Chapter 180 Goodbye by Destiny (today's third update)

Chapter 180 Goodbye by Destiny
"Brother, goodbye!" Ke Ran waved her hand and left the bar.

"Goodbye!" Chen Fang also waved his hand. He didn't ask for WeChat just now. After all, he just broke up and asked for WeChat. This would easily cause his personality to collapse.

Looking at the back of Keran leaving, the corner of Chen Fang's mouth curled up.

He took out his mobile phone and started to search. The information that Ke Ran just said has already revealed everything about himself.

After all, the flight to Lion City around [-]:[-] in the morning is the same flight and it is still in Shanghai, and there is only that one flight for six hours before and after.

In the bar, there are smugglers who make small loans. Chen Fang found the smuggler sitting in the corner, and easily brought out a [-] unregistered loan.

Of course, only [-] of the [-] came to him, and everyone knows the rest.

I transferred the 7 yuan to my Huaqianbao, and then paid for the reservation through my mobile phone, and the same flight to the Lion City tomorrow.

Chen Fang did not choose the first class, but chose the ordinary economy class. According to his own plan, if the other party knew that he was on the same flight, he would spend money to directly upgrade himself to first class.

Therefore, this redundant consumption is completely unnecessary now.

After everything was settled, Chen Fang left the bar and went to the place where he rented clothes.

Return this set of luxury items on your body, and then rent two sets of light luxury brands that are relaxed and casual.

The black water ghost on the wrist was replaced by Omega’s Planet Ocean 600. Although the price is similar, Omega is more suitable for men who want to start a new relationship.

At four o'clock the next morning, Chen Fang woke up from the hotel room, changed into his own equipment, and stood in front of the full-length mirror in the room to manage micro-expressions.

"I just want to go to Lion City for a while, and change my mood if I change places!" Chen Fang practiced his lines in front of the mirror, and after confirming that there was no problem with the expression management, Chen Fang left the room.

After checking out at the front desk, with my few luggage, I took the high-speed train to the road of death.

This trip was a relief for Han Mengyao, but for Chen Fang himself, this trip was a lifetime!
At seven o'clock in the morning, Chen Fang appeared at the terminal of Shanghai Pudong Airport.

He took his ticket and quietly waited for his prey to appear.

At 07:30, Chen passed the security check and found no prey for more than half an hour. He probably guessed that Ke Ran might have entered the first-class lounge.

At this time, in the first-class lounge, Ke Ran sat on the sofa to his heart's content, playing with his mobile phone.

At this time, a message appeared on the screen of the mobile phone: the prey has appeared outside the door, and the hunter is about to close the net

However, delete this message. After all, if the prey finds out that it is different, it is likely to escape.

If you want to use the first-class lounge in the economy class, you only need to pay an extra fee. Chen Fang doesn't care about this small amount of money in order to achieve his own goals.

When he came to the door of the first-class lounge, he just opened the door and found that his prey, Ke Ran, was sitting on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone.

However, after deleting that message, she opened her mobile browser and began to browse the official websites of various luxury brands. After all, she was playing the role of a rich girl. Who would believe a rich girl if she didn't look at luxury goods?
Chen Fang walked straight to Ke Ran's side, and from the corner of Ke Ran's eyes, she also noticed the arrival of the storage, but she acted as if she hadn't noticed anything.

"Hi!" Chen Fang greeted Keran.

Ke Ran raised his head, pretended to be surprised, and asked Chen Fang in a daze, "Why are you here?"

Chen Fang showed a smile that he had practiced for a long time, and narrated his planned lines: "This is not a broken relationship, I want to change the environment to relax, change the environment, and welcome the next relationship!"

But he was a little speechless, actually using what he said yesterday to perfuse himself, but since the prey has been hooked, the next thing he faces is to become a dish.

Chen Fang looked at Ke Ran who was expressionless, and knew that he was a little anxious just now, so he said instead: "After I went back last night, my dream was full of her figure, her every frown and smile, her emotions, and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. There is no way to forget, I don't want to change places, completely forget her!"

Ke Ran nodded, at this time the boarding announcement sounded, Ke Ran got up and picked up the Hermes bag she put aside, ready to board the plane.

I just took two steps forward, turned to Chen Fang and said, "It's good for everyone to relax and change your mood, so we'll meet again by fate!" After finishing speaking, he waved his hands and left.

Chen Fang didn't expect that this prey didn't think about upgrading for him. It seems that his plan is still far from perfect, but as long as he arrives in Lion City, he still has a chance.

In fact, what Chen Fang said just now really attracted little girls. It can be said that he played hard to get to the extreme. If it were another little girl, he might be hooked.

But how could it be possible for Keran to be fooled? If he helped him upgrade now, it would be very difficult to explain if there was any investigation after the disappearance of Lion City.

It's like playing chess, you need to follow every step.

The plane was about to take off, and Chen Fang had already boarded the plane and arrived at his seat in the economy class.

Sitting in his own seat, recalling his performance in front of Keran just now, there shouldn't be any problem. He gave his performance a perfect score of 100.

Sure enough, everything was as Chen Fang expected, the plane had just landed at the Lion City Airport, but Ke Ran was waiting for him at the exit.

The two left the airport in a taxi and went to the hotel.

Afterwards, as long as Chen Fang's visa expired, he would be classified as an accidental missing person. If he followed a tour group and the person disappeared, the tour group should bear all the responsibilities, but Chen Fang had no time to report to the group in order to achieve his own goals.

The Lion City is a particularly beautiful city, but under this beautiful appearance, there is an unknown darkness that no one knows?
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Gong Ming, who had just finished a game, received news from Ke Ran.

"Boss, the task target has been cleaned up, and the next step is to clean up the traces of the target's existence. The estimated time is 15 hours!" Ke Ran

After replying, "You can deal with it yourself", delete all the information on WeChat, put the phone aside, and start the next game.

Greed will obliterate the brilliance of human nature, and finally push you into the abyss of demons.

Thanks to the help of fighting wild dogs, Gong Ming rose from drill three to drill one today.

Because he wanted to eat hot pot at night, Gong Ming called Dezhuang Hot Pot. After all, he made hot pot by himself, and it was not convenient for anyone to make it.

There are more than a dozen servings of hairy belly, and there are multiple servings of lamb rolls and beef rolls. Even my favorite small winter bamboo shoots are double servings.

At night, my mother parked her Porsche 718 in the parking space and went home directly.

"Grandma, Xiangxiang came to see you. Xiangxiang doesn't want to eat hot pot!" The bear child Han Xiangrui pushed open the door of the villa and ran in directly.

Hearing the cry of the bear boy Han Xiangrui, the mother put down the duck blood she had just opened, washed her hands briefly in the sink, and ran out.

"My good granddaughter Xiangxiang, you miss grandma!" My mother immediately hugged Xiangxiang.

At this time, Han Mengyao walked in from the door with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Auntie, I didn't know Xiangxiang would come to your house!" Han Mengyao said awkwardly.

Mom didn't care, she held Xiangxiang and said to Han Mengyao: "Haven't you had dinner yet? We just came in to have some hot pot at home!"

After finishing speaking, my mother directly teased Xiangxiang and returned home.

Han Mengyao also walked in following Ma Ma's footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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