Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 185 Fox Spirit, Said You Are Not Su Daji

Chapter 185 Fox Spirit, Said You Are Not Su Daji
Chapter 180 The Fifth Fox, Said You Are Not Su Daji

Qi Minghao walked into the press conference with Xiao Xuanxuan.

"You sit here and live broadcast, remember not to disturb the front!" Qi Minghao brought Xiaoxuan to Su Mei's side.

Su Mei nodded to Qi Minghao, just now Andy issued a task for her, let him live broadcast the whole process here, today's new product launch.

You know, Su Mei, who is still recommended on the homepage, has a stable fan base of more than one million because of her life on the live broadcast set. She is no longer that little anchor who costs ten yuan a day.

"Savanna, some water friends said they want to see the elves!" Su Mei said to Savanna who was sitting beside her.

Savannah is wearing a white evening dress today. With her temperament, she looks more like the last elf left in the world.

Savannah turned her face slightly, and then said in her suffocated Chinese: "Hi everyone, I'm Savannah, I hope everyone can pay more attention to Su Daji's live broadcast room!"

"Fox spirit, you still said that you are not Su Daji, the elf has already seen everything about you!"

Sure enough, there will never be a shortage of talents in the barrage. Su Mei couldn't help laughing when she saw this barrage.

Hearing the laughter, Gong Ming frowned slightly. After all, today is his new product launch event. Could it be that his new product makes people laugh so much?

Gong Ming turned his head and saw Su Mei who was broadcasting live again. Su Mei obviously also saw Gong Ming. Although she knew that her boyfriend was very powerful, she never thought that this is a monster!

Because of Su Mei's drainage, Xiaoxuan suddenly had a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Dear guests and friends, friends from the press, our Douyin short video launch event is about to begin. Next, we invite our chairman, Mr. Gong Ming, to give a speech!" Andy stood in the middle of the stage holding a microphone.

Gong Ming was very helpless, he didn't expect that Andy would make such a move to him. At this time, Qin Hao, Jiang Xin, Wang Heng and the three beside him stretched out their magic claws to him and pushed him out.

"Brothers, brothers, I haven't prepared a manuscript!" Gong Ming thought in his heart.

This time, Andy took the lead in applauding, and said loudly: "I invite Gong Ming, the chairman of Tiangong Group, to come on stage and give a speech!"

The spotlight hit Gong Ming's body, and Gong Ming waved to the people around him.

"Distinguished guests, and friends from the media, I'm very glad that you can come to our Tiangong Group's new product launch conference!" Gong Ming said standing in the middle of the stage without any manuscript in his hand.

"My friends, the society is now in a time when the Internet is developing rapidly. We experience many things around us every day. We can record and share these things with our mobile phones."

"However, the ten-minute video is too long. Many friends just clicked to check the time and then quit directly. They didn't want to continue watching!"

"The same is true of the Kuaishou short videos already on the market. Their 30-second to 1-minute setting can be said to lead the trend of the industry."

"However, we just want to break this lead and become a new trend. Today's new product launch is such a short video app. I named it Douyin!"

'Douyin, record a beautiful life'

After Gong Ming finished speaking, the Douyin logo and the classic advertisement appeared on the large LED screen behind him.

At this moment, the lights of the entire venue flickered non-stop, and in Su Mei's live broadcast room, millions of people saw the appearance of this cross-generational product at the same time.

"Actually, as long as everyone pays attention to observe, you will find that everyone is an artist in life!"

"Douyin is a platform for more people to find themselves, so that the artistic cells in people can continue to grow and grow, and then become towering trees!"

"And some talented and capable people, or people with good works and products, can also use our Douyin platform to open channels and even gain amazing traffic."

"This traffic can allow the short video owner to get a certain amount of money!"

"Let me tell you a joke. Vincent Van Gogh is a great artist. If he lives in the modern age and uses Douyin to record his wonderful life, then maybe he won't have to kill himself!"

"Life is a great art. In such a big vat of life, each of us can be an artist of life."

And we Douyin. Recording a beautiful life is to let you discover and explore from life, so that you will generate your own artistic atmosphere.


At the same time, our company also launched another Two-dimensional mobile game, which we named Onmyoji. ………

Five minutes later, the Onmyoji and Douyin apps will be released in major app stores at the same time, hoping to bring you a different experience.

Gong Ming was completely out of script. Half an hour later, after Gong Ming answered a few questions from the reporters, he announced the end of the new product launch conference.

At this time, Andy came up again: "Friends from the media, our company has prepared a buffet for you at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, please come with our staff!"

At this time, Gong Ming and the others had already completed their exit.

Gong Ming's Aston Martin One 77 has been transported to the International Finance Center by someone arranged by Tang Wenlong.

"Brothers, let's get together at noon. I'll let someone book a private room at Sinan Mansion. I'll make arrangements for the lunch meal! As for the activities in the afternoon, it's up to Young Master Qin and Young Master Jiang? "Gong Ming said to the rich second generations.

At this moment, Gong Ming thought of the cold system notification sound.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the random task: a unique new product launch event]

[Reward: A detached garden house in Modu Sinan Mansion]

[The reward has been issued, the host can go to Tang Wenlong to collect the key]

Sinan Mansion is the only protection project in Shanghai consisting of a group of old bungalows. Basically, the old bungalows here are not for sale.

Gong Ming's old bungalow broke this conventional theory because it was arranged systematically.

A group of people walked out, Tang Wenlong took the initiative to step forward when he saw his boss coming out, and handed over all the procedures for the house in Sinan Mansion to Gong Ming.

"Han Shuo, you share a car with me. Brother Heng's Ferrari 488 will be left to you for the time being. Duoduo, are you taking Young Master Wang's car, or what should we do?" Gong Ming received the contract sent by Tang Wenlong , and two car keys began to be arranged.

"Brother Ming, I can actually drive a Ferrari 488 too!" Han Shuo was already very anxious about Gong Ming's last Ferrari 488.

"It's not easy to drive. After dinner, let's run around the old place!" Qin Hao patted Han Shuo on the shoulder and said with a smile.

The so-called old place is the Shanghai International Circuit where Gong Ming and the others went last time. The professional track doesn't need to be afraid of Han Shuo, the sports car killer.

Wang Heng didn't say much. He took the key of Gong Ming's Ferrari 488. When he saw the license plate of 488, Wang Heng was slightly taken aback, but he was relieved at random.

"Boss, McLaren said that the car has already arrived, and asked when you will be free, so bring the car out!"

(End of this chapter)

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