Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 178 Experience a Different Kind of Happiness

Chapter 178 Experience a Different Kind of Happiness

Chapter 170 Eight Experience a Different Kind of Happiness
Maybe this company, the group of war madmen like Christmas will like it more.

Gong Ming chose to accept the task.

The system's cold mechanical notification sounded again.

[The host accepts the task, the rewards have been distributed, and the Lankupa Twin Towers where the company is located! 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for establishing his own international security consulting company, rewarding ten special operators and one weapon research and development laboratory. 】

【Ding.The weapons R&D laboratory has been released, and the target is the Jimbaran Forest Resort Hotel in Bali, the Lion City]

[Note: Bali Jimbaran Forest Resort is a wholly-owned holding hotel of Dingshenghe]

Gong Ming did not expect that the International Security Consulting Company would have a supporting laboratory, and that it would be located in a resort like the Lion City of Bali.

Sure enough, only such a place is the safest place, and there is no need to be afraid of discovery by commercial (spy) personnel from the free country (spies).

Immediately afterwards, Gong Ming's WeChat had another ten friend applications.

Gong Ming passed them one by one.

[Ding, the host's WeChat has been specially encrypted, and no one is allowed to peep! 】

"Hi boss, I'm Tang Wenlong. I served in 'Long Yan' before, majoring in C4ISR system (combat, control, communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance); enterprise information technology." Tang Wenlong's WeChat shocked Gong Ming , I didn't expect that he was actually a person from Long Yan, the strongest special operations group in Huaguo.

"Hi boss, I'm Isa Foster. I used to serve in 'Blue Spider' and majored in risk assessment of the world's major business groups!" Isa Foster also sent an explanation.

"Hi boss, my name is Ke Ran, I am a student of Eight Generals of Thousand Clans, majoring in Information Consulting, and I am in Shanghai now," Ke Ran also sent a WeChat message.

The remaining seven people also sent WeChat and introduced themselves.

The more Gong Ming looked at it, the more frightened he became. These ten people included all the industries that security consulting companies could be involved in.

Gong Ming was thinking that this time was just an opportunity to test these people. It was just a trivial matter for them to come out and deal with Chen Fang silently.

However, Gong Ming was not in a hurry to act, because this was the country of Hua after all, his own motherland, and the laws of Hua country were the most sound in the world. For such a scumbag who violated the law, if he was involved again, why bother?
Gong Ming thought of Ke Ran, she is a master of thousands of sects, and her homepage is for information collection, the most important thing is that she is only two hours' drive away from Sucheng in Shanghai.

There is a saying in Huaxia that the hearts of all intelligence players are black, because their hearts are really dirty.

Moreover, the system's requirement is to make Chen Fang disappear forever from Han Mengyao's life, so the range of maneuverability is wide.

Gong Ming contacted Keran via WeChat, and handed over the matter to the other party.

Ten minutes later, Keran's proposal was sent via WeChat.

Gong Ming glanced at it, and it really fits the style of the Eight Generals of the Thousand Gates. The word "anti" refers to the one who set up a side game among the Thousand Gates. Take a shot and make him disappear completely.

Gong Ming took a brief look at it, don't agree to this plan, and let the other party solve it as soon as possible, after all, his hands are still clean now.

At this time, Han Mengyao called. After Gong Ming connected, Han Mengyao's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Gong Ming, you must not do anything stupid. I can resolve Chen Fang's matter through legal channels." Han Mengyao said hastily after the call was connected.

A smile rose from the corner of Gong Ming's mouth. Han Mengyao's phone call won him favor. After all, a woman with a different heart can completely stand by and watch the fire from the other side, so as to maximize her benefits.

However, if Han Mengyao really chose to watch the fire from the other side, Gong Ming might completely cut off contact with their mother and daughter, and even Han Shuo would never associate with them again.

"Don't worry! Everything has been arranged and will be resolved soon!" Gong Ming said to Han Mengyao.

"I'm not joking. I'll solve the matter of Gong Ming myself. You really don't want to mess around!" Han Mengyao was a little anxious, after all, she was afraid that Gong Ming would involve him.

"I understand, I can tell you your story." Gong Ming was a little curious, how did such a waste get a stunner like Han Mengyao?

Han Mengyao thought for a while, and then said: "I just went to college that year, and Chen Fang was the vice chairman of the junior student union, responsible for the reception of freshmen!"

At that time, he was sunny, handsome, talented, and very humorous. He took the initiative to help me send my luggage to the dormitory during the orientation.

Then in the freshman year, he pursued me, and in the second semester of the freshman year, I accepted him.

Speaking of this, Han Mengyao paused, but Gong Ming didn't answer.

On my birthday, he placed candles downstairs in the dormitory, with red roses in the middle of the candles.

He promised me that he would love me for the rest of his life, and that night I fell.

Later I found out that he was a scumbag, but it was too late. At the end of my freshman year, I found out that I actually had Xiangxiang.

I told him the news, and he began to avoid me that day, I knew he was not a good match, I chose to drop out in my sophomore year, thinking that I would never have anything to do with him again.

But after Xiangxiang was born, he came to the door and wanted to take Xiangxiang away, saying that Xiangxiang needs a father, which is really ridiculous.

In order to calm things down, my brother gave her 500 million, sent him away, and told him not to trouble us again in his life.

How do you know, if he squandered 500 million in three years, now we have no money and found our mother and daughter again.

Gong Ming was completely bewildered and confused by Han Mengyao's family's coquettish operation. Such a scumbag can still get 500 million. How can he do it?
You know, a manager with an annual salary of 500 yuan will need to spend ten years without eating or drinking.

"This time, I will definitely not let him get what he wants. The daughter is mine, and no one can take it away?" At the end of the speech, Gong Ming could hear Han Mengyao gritting her teeth on the phone.

"Gong Ming, let me handle this matter myself, once you cross the line in some matters in Hua Country, it will be very troublesome to deal with!" Han Mengyao said worriedly to Gong Ming.

Gong Ming responded with a smile: "Don't worry, Mengyao, it's just a bad life, I just scare him, do you think he's worth 3000 million?"

Of course Gong Ming would not say that he had already arranged for someone to make Chen Fang disappear from the world.

Hearing Gong Ming's call Mengyao, Han Mengyao's face flushed slightly, thinking of the way Gong Ming was hugging her today, her face flushed all the way to her neck.

At this time, the little girl ran down from upstairs, opened the door and saw her mother's face flushed, and shouted loudly: "Mom, have you been cooked? Why is your face so red? The cooked lobster!"

Gong Ming couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Xiangxiang's words.

After hanging up the phone, Gong Ming put a label in his heart on Chen Fang that he must disappear.

Time passed slowly, and after the battle between the two canyons, Gong Ming watched the sky gradually darken.

Picking up the phone beside him, he realized that it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

"Dad, when are you coming back?" Gong Ming dialed the number of his father, Gong Jianguo.

Gong Ming didn't expect that it was his mother Jiang Yan who answered the phone: "Oh, you're still at home? Then you can figure it out yourself, we've lived together in Paradox 711!"

The phone was hung up, Gong Ming crouched in the corner as if struck by lightning, and kept drawing circles.

Sure enough, love would still disappear, and he became the one left behind.

After finishing a takeaway, Gong Ming threw the rubbish into the trash can and returned home lamenting all the way.

You go to eat French food, but leave me alone to eat fast food, this is what a pair of parents can do.

Re-entering the battlefield in the canyon, Gong Ming activated the money ability. Sure enough, with the blessing of the money ability, Gong Ming was able to do everything against the odds, and the wandering mage opened the audience.

A game is only a few hundred yuan of consumption. Why not make yourself happy and make others happy?
Near ten o'clock, the gate of the villa was opened, and two Porsches were parked in the garage.

Gong Ming ended the last round of the game. With the blessing of money ability, Gong Ming successfully advanced to the diamond rank.

"My lord, you are back." Gong Ming said while leaning on the railing on the second floor when he heard the door of the villa open.

"A luxury bag worth more than 100 million, son, you are a good guy!" Mother Jiang Yan threw the key on the bar and praised Gong Ming on the second floor.

Sure enough, has he become the backer again? Dad is always the most unreliable.

"My lord, you have to believe me, it was a complete accident!" Gong Ming hurriedly ran down the stairs on the second floor and explained in front of his mother Jiang Yan.

"Don't explain, you've done a good job, more than 100 million bags, four years of college tuition, living expenses, you can solve it yourself!" Mom Jiang Yan said with a smile.

"My lord, my son is guilty, please forgive me!" Gong Ming coquettishly hugged his mother Jiang Yan's arm.

"Okay, okay, you really think I care about these things!" Mother Jiang Yan really couldn't stand her son.

Gong Ming hugged his mother happily and said, "It's still the most gracious mother, my lord wants to eat hot pot tomorrow, why don't you arrange it?"

"Okay, let's eat hot pot tomorrow night!" Mom Jiang Yan made a final decision.

"By the way, son, your Aunt Chen's daughter seems to be going to college this year, do you want to get in touch?" Mother Jiang Yan thought of what Gong Jianguo told herself when she came back today, although she said she was very nervous. I like that girl Xiao Xiangxiang, but if I let my son bring a woman with a child in, I really can't accept it.

Hearing that there was such an old-fashioned blind date, Gong Ming fled the battlefield in time, "My lord, it's getting late, and my son has already rested earlier."

Seeing the back of their son running upstairs, the husband and wife looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, and then the mother's right hand directly grabbed the father Gong Jianguo's ear.

Just as Gong Ming went upstairs, he heard a sentence

"The car, my son bought it for you, but remember, don't make any political mistakes, do you understand?" The mother's voice Gong Ming mourned for his father in his heart, and let you blame his son. retribution!
"How dare I? Please rest assured, my wife, such a thing will never happen in this life!" Father Gong Jianguo assured.

"That's good, I trust you, and you don't want to betray my trust!" Mother Jiang Yan withdrew her hand.

Six hours ago, Ke Ran received the boss's order, and immediately bought a ticket to Sioux City, and rented a Porsche from the dealership, ready to implement her plan.

11 o'clock at night is the happiest time for eating and drinking men and women.

Chen Fang, who was originally in a state of distress, came out of the Judiciary Office, took a bath in a nearby bathhouse, and used his little balance to rent a set of luxury brand clothes without a logo, as well as a piece of black water ghost.

Chen Fang looked at the few hundred yuan left in his balance, and sighed, it's time to find a way to make money.

It is easy for Chen Fang to make money, after all, her hobby of rich women's wire balls is not a decoration.

In Xingdeluo Bar, Chen Fang chose Santai, ordered a bottle of beer, and accompanied by music, he swayed his body on the dance floor following the rhythm of the music.

After the song ended, Chen Fang returned to his place.

Xingdeluo Bar is the favorite place for eating and drinking men and women. Whenever night falls, countless eating and drinking men and women spend their youth here. It is also a famous gathering place for wealthy women in Sucheng.

Every night at the end of the show, a young and handsome guy will be the co-pilot of the rich woman's luxury car to experience a different kind of happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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