Chapter 200 If you don't pay, how can you get a reward?

Chapter Two Hundred

Just as Gong Ming threw the key to the doorman, a Mercedes-Benz also parked at the gate of the Four Seasons Hotel.

Amy pushed open the car door and got out.

"Husband!" Amy threw away the key in her hand, and threw herself into Gong Ming's arms, with both hands hanging around Gong Ming's neck, like a koala, in Gong Ming's arms.

Gong Ming was also very happy, and hugged Amy around twice.

At this time, the key had already been picked up by the doorman at the door.

Gong Ming casually took out 500 yuan from his wallet, put it in the hands of the doorman, and said casually, "Please park the car, hand the key to the front desk, and let them deliver it to Suite 808 Imperial City!"

Gong Ming held Shangguan Yurong with his left arm, and Amy with his right hand. It can be said that he enjoyed his blessings to the fullest.

In the restaurant, the three of Gong Ming found a seat by the window and sat down.

Gong Ming took the menu from the waiter, glanced at it briefly, and found that the price was not very expensive, so he handed the menu to Shangguan Yurong.

Shangguan Yurong took the menu and glanced at the dishes on the first page, Australian Wagyu Beef Rib Eye, 1888 servings.

She was so scared that she threw the menu in her hand to Amy.

Amy simply ordered a few items and returned the menu to Gong Ming.

Gong Ming casually clicked on the menu with his hands, ordering dozens of dishes that he already had, and then said flatly: "I don't want the ones I ordered just now, you can just look at the others."

Soon, your delicious dishes will be served by the waiter one after another.

Gong Ming looked at the Wagyu beef tartare with caviar placed in front of him, dug a spoonful of golden caviar with a small spoon, and put it in his mouth.

The caviar is full, and every bite feels like every caviar explodes in the mouth. The feeling of Q-bomb is indescribable, perfect!
[Ding, congratulations to the host for enjoying the delicious food! 】

[Ding, reward a good man card—hundreds of millions of descendants have no return date X 2]

Gong Ming didn't expect that after just eating a meal, he would be able to get rewards from the system. You must know that the Michelin-starred family didn't get any rewards before, but this time they directly received two cards.

Sure enough, the system still loves itself, so the love will not be transferred.

Gong Ming suddenly discovered a problem, that is, it seemed that he could play three rows tonight, but he didn't know if this good man card could be used in this way?
"Honey, when did you come here?" Amy cut a piece of steak into small cubes and brought it to Gong Ming's mouth.

Gong Ming opened his mouth to taste that, the M12 beef rib eye was really tender, without the greasy feeling of snowflakes at all.

"I got off the plane at noon today, Wang Heng and the others picked me up, and accompanied them to the second-hand car market and bought a few cars!" Gong Ming briefly introduced today's journey.

The meal was eaten quickly, and the night had completely enveloped the imperial capital. Looking at the brightly lit streets, Gong Ming felt that the city of the imperial capital was really full of fireworks.

"Do you have any activities tonight?" Gong Ming asked in confusion.

The two women looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

Just kidding, I ran out to play without eating the best meat, what were I thinking?

"How about? Let's go up to the third row and play black!" Gong Ming invited.

I booked an Imperial Suite in Gong Ming of the Four Seasons Hotel. You must know that the Imperial Suite in the Four Seasons Hotel is second only to that suite, and the price for one night even reached 7000 yuan.

The moon and stars make the night shy, and the beautiful flowers, rain, snow and spring in the south of the Yangtze River, it is another good night of flowers, and the prosperity is like a brocade, making people dizzy.

The three of them fought in the room, and the two and a half hours of fighting made the peachy atmosphere in the room even heavier.

Gong Ming looked at Shangguan Yurong and Amy, who had surrendered, their fighting strength was too weak, but it was only two and a half hours ago, and the opponent had already surrendered before he started.

Gong Ming got up slowly, came to the wine cabinet, chose a red wine from the wine cabinet, took out three goblets and poured some into each.

Walking to the window sill, he leaned back the rocking chair in front of the window sill, shaking the red wine in his hand, and looked at the brightly lit imperial capital.

"When are you leaving?" Amy regained some strength and embraced Gong Ming from behind with both hands.

Gong Ming picked up a glass of red wine and put it in her hand.

"Maybe the day after tomorrow! After all, school is going to start, and I have to go home. The next time I come here may be the National Day holiday!" Gong Ming calculated the time in his heart.

As a qualified time management master, he must arrange his life well, after all, the foundation of a stable family is the balance of rain and dew.

"Why don't we go to Shanghai to find you on the National Day, and go out together for a walk!" Amy said thoughtfully.

Gong Ming didn't expect that Amy would say this, but it was also good for him. Traveling between places for a long time would waste a lot of energy, so it's better to use this time to do something meaningful.

At this time, Shangguan Yurong also started to work slowly, her hair on the temples fell vertically, and a pair of national treasure giant pandas were perfectly covered by her hair.

"Husband, my younger sister wants to come to the Imperial Capital to study, and next year she will also take the college entrance examination!" Shangguan Yurong said weakly.

Gong Ming frowned slightly, but he relaxed it soon.

"Well, I'll take you to buy a flat tomorrow, so that we have a home, and your sister will have a place to stay in the future!" Of course Gong Ming understands what Shangguan Yurong's words mean. .

To put it bluntly, there is a certain age gap between the two, and their family backgrounds will not overlap. To be able to be together, to put it bluntly, everything is due to fate.

This fate is entirely based on RMB, so the amount of fate depends on the amount of RMB.

But Shangguan Yurong forgot that even if you bought a house in the imperial capital, you have no choice but to get a registered permanent residence in the imperial capital.

Moreover, even if she bought a house, she had no choice but to put it under Shangguan Yurong's name. After all, Shangguan Yurong hadn't been in the imperial capital for three years and had not paid any taxes, so she was not eligible to buy a house.

All of this can't trouble Gong Ming, after all, it's okay if you can't buy an apartment if you have money in the school district.

Moreover, there are not so many requirements and standards for the sale of apartments. After the "930" came out, the real estate in the imperial capital entered a cold winter.

"Husband, thank you!" Shangguan Yurong took a sip of red wine, and then poured it into Gong Ming's mouth.

Again and again, a bottle of red wine was quickly settled by the three of them. Shangguan Yurong drank the last sip of red wine and started the next serious work.

After all, if you want to get rewards, you must give. The more you give, the more rewards you will get, just like the set of cosmetics today.

Gong Ming felt that his soul was pulled away. After a while of trembling, he tightened his clothes. The night in the imperial capital is really too cold, so let's go back to sleep under the quilt!

(End of this chapter)

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