Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 192 The first wave of small fluctuations

Chapter 192 The first wave of small fluctuations
Chapter 190 The second wave of small fluctuations
"When you get home in a while, you can use your mobile phone to talk to your family members, report that you are safe, and then you will hand in your mobile phones!" Gong Ming, after speaking the last words, looked at everyone.

For a while, the room was extremely quiet.

Wang Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed the old father's number.

Wang Yu's father is the chief executive of the magic city, and can be said to be one of the real power figures in the magic city.

"Dad, I'm going out with some friends for a few days, don't worry!" Wang Yu said a few words after connecting the phone, and hung up the phone.

Qi Minghao, on the other hand, handed the phone directly to the coffee table.

"His parents are doing business abroad, and he is the only one in China, so it doesn't matter who he calls?" Qin Hao explained.

With Wang Yu taking the lead, the rest of you, young and old, immediately turned off their phones and put them on the coffee table after calling one by one.

Gong Ming clapped his hands, and Tang Wenlong walked in with two security personnel, sealed all the mobile phones on the table in packaging bags, and affixed a seal.

Seeing the cautious actions of the three of them, everyone, young and old, became more confident.

If it's not true inside information, does Gong Ming need to treat it with such caution?

At this moment, Gu Man called and Gong Ming connected, and Gu Man said directly, "Boss, your second uncle Jiang Hao Jiang Dong hit five small targets and entered the company account just now!"

Standing beside Gong Ming, Qin Hao heard every word of Gu Man clearly, and became more confident in this investment.

Gong Ming put the phone away, then looked at everyone and said, "The last one, I hope everyone knows that what we are going to do next is related to our own interests, even if we have the opportunity to reveal the news, whether it is to show off to other buddies, or I wouldn't recommend taking anyone else into the car."

"The investment market is risky, and any turmoil can cause accidents. So for the safety of our own funds, I hope you really don't spread the news." Gong Ming looked at everyone sincerely.

"Young Master Ming, don't worry, I promise that I will not contact the outside world during the four days!" Qi Minghao assured, patting his chest.

Qi Minghao took the lead, and the other young masters also promised one by one.

Of the two presidential suites, Gong Ming set aside an operating room in the other, and the computer in the operating room was connected to the company's camera.

"Well, everyone should have a good rest during the day, because there is a regional time difference between Free Country and our Hua Country, and the Dow Jones only starts at night. If you want to know the details, you can go to that room to watch it. Don't worry, Shao Qin and Shao Jiang will always be there In the room." Gong Ming said again.

After finishing speaking, the three of them turned and left. Wang Yu, Qi Minghao, Wang Heng, and the three of them also followed.

Entering the room, Gong Ming turned on two TVs, one of which clearly displayed the control situation of Tianming Risk Control, and the other showed the graph of the free stock market Dow Jones Index and the account of his own company Tianming Risk Control Condition.

Now, the balance in the account of Dow Jones Index Company is 18 small targets. This value really shocked Wang Yu, Qi Minghao and Wang Heng. They did not expect that this time the action would be so big.

Gong Ming sat in his seat, used the Dow Jones index share card rewarded by the previous system, and chose Mobil Oil.

The changes in Mobil Oil's futures contract for the next three days all appeared in Gong Ming's mind.

Looking at the gratifying Mobil oil futures index, it is really hard to imagine that after two days of continuous rise, it will fall to the bottom on the third day, or even fall into negative value.

"Is this Mobil Oil what we are doing?" Wang Yu looked at the TV screen in doubt.

"Well, Mobil Oil has transported a large amount of crude oil back to the country these days, and the futures contract delivery date will be three days later. Such a large amount of crude oil will definitely cause the international crude oil price to collapse!" Gong Ming briefly introduced.

Hearing this sentence, cold sweat broke out on Wang Yu's back, and suddenly he understood how big the cake that the young man in front of him was about to touch was.

"Approximately how much can you earn?" Qi Minghao heard the inside story and didn't think about the next thing at all.

"300%!" Gong Ming reported a value that he thought was safe.

Hearing 300%, Qi Minghao suddenly thought that he would have a small goal in three days. Sure enough, a small goal was easy and he earned it.

As night falls, the battlefield opens, after the preliminary preparations, at nine o'clock in the evening
Gong Ming made a phone call to Gu Man directly: "Start to act, do your best to make ten times more leverage!"

Hearing Gong Ming's sentence of ten times leverage, everyone behind him was also slightly taken aback. The US dollars in the account that were close to three small targets, with ten times leverage, would be 30 small target US dollars.

You know, now a 1% increase fluctuates by 3000 million US dollars. If it falls below 10%, the funds in the account will be automatically closed.

That's $3000 million, which is not a small amount.

"Go all out to build a long position, how much will you get in the market now?" After Gong Ming ordered, Gu Man directly asked the ten top traders transferred from Malaysia to start operating.

With 30 billion US dollars in several trillion US dollars, such a Dow Jones market cannot afford any waves at all.

An hour later, Mobil Oil had risen by 1‰ after a long period of 7‰ growth.

In other words, Kung Fu has earned 2100 million US dollars in the account at this moment.

The young and old who were staring at the TV screen behind them looked at each other and took a deep breath.

They never imagined that such a small goal could be achieved so easily.

When the time came to 10:47 in the evening, Gong Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and the first small climax came.

At 48:[-], Mobil Oil announced the company's financial statement for the last quarter, which was positive. This financial statement directly caused a small high in the Dow Jones Index.

"It's gone up, it's gone up." A young man opened his eyes wide, pointed at the exponential fluctuations on the TV screen with his finger, and opened his mouth wide enough to swallow a fist.

"Throw it all away!" Gong Ming picked up his phone and issued the latest instruction 3 minutes later.

After 3 minutes of high point fluctuations, the account has now credited five small target dollars.

"Boss, they've all been sold short!" Gu Man said over the phone ten seconds later.

Sure enough, a top trader is a top trader. With this speed, it can be seen how many years he has been single.

"Okay, the morning is over, let everyone have a rest and have a meal, and watch this one for me in the afternoon!" Gong Ming said and threw the phone on the table.

"Everyone go to sleep, the first wave of small fluctuations is over!" Gong Ming said with a smile, looking at the young masters standing behind him with wide-eyed eyes.

These people are suddenly very happy for their decision. You must know that their investment in this wave of operations has returned 150%. If they have a mobile phone now, they really want to send this news to show off and let those Those who quit temporarily are envious and jealous!
(End of this chapter)

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