Chapter 223

Chapter 220 Three Twenty Is the Moonlight Night on the Bridge
"You guys go take a shower first!" After Gong Ming entered the door, he pushed his hands forward, and the two sisters, Zhong Chuxi and Zhong Chuqiao, almost staggered.

After taking a few steps forward, he stabilized his body.

"Where is the bathroom?" Zhong Chuqiao looked at her sister who hadn't spoken for a long time, shook her head slightly, but couldn't help asking.

"There!" Gong Ming casually pointed with his right hand, pointing in the direction of the bathroom.

After speaking, I went up to the second floor alone.

In the bathroom on the first floor, there are many flower petals floating in the huge bathtub. These petals are all dried petals prepared in advance for bathing. As long as they are put into the water, they will automatically open.

Steam rises from the bathroom, and you can see two girls in the bath.

"Sister, is there really no way out?" Zhong Chuqiao asked, looking at her sister beside her.

Zhong Chuxi sighed, sometimes she was really helpless.

Zhong Chuxi shook her head, Zhong Chuqiao looked at this shaking head and knew that she had no way out.

I am still very young, I have never experienced love at all, and now everything is because of my father, and I have nothing left.

The two stood up from the water, and the younger sister was obviously in better shape than the older sister.

Zhong Chuqiao wiped off the water on her body with a towel, then took out a brand new white bathrobe from the cabinet, stepped on a pair of slippers and walked towards the second floor.

Following closely behind Zhong Chuxi, the two pushed open the door of the room and found Gong Ming lying on the bed, who had already fallen asleep.

When she reached the door, Zhong Chuqiao wanted to back off, but just half a step back, she was pushed back by her sister standing behind her.

"Go in! We have no choice!" Zhong Chuxi held her sister's shoulders with both hands, and whispered in her ear.

Zhong Chuqiao resigned to her fate, walked into the room with her sister, lifted the quilt, and the two snuggled up to Gong Ming's side.

Looking at the sleeping Gong Ming, Zhong Chuxi moved down consciously, awakening the big killer.

The big killer must see blood when he wakes up, the room is soon completely covered by peachy breath, and the embarrassing thing makes the moon cover his eyes.

The voice of Fei Mi soon filled the whole villa, and Zhong Chuxi called out to her sister for help an hour later.

At this time, because of the gift of empathy with her elder sister, Zhong Chuqiao was already limp and weak, as if she had suffered from a serious illness.

But hearing her sister's call, Zhong Chuqiao rushed into the battlefield, overthrew the master and joined the attack.

Zhong Chuxi got a moment of rest, but this rest only lasted a few seconds, and the talent of connecting with her sister was activated again.

Coupled with the fact that I have just experienced human affairs and initially developed my inner charm, my body twists and turns, which is very uncomfortable.

Half an hour later, the two had a new round of rotation, and Gong Ming seemed to be a tool man.

When will the double-flying swallows return, and the peach blossoms on the Jia'an bank will bloom with water.

The spring rain broke the bridge and the people were too busy, and the boat pulled out the willow.

The green hills are faintly covered with water, and the grasses in the south of the Yangtze River are not withered in autumn.

24 On a moonlit night at the bridge, where can the jade man teach me how to play the flute?

The next day, the sun shone into the room, and Gong Ming didn't expect that he would be suddenly attacked by going to bed early.

Looking at the two sisters who were still sleeping, the talents of Meigu Tiancheng and Neimei were actually so powerful.

If it wasn't for his extraordinary talent and precise combat power, he would definitely have died in battle yesterday.

At this time, the two female generals who were captives no longer had the arrogance of last night.

Zhong Chuxi felt the sun piercing into her eyes, she couldn't help but rubbed her eyes, opened her eyes and saw Gong Ming who was about to get up.

With that proud figure and huge capital, she recalled the scene where she and her sister were miserable last night. She really didn't understand where she and her sister had the courage to surrender this huge capital yesterday.

I moved my body slightly, feeling a piercing pain.

Just as she wanted to tear it apart, her younger sister Zhong Chuqiao called out ahead of time.

It turns out that I figured it out in my heart, and I can still use it like this.

Gong Ming got up, covered the two girls with quilts, then entered the bathroom, and began to take a bath. The warm water washed away the exhaustion from last night.

Under the washing of warm water, the blood on the bloody weapon faded away, and the gun was sheathed.

"Are you two going to school today?" Gong Ming looked at the two people on the bed and couldn't help asking.

Zhong Chuxi wanted to get up, but because of the pain of breaking the melon, and because it was the first time, she didn't know how to restrain herself, so she couldn't help but fight several times, so the wound has not recovered yet.

Zhong Chuxi pushed her sister Zhong Chuqiao, wanting to ask her opinion.

This is also a habit for many years. As two twin sisters, the elder sister has a gentle personality, and the younger sister has a personality of a little pepper. How can there be any personality?

Zhong Chuqiao thought about it, but couldn't help but said: Let's go back to school with you!
Zhong Chuqiao also has her own plans. She and her sister were named school belle at Magic Sea University, and there are many annoying flies chasing after them.

There are people from ordinary families, and there are rich second-generation people. Last year, when my father's business was still booming, these people were just thinking about farts.

Unexpectedly, during a summer vacation, the family undergoes great changes, the father's company went bankrupt and owed a large amount of gambling debts, and the mother died earlier. The father took the loan shark he borrowed a week ago and wanted to go to the Lion City to make money. Who knew that nine out of ten bets lost, how could it be possible? Give bad gamblers a chance to make money?
The 300 million debt company funds did not survive the night at all. The next day, the drowsy father walked out of the casino, walked on the road in Lion City, and jumped off the bridge.

Every day, at seven o'clock in the morning, many people come out of the casino and jump on this bridge, so the local residents of the Lion City have already seen it?
Two hours later, the debt company was the first to receive the news, knowing that Zhong Wei had jumped off in Lion City, ending his life.

How can this be, if he dies, won't his debt be collected?

The loan of 300 million has successfully become 400 million through overnight interest rollover.

At 11 o'clock, the two sisters Zhong Chuqiao and Zhong Chuxi, who were preparing lunch at home, saw the door kicked open, and a group of vicious guys walked in.

Through a friendly chat, all that could be moved in the family was moved away, and I was ordered to move out of the house with my sister within today. The house has been mortgaged to a debt company, and there is still a debt of 80 that needs to be owed to myself and my sister. back.

Of course, the 80 yuan is also subject to interest, and a rollover of interest is [-] yuan.

After these debtors left, I and my sister kept calling to borrow money. When the former good sisters heard that they were borrowing money, they all hung up the phone.

Those suitors heard that they were borrowing money, and the dicks said they could only squeeze out living expenses, about 2000 yuan. The rich second generation showed their disgusting faces.

My sister suddenly remembered that there was a model company that wanted to sign her, so she called Tang Niu.

(End of this chapter)

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