Chapter 169 Lucky Star Amy

Chapter 160 Nine Lucky Star Amy
After shopping, the two had dinner at Yintai, a very simple Huaiyang restaurant, and Gong Ming cooked a little wolf dog again.

"Where are we going next?" Gong Ming and Amy got into the Porsche 911 and left Yintai.

"Let's go listen to music!" Amy responded
"Listen to the song?" Gong Ming looked at Amy suspiciously.

"Yes, let's go listen to the music and drink something along the way!"

An hour later, Shichahai and Gong Ming parked the car in a parking space.

The evening breeze was blowing, and the two hugged each other and walked on the path by the lake in Shichahai.

Walking through an alley, I came to a bar. The lights made up of the two characters "Ling Chen" on the bar were shining brightly.

As soon as he walked in, Gong Ming heard the faint sound of music.

I have crossed mountains and seas, and I have also crossed mountains and seas of people

I used to have everything, it's all gone in a blink of an eye

I was disappointed and lost all directions

Until seeing ordinary is the only answer

Amy introduced: "This is a clean bar, a shop mixed with Live House. I don't know what the specific style of their house is?"

The so-called live house refers to a small concert venue.

"Is there a band performing here today?" Gong Ming asked, looking at Amy.

Amy shook her head and said, "There are only a few resident singers here, but all the guests can come on stage and sing if they want!"

"If you perform well, someone will reward you with some drinks or drinks, and if you perform poorly, there will be corresponding boos!" Amy explained again.

Hearing this, Gong Ming couldn't help but think of the little anchor Su Mei who was tone deaf. If she performed here, she would be so booed that she couldn't lift her head!
Led by Amy, the two came to a small table and sat down.

Gong Ming casually picked up the wine list on the table, flipped through it casually, and found that the drinks and snacks here are really cheap.

A cocktail only costs a dozen yuan, and the snack platter is also very cheap, only a dozen yuan more expensive than outside.

Of course, such a price is much cheaper than those bars in Yunnan.

The key point is that this bar is located in a bustling place like Houhai, the imperial capital, so at this price, it is really quite cheap.

As for drinks, the price is about the same as that of the shops outside, and compared to the nightclub in Gongti, it is a lot cheaper.

Gong Ming ordered a watermelon juice for Amy, a Mojito cocktail of his own choice, a snack platter, a nut platter, and finally a fruit plate.

"It's okay to drive in the car later, right?" Gong Ming said softly to Amy.

Amy snorted, knowing that there was no wine to drink today, but she was still very happy, after all, it was really not easy to have this opportunity for two people to be alone.

Amy gave Gong Ming a blank look, acquiesced in his decision, and said, "Listen to the song"

Now singing is the owner of the bar, a bald man in his 30s!
I used to be like you like him like the weeds and flowers

Desperate and longing,

I also cry and laugh ordinary
The boss sings very seriously, and he is also a person with a story.

When you first meet, you don’t know the meaning of the song, but after listening to it, you are already in the song

The boss closed his eyes and put his feelings into this ordinary road. If Pu Shu's ordinary road is about his own life, then the boss's ordinary road is another story.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for listening to an unforgettable story, reward skill (advanced music proficiency)]

[Note: Advanced music proficiency, including advanced musical instrument proficiency, advanced singing skills]

Gong Ming didn't expect that, just listening to a song, he could get an advanced skill for nothing. Sure enough, Amy was his lucky star.

After singing a song, the boss is here, get up and bow to everyone!
"That sounds good!" Amy said softly.

Gong Ming also nodded, and then said, "That's true, the boss must have sung his own story, right?"

Amy turned her head to look at Gong Ming, she didn't expect that this man of hers could understand what was contained in this song.

"Brother Zhao, he is the boss here, this store is his own, that's why the charges here are so low!" Amy explained
Gong Ming nodded after hearing this. It turned out that he was a local tyrant, so it's no wonder that things are so cheap. After all, the rent of such a store here in Houhai will not be cheap.

At this time, another person was changed on the stage, a woman was holding a guitar and sitting on the seat.

"Now I will bring you a song by Deng Ziqi, I hope you will like it!" After speaking into the microphone, the woman gently adjusted her guitar.

The bubbles in the sun are colorful
like being cheated i am happy
Find out what's right or wrong about your lies
because you still love me
If the original singer Deng Ziqi can score [-] points, then this girl can score [-] points in the cover song.

Everyone has their own bubble, as long as they substitute their own feelings, they will sing with a different charm.

"The level is not bad. If you go to the competition, you should be able to advance!" Gong Ming affirmed the singer.

Amy also nodded, and said: "The proprietress really sings well. Huaguo had a good voice before. I invited the couple, but they refused!"

"That's amazing!" Gong Ming exclaimed.

But yes, to be able to own such a store in Shichahai, the assets are at least a small goal, so it is not necessary to become popular in the entertainment industry.

After the proprietress sang Foam, she gave up the stage, and at this time the resident singers began to perform on stage.

Overall, these singers are pretty good. After all, they all came out of professional academies, and some of them are even wandering singers.

At this time, a man stepped forward, said a few words to the lead singer, and then prepared to sing a song by himself.

The accompaniment sounded, and the man's first sentence successfully spanned half a dick, and then none of the subsequent sentences were on the tune, and he stretched his hips to Siberia.

There was a lot of boos from the audience. The man ordered a beer for the lead singer in embarrassment, and then walked off the stage amidst the boos.

"Honey, why don't you go up and sing a song too?" Amy looked at Gong Ming expectantly.

Gong Ming looked at Amy with a smile, and said, "What? Dig a hole here and wait for me?"

Amy blushed slightly, and then said: "This is not my husband, are you leaving? I really want to hear you sing a song"

"Have you sung here before?" Gong Ming looked at Amy.

Amy nodded, and then said: "I was always alone before, Dad was too busy with work and entertainment, and you know my little sisters, when I am alone, I want to sing here for a while! "

Gong Ming suddenly got in touch with this girl. He missed her in the first half of his life, so he will protect her in the second half of his life.

Gong Ming looked at Amy's expectant eyes, smiled and said to her: "You wait here for me, and I will sing a song too!"

Gong Ming got up and greeted the lead singer, and then took the guitar from the lead singer.

Gong Ming stood up, patted the microphone lightly, and said, "Give that girl a piece of "Light Chaser", and you will never be alone in my days!"

After speaking, he sat down, slightly adjusted the direction of the microphone, and turned his body to face Amy.

Gently fiddled with the guitar in his hand to check the range of the guitar.

Afterwards, Gong Ming's magnetic voice was transmitted throughout the bar. Through the skills rewarded by the system, Gong Ming's singing was completely professional.

[If you are a firework on the sea

I am the foam of the waves

For a moment your light illuminated me
If you are a distant galaxy
Dazzling to make people want to cry
I'm chasing your eyes
Always look at the night sky when I'm alone

i can follow you
Sleepwalking like a shadow chasing the light

I can wait at this intersection
whether you will pass
Whenever I lift my head up for you
Even tears feel free
Some love is like the sun falling while possessing and losing
If you are a firefly on a summer night
children sing for you

then i want to draw your hand
look how small i am
because you have dreams

maybe you won't stay for me

then let me stand behind you
i can follow you
Sleepwalking like a shadow chasing the light

I can wait at this intersection
whether you will pass
Whenever I lift my head up for you
Even tears feel free
Some love is like a torrential rain but still believe in a rainbow

i can follow you
Sleepwalking like a shadow chasing the light

I can wait at this intersection
whether you will pass
Whenever I lift my head up for you
Even tears feel free
Some love is like a torrential rain but still believe in a rainbow]

Gong Ming resolutely chose to release Qin Ling'er's "Light Chaser" ahead of schedule.

As for what song Qin Linger will sing in the future, it has nothing to do with me.

In the back row of the bar, a female anchor was live broadcasting outdoors. Gong Ming didn't realize that he was broadcast live completely.

The female anchor silently watched the audience in the live broadcast room, more and more, more and more, and received a reward, which was several times that of before.

She knew that she was on fire, just so suddenly.

After Gong Ming sang the song, he said into the microphone: "Girl at table 16, fate brought us to meet, and I will protect your life from now on!"

The audience erupted again, with thunderous applause, this applause was for Gong Ming and Amy.

At this moment, a cold system notification sounded in Gong Ming's mind.

[Congratulations to the host, the target Amy's affection for the host has reached 100 points, and two good man cards will be rewarded, and the rewards have been distributed to the back of the system. 】

Gong Ming didn't expect that such a breakthrough in happiness would fill up Amy's favor in this way.

Sure enough, talented boys are more welcomed by girls.

After Gong Ming sang, the venue suddenly cooled down. The next few resident singers actually sang well, but when compared with Gong Ming, the gap immediately became obvious. He was booed and wondered if he was not suitable for singing?

(End of this chapter)

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