Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 212 The Student Union Is Such an Official Prestige

Chapter 212 The Student Union Is Such an Official Prestige
Chapter 210 Two

Gong Ming was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to continue the topic.

Sure enough, Mom, is this a showdown? Are you really an Onmyoji?

"Speak up! What are you trying to do?" (in Wu dialect) my mother asked directly.

Gong Ming smiled, and hastily denied: "My lord, what's wrong with you? Isn't it because I'm going to school soon, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I don't feel like I can't eat the food you cook?"

"Roll, I'm annoyed when I see you. Go to school quickly. I've been crazy all over the summer vacation, and I can't see a single person. Why don't you go to school and let me calm down for a while!" Mom waved her hands a few times like chasing flies. .

Gong Ming smiled happily: "Sure enough, my mother is still the same mother, she hasn't changed!"

(Bad Bones Gongming was successfully launched!)
After coquetting with my mother for a while, the time came to 08:30.

Gong Ming went back to the room and picked up his backpack and a small suitcase, ready to go out.

"My lord, my son is retiring. This trip is the Chinese New Year. You have to take care of your body and be happy every day." Gong Ming, imitating the royal etiquette of the Ming Dynasty in the TV series.

"Fuck off, I don't know where I learned these things all day long, remember to call when I get to school, and come back to report that I'm safe!" Mom stretched out her hand for Gong Ming, straightening his collar.

Sure enough, the son traveled thousands of miles and the mother was worried.

Just like a joke I saw in my previous life:
A son called his mother: Mom, I had a dream yesterday, I missed you!

My mother said directly on the other end: Speak!Do you have no money again, how much do you want to give a number?
Son, touched his nose, and then said: No, Mom, I just had a dream yesterday and suddenly missed you.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and after about half a minute, the mother on the other end of the phone said directly: Son, after you leave, I will miss you one day.

Every parent, who doesn't want children and grandchildren, has a bright future.

The ancients used to say: 'Parents love their sons, and their plans are far-reaching'

As a parent, who would want their children to go astray?

"Mom, I'm leaving!" Gong Ming took the keys to the Ferrari from the bar at the entrance, and waved goodbye.

"Well, if you remember anything, call back!" Mom Jiang Yan said, standing in the living room and waving.

Gong Ming nodded, and responded: "Okay, Mom, I understand!"

Hearing the sound of the Ferrari engine, Mom sat on the sofa.

With a sigh, although I said that I had a lot of things to do when my son was at home, but when I saw my son leaving home, I felt empty in my heart, as if something important had left!
The vehicle was driving on the road. Gong Ming, looking at the city where he had lived for more than ten years, drove to his grandparents' house, said goodbye to his grandparents, and accepted the red envelope from his grandparents.

When I came to Songhe Tower, I had already contacted Wu Yong's father.

"Uncle Wu, I took this tea set away, and thank you for taking care of me for so many years!" Gong Ming said.

To be honest, the parents of these two good friends of mine are really good to the three of us.

Gong Ming had been eating at Songhe Tower for three years in high school, and he never spent money on the tea he drank.

"Well, drive slowly on the road, Xiaoyong and the others left without waiting for you, it's outrageous!" Wu Yong's father said.

Gong Ming smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't blame those two guys, after all, I haven't been at home for a while, and those two didn't contact me when they left, and we're both in the same city, so it's very convenient to contact me! "

"Goodbye, uncle!" Gong Ming put the packaged tea set under the feet of the co-pilot.

"Slow down on the road!" Wu Yong's father waved his hand and said.

"Got it!" Gong Ming drove the Ferrari 488 away.

Because it is 09:30 in the morning to enter the high-speed entrance, and it is the peak time for returning to school.

Two and a half hours later, Gong Ming's Ferrari 488 got off the highway.

After getting off the high speed, he kicked the accelerator and headed towards Yipin Tomson.

Since Gong Ming's last registration, all the materials have been thrown into Yipin Tangchen's safe.

Throwing the keys on the bar counter casually, arranged the set of tea sets on the coffee table.

As for his own teapot, it was placed on top of the wine cabinet.

Just kidding about the teapot worth more than 100 million yuan, how can I throw it away casually, and this is a gift from my grandfather, which has great commemorative significance.

Throwing the materials needed for registration in the backpack, after thinking about it, he picked up the key of the McLaren p1.

This car has not been driven out for a long time, and it just so happens that I can go out for a play today.

The small suitcase was left at home, and he left directly with a backpack on his back.

The McLaren P1 knows how to run a lap on the peripheral road, and the time has come to more than 12 o'clock.

Gong Ming felt that he was actually a little hungry, so he parked the car in a parking space in a community.

At a fly restaurant at the entrance, Gong Ming settled for lunch. Among other things, the taste was really good, very similar to Gong Ming's taste.

At 01:30 in the afternoon, the sun was shining on them, and the three boys sitting on the chairs at the registration office were bragging and farting in boredom.

After Gong Ming showed his registration materials, under the guidance of the security guard, he parked the car in a parking space not far from the registration office.

The roar of the McLaren P1 caused waves of commotion in this quiet afternoon on the campus.

Gong Ming parked the car, put on the co-pilot's backpack, and closed the hood of the car.

"Student, is this the registration point for the 15th session of the Department of Economics and Economics?" Gong Ming took out the registration materials from his backpack.

The three men who were bragging and farting saw that the man was so handsome, they felt inferior for a moment.

"Student, where are your application materials?" A man wearing highly myopic glasses asked while sitting in his seat.

Gong Ming put his materials on the table.

"The 15th class, Class [-] of International Finance and Economic Management, Gong Ming, please sign here, classmate, and then go there to get the key and dormitory number!" The man with glasses picked up Gong Ming's materials and began to compare them on the registration form. .

Because few people hadn't arrived, it was easy to find Gong Ming's information.

After some procedures, Gong Ming completed the registration.

Gong Ming took his own materials, said thank you, put on his backpack and went to the material department beside him, and got the key.

The management personnel in the material department are all members of the student union. Seeing them ignoring their answers, Gong Ming just wanted to sigh, what a great official position.

"Senior sister, I'm here to collect the key!" Gong Ming handed the information form he had just completed to the woman in front of him.

"15th, Gong Ming?" The woman looked at the information on the registration form, then looked up at Gong Ming, and sighed in her heart: "So handsome, a god!"

 The management personnel in the material department are all members of the student union. A man with the nameplate of the vice president of the student union looked up, then lowered his head and continued to brag to the few people around him.

  Seeing their ignorance, Gong Ming just wanted to sigh, what a great official position.

(End of this chapter)

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