Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 246 The Life Committee of Other People's Family Series 2

Chapter 246 The Life Committee of Other People's Family Series II

Chapter 240 Six

After 15 minutes, Sun Xiaoyue finished explaining, and then gave the manager An Xiaohui a look.

An Xiaohui understood that it was time for her to appear.

An Xiaohui took the microphone, and then said: "Students, Shiseido has prepared for this event for a long time. In order to thank all the students, we specially prepared some travel sets as gifts and distributed them to each student. Hope You students can promote Shiseido well! Thank you!"

After An Xiaohui finished speaking, all the students applauded again.

Zhang Yueliang, Qian Guanghan, Zhao Min, three students stepped forward again, and distributed more than 30 travel sets in turn.

Looking at the travel case in my hand, this simple sample travel case would sell for [-] to [-] outside, so every student was very happy.

After the things were distributed, An Xiaohui and Sun Xiaoyue greeted Gong Ming, then went downstairs and left on their little electric donkeys.

On the way, Sun Xiaoyue was full of doubts, but seeing that the manager didn't say anything, she couldn't ask questions.

"I know what you want to ask? Just pretend that some things never happened, and don't even mention them when you get back!" An Xiaohui said directly.

After all, Gong Ming, what a young master like this does, he had experienced it himself, it is best to forget it immediately, or one day he might cause a big disaster because of his own slip of the tongue.

Seeing that the students in the class were all gathered together, the class guide Tian Ruoling directly arranged for Qian Guanghan and several students to collect the military training uniforms of all the students in the class.

Qian Guanghan and the others quickly brought back the clothes, and after distributing them, Tian Ruoling told everyone that after taking the clothes back, soak them in hot water first, and it will be more comfortable to wear after drying.

After Tian Ruoling, the class teacher, dismissed the class, 32 students took their own gifts and left.

After returning to the dormitory, some girls have already posted what happened today on the campus wall.

Suddenly, a large number of people eating melons appeared on the campus wall.

On the second day, at [-]:[-] am, all the freshmen who participated in the military training went to the stadium for the opening ceremony under the leadership of their class supervisors.

At this time, after Zhang Chengfeng returned to the company, he described the boss's request to Andy, and Andy waved his hand and sent a camera location car directly.

There was also a medium-sized freezer in the car, as well as some anti-heatstroke medicine.

The next morning, Zhang Chengfeng led the small crew and showed up outside the stadium of Mohai University on time.

The vehicle was parked, and at this time, a bus on the campus where the camera was shot was parked behind this location camera car.

The car door opened, and the cutest person walked towards the center of the stadium with neat steps, shouting loud slogans.

This scene was filmed directly by the location car, what a good start, and what a stark contrast.

The platoon leader of the military training had already been notified by the school of Magic Sea University, and knew that this time the Douyin short video would be edited and promoted.

The new year's recruiting is about to start, maybe this is also an opportunity, an opportunity to show everyone the demeanor of the soldiers who defend the country.

After the platoon leader reported to the superior, he got the approval and must complete the military training task efficiently, quickly, and without losing etiquette.

Amid the warm applause from the freshmen, the school leaders finally finished their speech, and it was almost 9:40 at this time.

The sun in September is so vicious.

Military training is based on classes as a whole, and each class arranges a soldier as a training instructor.

The class guide is an assistant teacher and an assistant.

Near ten o'clock, the military training is about to start, and the freshmen of the second class of the State Economic and Economic Affairs began to apply sunscreen to avoid being recruited during the military training.

When the military training started, the second class of the National Economics was watched again, because the freshmen from other classes discovered that there was actually a filming team following the second class of the National Economics.

If it weren't for the strict discipline of the military training, I am afraid that the students in other classes have already started to inquire about the situation.

The first round of military training lasted for an hour. At 11 o'clock, the students got a 10-minute break.

However, this 10-minute break made the second class of the International Economics and Economics once again the focus of everyone's attention.

During the break, Zhang Chengfeng asked Chang Ji to take out a bucket of mineral water soaked in ice water from the freezer.

You know, now is the beginning of a day of suffering, the sun is viciously emitting its own heat, evaporating the water in the human body.

"Students, in order to thank you for cooperating with us in Douyin's short video promotion, our company has specially prepared some small benefits for you, some medicines for preventing heatstroke and cooling down, and iced mineral water. A little bit of kindness from our company!" Zhang Chengfeng took out a microphone, and said to the students in the second class of China Economics and Economics.

Considering that there are more girls in the class, if any girl is in her menstrual period, there is no benefit to drinking ice water, so I also prepared some mineral water at room temperature.

After Zhang Chengfeng finished speaking, all the students in the class applauded.

Of course, there is no shortage of lovely people in water delivery, and a bottle of water is not worth a lot, so sending it over may gain a certain amount of favor.

"What's the situation in this class? Why is there a photography team, mineral water, and those medicines for heatstroke prevention and cooling?" A freshman who was also in military training asked.

Another freshman next to him replied, "I heard that the life committee of their class and Douyin reached a sponsorship campaign with Shiseido. Shiseido sponsored their sunscreen, and the camera team of Douyin company recorded the entire process of military training."

"I know this life committee member. The life committee member of his class reached an agreement with a self-service barbecue outside the school the night before yesterday, and held a two-yuan buffet!" Said another boy next to him.

"I'm sore! The life committee of other people's family!" The first man who spoke said.

"Yes! Yes! The life committee of our class knows about class fees!" A boy behind him added.

"Why is the class group a WeChat group? If it's a penguin group, let's chat anonymously. I'll kill our life committee!" Another boy spoke.

For a while, the class was very lively.

"Brother, if you are dissatisfied with me, you can just say it directly. You will be the life committee member, and let me spray you, okay?" Behind the man, a gloomy voice said, frightened, this boy one jump.

"I'm envious of my real name, but I want to ask, I'm also majoring in economics and economics, can I apply for a class transfer?" said a girl.

Sure enough, three girls are 20 ducks. In this class, there are more than [-] girls and nearly a million ducks.

This trend was instantly contagious, and there were nearly a thousand female students in the freshman year. It is completely conceivable what the stadium has become now.

(End of this chapter)

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