Chapter 255 Unexpected explosion

Chapter 250 The Eighth Unexpected Explosion
All the lights went out, the spotlights turned on, and all the lights converged on the stage in the middle of the stadium.

Gong Ming, dressed in military training attire, stepped forward and walked to the center of the stage.

At this time, in the center of the stage, Ma Fei, Sun Quan and the others had already placed a high stool and a microphone there.

Gong Ming picked up the microphone, tested the sound, and said, "Because it's a temporary mission, there's no accompaniment or anything else. How about this, I'll play and sing a song for everyone, I hope everyone likes it!"

"Students at the scene, you can turn on the light of the mobile phone, light a small candle, and swing together!"

"The song "The Beauty of the World is Intertwined with You" is given to everyone. I hope that all the beauty of study and work will be with the students in the future!" Gong Ming put the microphone back on the stand after finishing speaking.

The female students, very consciously, took out their mobile phones and turned on the flashlight.

The lights on the scene, leaving only the spotlight on the stage.

【Chapter Bingzhu Night Tour

Midnight stars are like running friends

love you every scab wound
Aged spirits

It's delicious in the throat
Why do tears still occasionally fall

I invite you to take a closer look at the gap in your heart

tenderness in the cracks

At this time, the person who has been loved by Yingfeicao is on the way
I know that he travels through storms and sunsets without reward
Crossing the sea of ​​people just to hug you
At this moment, the moon is already in the sky, and the person who loves is holding the starlight
I know he rode the wind and waves to the dark

Empathize with your desire for redemption
know you can't still want your feelings
Add a little rainbow to the starlight

Let sakura kiss your forehead secretly

Let the beauty of the world be closely linked with you

At this time, the person who has been loved by Yingfeicao is on the way
I know that he travels through storms and sunsets without reward
Crossing the sea of ​​people just to hug you
At this moment, the moon is already in the sky, and the person who loves is holding the starlight
I know he rode the wind and waves to the dark

Empathize with your desire for redemption
At this time, the person who has been loved by Yingfeicao is on the way
I know that he travels through storms and sunsets without reward
Crossing the sea of ​​people just to hug you
At this moment, the moon is already in the sky, and the person who loves is holding the starlight
I know he rode the wind and waves to the dark

Empathize with your desire for redemption
know you can't still want your feelings
Add a little rainbow to the starlight

When the cherry blossoms are blooming

When the beauty of the world is closely linked with you]

When a song ends, there are screams at the scene
"God, I love you, I want to watch the cherry blossoms with you!"

"Honey, I want to marry you!"

The female students screamed at the top of their throats, and this song was broadcast live simultaneously on Shanghai Satellite TV and spread to countless families.

in a bar
"Brother Hao, do you think Young Master Gong actually has this kind of talent?" Qi Minghao watched the live broadcast on his mobile phone to Qin Hao who was beside him.

Qin Hao smiled, because Gong Ming, this guy seems to have nothing he can't do, probably the only thing he can't do is to have children.

At this time, the host came onto the stage, and facing the audience, the students asked: "Students, is the male god's song good?"

"Sounds good, one more"

"One more, male god, I love you!"

Gong Ming suddenly felt that maybe it was a mistake for him to be on stage.

"Male god, why don't you play another song? I was drunk just now. If that guy hadn't pushed me, I would still have not woken up from my drunkenness!" As he spoke, he glared at another male host beside him. glance.

The male host was obviously a little embarrassed, touched his nose, and said, "Student Gong Ming, look at the enthusiastic requests from everyone, why don't you come up with another song!" Then he looked at Gong Ming begging for help.

Gong Ming turned his head and saw the girls in the front row, each of them showed expectant eyes.

Gong Ming sighed, nodded and said, "Because time is limited, there are still a lot of shows to be staged, so I can't take up the time of other students too much, so I'll sing a song for everyone, a simple song. song, it's called "The Light Chaser"

[If you are a firework on the sea

I am the foam of the waves

For a moment your light illuminated me
If you are a distant galaxy
Dazzling to make people want to cry
I'm chasing your eyes
Always look at the night sky when I'm alone

i can follow you
Sleepwalking like a shadow chasing the light

I can wait at this intersection
whether you will pass
Whenever I lift my head up for you
Even tears feel free]

"What? This song is actually sung by a male god, I should have guessed it a long time ago?" a girl said in surprise.

"What's wrong?" asked the girl next to her.

The surprised girl clicked on the video she saved, which she accidentally recorded in an anchor room.

In a bar, an extremely handsome boy sat on the stage holding a guitar, playing and singing softly.

"Where is this bar!" the girl couldn't help asking.

"A Qingba in the imperial capital! It's a place where everyone listens to music, chats, and drinks a little cocktail!" The surprised girl replied.

At this time, the song reached the climax.

[I can follow behind you

Sleepwalking like a shadow chasing the light

I can wait at this intersection
whether you will pass
Whenever I lift my head up for you
Even tears feel free]

The girl couldn't help but started to sing along, and in this scene, many girls in the audience could sing.

It turns out that this video is not only watched by one girl, many girls have heard this song, but they don't know who the singer is?
To be able to find out today that the singer is actually a school grass of your own school, why does this make the girls unhappy?
Gong Ming didn't expect that someone would be able to sing the song he had only sung once.

And now that movie hasn't started shooting, how can these people sing this theme song?
After Gong Ming sang the song, he stood up gracefully, made a noble and polite posture, and walked off the stage.

The party reached a climax because of Gong Ming's unexpected appearance, and the students in the following performances felt dull.

The chorus ended, announcing that the freshman military training had come to an end.

Just after walking out of the auditorium, a system notification sounded in Gong Ming's mind.

'Congratulations to the host for completing the military training for freshmen. Since the host performed outstandingly during the military training, the host will receive the following rewards.

'Reward [-]: A random gift bag'

'Reward [-]: A special gift package'

'Whether the host has opened the reward gift package' system issued a reminder again.

'Open open open! ' Gong Ming responded inwardly.

Open a gift bag!

There is no such thing as a gift bag?
Gong Ming likes opening gift bags full of mystery, because every gift bag can bring him the ultimate experience.

Of course, the ultimate experience is different from that of Du (Lei) Si 01.

The lottery is always a pleasure, of course, if you can draw a big gift bag, it will be even more enjoyable.

Two gift packs will be opened soon

"Ding, congratulations to the host for opening the random gift bag and obtaining a piece of special information!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for opening the special gift bag and gaining specialization in weapons and equipment!"

 A song that Pujie likes very much, teacher Bo Song is very talented

(End of this chapter)

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