Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 253 My Instructor Is Called Zhuang Zhuang

Chapter 253 My Instructor Is Called Zhuang Zhuang (Modify)

Chapter 250 My Instructor is Zhuang Zhuang
Soon, after the leader had finished training, Gong Ming and the others started to divide into companies.

The three classes of Guojing are divided into a company, and the company's training instructor is a so-called strong male instructor.

Zhuang Zhuang is from Dongshan Province. He has been in the army for two years, but he is about the same age as everyone else.

In fact, Gong Ming also sighed a little. They were all his peers, who had only been in military training for more than ten days, and all of them had sun protection and isolation.

And they, with two years of military service, that is to say, have experienced two years of outdoor wind and sun, and it is impossible to prevent sun protection and isolation.

Sure enough, people like myself are too delicate.

At five o'clock in the evening, the first day of military training in the real sense ended, and all the students left the stadium in the South District in twos and threes.

After experiencing yesterday's lesson, I no longer go to the cafeteria in the southern district. If I really want to go, I will go to the small cafeteria next to it.

After a whole morning of shopping, Zhong Chuxi, Zhong Chuqiao, and Shen Youchu returned to the girls' dormitory with their bags.

This scene attracted the attention of many people. The three people who were regarded as in trouble, but they fell in love with sisters after a night, and what happened to Shen Youchu's walking posture, why did he seem to twist his foot when walking?
In the afternoon, the three sisters shared the spoils in the dormitory, and went shopping all morning, buying some cosmetics, clothes, and bags, of course not a lot of more than 40 yuan.

After distributing things, he rested in the dormitory for a while, and in the evening, he bought things in the canteen in the North District, quietly waiting for Gong Ming's arrival.

At this moment, the three of them were like three little daughters-in-law waiting for their husbands to come back, neither quarreling nor fighting, united and friendly.

Because of the extremely tragic battle last night, they all understood a truth, even if the three of them join hands, it's okay to be defeated, or to be defeated.

Thinking of that terrifying beast, galloping in the spring water of his own house, playing three or four consecutive rounds, his side would be completely defeated.

Shen Youchu was bleeding like a river, and finally had to hold up the white flag to express his surrender. After all, he lost three times in a row, and he no longer had the courage to fight again.

Gong Ming chatted happily with the other three people in the dormitory, and walked into the canteen of the North District with a smile.

What happened yesterday happened again, but the script seemed to be different. The three girls sat there, chatting happily.

Thinking that Gong Ming didn't come back last night, and looking at the blooming Gong Yun between Shen Youchu's brows, everyone in the dormitory gave Gong Ming a thumbs up.

It's no wonder why he doesn't like the freshman school flower in the freshman year. Why should he care about a wild flower with three golden flowers beside him?

After waving goodbye to the three people in the dormitory, Gong Ming went straight to the empty seat on that table.

"Master, you are back!" Shen Youchu, thinking of the embarrassing title last night, because his side was defeated, but the master and general became the other party's captives, and he really worshiped the other party.

So the title of the master was decided.

Gong Ming and the three daughters had a meal, and told each other that he had something to do tonight, so he would not accompany them.

The three daughters nodded, and whoever loves will be unlucky tonight. Thinking about the three of them almost not dying last night, there are some things that cannot be provoked, and they have no way to subdue them.

After dinner, Zhong Chuxi, Zhong Chuqiao and Shen Youchu went for a walk in the girls' dormitory. This scene murdered the eyes of so many pure boys.

Seeing the goddess in my dream, cuddling so intimately beside a man, even though this man is so handsome, like the brightest star on his shoulder, standing by his side, I will feel ashamed.

However, the goddess belongs to everyone, no matter how handsome you are, you can't have three of them alone.

Even if you have three, you can't lure the dog in and kill them in public. Are people so cruel now?

Who did he offend as a single dog? Looking at his good friends around him, tears streamed down his face.

"I have some things to do tonight. If you guys are really bored, go out and play by yourself. By the way, Shen Youchu, do you have a driver's license?" Gong Ming asked Tang Wenhao to pick up a Porsche 718 today. If you have a driver's license, you can Give it to her, if not, then she will have to watch others open it.

Shen Youchu nodded, and said directly: "You look down on people, tell you, I'm an old driver!"

"Okay, old driver! I have picked up a car for you, and there are still some procedures. It will arrive in two days!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

This is Gong Ming's advantage. For every woman, he can be equal. If you have something, she will definitely have it. He will never say which one he owes.

"Master, you are so kind!" Shen Youchu put his arms around Gong Ming's neck and offered his own sweet kiss.

Gong Ming happily accepted it. It took only half an hour for a meal to abuse the dogs in the entire cafeteria. The single dogs in the whole school had no love in their lives. The No. 1 campus sticker was no longer the top ten school beauty ranking.

Now the No.1 hot post has been replaced by: Crowdfunding beats up the freshman male god school grass, and the classification is also divided into the category of public welfare activities.

Sure enough, the power of a single dog still has a certain degree, otherwise there would not be so many idioms in ancient times, what dog jumps the wall in a hurry, many dogs make gold, and the life of a dog matters.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Gong Ming appeared in the executive panorama suite 5107 of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Opened a bottle of red wine, shook the glass gently, and looked at the scenery of the Huangpu River under the Pearl Tower.

"Dong dong" the door was knocked.

"Come in! The door is unlocked!" Gong Ming sat on the sofa and looked towards the door.

Wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker, Bingbingfan walked in from the door as if stealing a mine.

"What? You stole the toilet from which house, and the owner is chasing you?" Gong Ming teased.

"Young Master Gong, you really know how to joke. You are a star after all. Now that there are so many paparazzi, if they are photographed, the public opinion will be bad. Maybe it will be on the headlines tomorrow!" Bing Bingfan explained road.

"Sit down! Do you want red wine?" Gong Ming pointed to the sofa not far away.

Today's Bing Bingfan is wearing a white shirt, paired with a denim miniskirt, and crystal-colored dark mesh pantyhose wrapping a pair of beautiful legs.

Bing Bingfan sat down and raised her legs consciously, as if she was particularly relaxed at this moment.

"What? Have you made up your mind?" Gong Ming put a glass of red wine in front of her, and sat down on the coffee table.

Bingbingfan reached out to take the red wine glass, and the red wine glass slowly shook in his hand, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

"Master Gong, can you point me to a clear path?" Bing Bingfan stood up and bowed.

"Sit down, sit down, the visitor is a guest, how can I make it difficult for the guest!" Gong Ming smiled and pushed Bing Bingfan on the sofa and sat down.

"It's not embarrassing at all, I voluntarily!" Bing Bingfan didn't know what to think, and his face turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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