Chapter 198
Chapter 190 Eight

Xin Chen was transferred from the small yellow car company, and dialed the information, phone number and home address of the person who used the car for the last time.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, this is BJ Chaoyang Traffic Law Enforcement Detachment. I am Xin Chen, the person on duty. You can call me Xin Zhi!" Xin Chen directly called Yang Zhengyi.

Seriously, Yang Zhengyi, this name is really good, but she can't see any justice at all in terms of her behavior of parking the little yellow car on the green belt.

The call was connected, but the call was hung up again. Xin Chen looked confused, and only heard a female voice on the other end of the phone saying, "Crazy, you scammed money to come to me!"

who I am?where am I?what am i doingXin Chen looked confused.

But he quickly reacted and called Yang Zhengyi again: "Hello, Ms. Yang, this is the Chaoyang Traffic Law Enforcement Team. I am Xin Chen, the law enforcement officer of the law enforcement team. Judicial justice is for public prosecution!"

Yang Zhengyi on the other end of the phone couldn't believe what he heard, the other party was not a liar.

"Ms. Yang, according to the information we have investigated, you parked a small yellow car illegally on the public green belt at the elevated intersection of Siyuan Bridge an hour ago. Now we need to know more details, please cooperate!" Xin Chen said very professionally.

Yang Zhengyi said nonchalantly: "There is such a thing, isn't it just a small yellow car, and I have already completed the delivery!"

"Ms. Yang Zhengyi, because of your illegal parking of public bicycles, which caused a serious accident, we are now officially notifying you to surrender to Chaoyang District Traffic Law Enforcement Team, and then accept punishment!" Xin Chen reminded.

"I'm not free!" Yang Zhengyi responded directly, and then continued: "My little yellow car has already completed the settlement, so that car has nothing to do with me. If you want to look for it, you can Go to the small yellow car company because they didn't take the car away in time, and the traffic accident happened because they didn't take the car away in time. They should bear the main responsibility. Let me tell you, I also understand the law!"

Listening to the blind voice coming from the mobile phone, Miss Xin Chen was stunned, knowing that this was the first time she came out to enforce the law, and she didn't know whether to cry or what to do when she encountered such an uncooperative person.
Xin Chen looked at his master, hoping that the master would come up with an idea.

Xin Chen's master is a middle-aged man in his 40s. The speaker was completely turned on during the call just now, so every word Yang Zhengyi said was heard by this man.

The middle-aged man also shook his head helplessly, and sighed: The world is full of wonders, such a fool, why should he live in the imperial capital?
"Attention to the detachment, attention to the detachment, Yang Zhengyi, a woman who lives near Niuwangmiao Community, Siyuanqiao, Chaoyang District, escaped in a traffic accident. Please invite the nearby comrades to invite her back for tea in time!" The middle-aged man communicated through the intercom radio and the headquarters Make a report.

Two hours later, the four of Gong Ming walked out of the Dongwai Brigade of the Imperial Capital Traffic Management.

Originally, the maintenance cost of the Lamborghini Maverick was about 30 yuan, but Han Shuo decided to share half with the other party. After all, he had to bear certain responsibilities.

Who would have known that Yang Zhengyi's masculine name was actually used on a middle-aged woman.

Yang Zhengyi was forcibly taken to the Dongwai Brigade by the law enforcement officers of the traffic law enforcement department. Faced with the 15 maintenance fee, Yang Zhengyi began to play havoc and firmly disagreed with the compensation.

How could Han Shuo bear this? The car he just bought went into the repair shop before it was warmed up. He had already promised half of the repair cost. Now you and I are playing this trick well.

Half an hour later, a lawyer left. Recently, after knowing the whole process of the case, the lawyer gave two conditions: "Ms. Yang, since you are mainly responsible for this traffic accident, there are two options above to hand over to you." for you."

Yang Zhengyi sat up from the ground, looked at the lawyer and asked, "Which two, do you not need me to accompany you?"

The lawyer nodded, and then said: "In view of the excessive cost, we will file a lawsuit against Ms. Yang, and Ms. Yang will face 3 to 5 years in prison! Or 25 in compensation!"

"No, didn't you pay back 15 just now? Why is it 25 now?" Yang Zhengyi obviously didn't get the most critical part of this sentence, and in her opinion, there was an extra [-] for no reason.

In the face of the prison, Yang Zhengyi chose to compromise and promised 25 compensation.

"Happy, I'm sorry for my new car!" Han Shuo's tone was obviously a little sad.

Gong Ming patted Han Shuo on the shoulder, and then said, "It's lucky that he is fine, but the car is broken down, so it's a big deal to fix!"

It's just this small accident that canceled the originally planned event at the Golden Port Motor City, and even Mr. 13 at night was also cancelled.

"If that's the case, let's all leave. I can just go around by myself!" Of course Gong Ming wouldn't say that he was looking for Shangguan Yurong to release his youth.

"Brother Ming, this Mercedes-Benz McLaren is a gift from the three of us. I hope you can accept it!" Qian Duoduo handed the key to Gong Ming.

Qian Duoduo could tell that Gong Ming seemed to like this Mercedes Benz Slr McLaren very much.

"Thank you!" Gong Ming didn't say much. This time, Qian Duoduo's status in his heart had reached the same level as Han Shuo's.

After everyone parted, Gong Ming drove this Mercedes Benz slr McLaren to the Imperial Capital Institute of Finance and Economics. He wanted to surprise Shangguan Yurong.

At six o'clock in the evening, Gong Ming parked the car at the south gate of the Imperial Capital Institute of Finance and Economics, and then sent a WeChat message to ask Shangguan Yurong to come out.

"Brother, this car is so cute. Which Mercedes-Benz is it? Why haven't I seen it?" A man with stud earrings and a hip-hop suit walked up to Gong Ming's car door.

"The refit is not worth a lot of money!" Gong Ming said with a smile after looking him up and down.

"Let me just say, this car looks cool, it's definitely not as good as my Jaguar!" As he spoke, the man pressed the key, and moved the key in his hand, and the lights of a fiery red Jaguar Xf lighted up ten meters ahead.

Gong Ming smiled, but did not speak.

This Jaguar XF is only a few dozen, which is probably not enough to buy the four tires of my own Mercedes-Benz.

"Brother, it's not okay for you to come to the School of Finance and Economics to catch girls like this. You see, we have at least a few bottles of drinks in the car, and a bouquet of flowers in the car. You see, you have nothing prepared!" The man said and pointed. Take a look at the bottle of mineral water on the hood.

Gong Ming didn't expect that there was already such a show operation at this time, and it really was the rich second generation of the imperial capital who could play it!

At this time, Shangguan Yurong appeared at the gate of the Imperial College of Economics, looked around, but did not find Gong Ming's Porsche 911, and stomped her feet secretly, thinking that Gong Ming was playing with herself.

To be honest, she really had a little expectation when she received Gong Ming's WeChat message asking her to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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