategy on the Internet, and found that the number one roast duck in the imperial capital is actually Bianyifang. The key is that the outsiders of Bianyifang also stepped on the thunder.

Well done, it's really a credit to the roast duck in the imperial capital.

Amy parked the Mercedes-Benz on the side of the road, because this is the center of the imperial capital, and you don't even have to think about the parking space.

"You go back! When you get home, send me a location, and I'll go find you when this is over!" Gong Ming said to Amy, and gave her a kiss after speaking.

Amy saw that Gong Ming got off the car and entered Siji Minfu, so she restarted the Mercedes-Benz ML63 and left thinking about her own home.

In fact, Amy's family background is not bad. I just bought a 300-square-meter flat in Wancheng Washington last year.

You must know that in Haidian District, the imperial capital in 15 years, the housing price at that time was as high as 300 square meters, and such a 3000-square-meter large flat would cost a minimum of 3500 million to [-] million.

From this simplest point, it can be seen that Amy's family background is not the kind of ordinary family.

Siji Minfu, Gong Ming came to the private room reserved by Wang Heng.

"Brother, return the key to you!" Han Shuo reluctantly returned the key of the Porsche 911 gt 3 rs to Gong Ming.

Gong Ming nodded and took the key away. After all, lending the car to the other party for two or three days has already done his utmost.

Afterwards, Han Shuo's whole body became sluggish again.

Gong Ming looked at Wang Heng, suddenly felt that this scene was very strange, and quietly asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Wang Heng smiled, and then said: "Leave him alone, since he saw the 718 that day and drove your Porsche 911 for a few days, his mind was completely confused, and now he doesn't know which one he should choose. ?”

Gong Ming suddenly found it very funny, how can you say that you are also a young master in the imperial capital, and a car worth only a few million makes you so entangled.

"It's just a car, and it's not worth much. Is it worth it?" Gong Ming said casually.

Wang Heng explained: "This guy didn't make trouble on his own. He used all his money to pay for car repairs. Now he wants to buy a car, but his family doesn't support it. This won't be what it is now!"

"How much money is there? Why don't I lend it to you first!" Gong Ming said to Han Shuo. After all, he didn't look at the monk's face, but his aunt's.

Wang Heng patted Gong Ming's shoulder and said, "Brother, don't worry about him, if you want to borrow money, I have it here, as long as he dares to ask!"

Han Shuo also raised his head and said, "Brother, don't worry about me, I'm just greedy for a few days, and I'll be fine after a few days, thank you!"

Gong Ming said with a smile, it doesn't matter if you borrow some money from friends.

"Thank you brother, I have this love brother, I really don't care, I can go shopping for a second-hand one!" Han Shuo responded: "And the second-hand ones are no worse than the brand-new ones now, And now choosing a car in the second-hand car market in the imperial capital is like shopping on Taobao, and you will find a good one by accident!"

Gong Ming just took it as self-comfort, and he couldn't do anything else?
At this time, the chef came in pushing a dining car, and there was a whole roast duck in the car.

"Excellent knife skill!" Gong Ming watched the chef slice the roast duck piece by piece. This knife skill was many times better than the roast duck master he met in Quanjude that day.

The meal was almost enough. Gong Ming was really satisfied with today's Four Seasons Minfu check-in. After coming to the Imperial Capital, he finally ate the authentic Imperial Roast Duck, and their Pea Yellow Sanbudou was very authentic.

"By the way, Brother Shuo, how much money do you have? Now I have an investment opportunity here, and the income can be paid in three days. Do you want to participate?" Gong Ming thought of the card he just got, and this is completely an opportunity.

When Han Shuo heard that there was an investment opportunity, his eyes lit up and then dimmed.

"What's wrong with him?" Gong Ming asked Wang Heng suspiciously.

"No money!" Wang Heng said directly: "By the way, brother, what is the investment you are talking about? Are you still short of funds? How about I take a share?"

Through his own relationship, Wang Heng found some information about Gong Ming, and knew that the other party had a financial investment company abroad, and the annual income was quite considerable, otherwise he would not have said such things as participating in a share.

"Okay, this time we are going to do a short-term, only three days, but the time is not yet determined. If you want to participate in the shares, you can raise funds now. I will notify you on WeChat when the time comes!" Gong Ming did not know Wang Heng's funds. No objection.

Seeing that Wang Heng actually wanted to participate, Han Shuo was also moved in that season, and asked Gong Ming, "Brother, I only have a few hundred thousand, is it okay?"

Gong Ming looked at Han Shuo's appearance, and suddenly felt a trace of sadness. What made an eldest young master become like this?

"Okay, like this, I will give you an account in a few days, and you can transfer the money to it. It will take 3 to 4 days at most. I guarantee that you can get 718, not the second-hand one!" Gong Ming still made a decision, pulling Han Shuo, just think of it as increasing some favorability in front of Han Mengyao!
(End of this chapter)

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