Chapter 262 Ling Xiao
Chapter 260 Five Ling Xiao

As night fell, Jiang's house in Jiujiantang Villa.

"Second sister, that man is really not suitable for you!" Gong Ming persuaded.

My second sister has a bit of a bad temper, and it's hard-headed to say the least.

After graduating from Princeton Medical College in the Free State, she worked as an intern at the Princeton Interstate Hospital for two years before resolutely deciding to return to China.

After returning to China, relying on his own strength, he entered the Renji Hospital in the magic city and became an attending physician.

Because of a fellowship event at the hospital, he unexpectedly met Ling Xiao, the attending physician of the surgery.

"What's wrong? I'll let you take care of me finding a boyfriend!" Jiang Ning looked at Gong Ming angrily.

As soon as he got home, his family directly opposed him and Ling Xiao to continue dating. He was already 27 years old, and it was not easy to meet a man he liked.

"Sister, you think marriage is too simple. What is marriage? Do you know?" Gong Ming asked directly.

Hearing his younger brother's question, Jiang Ning didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Marriage is when two people you like can stay together forever!"

"Hehe!" Gong Ming laughed awkwardly.

"Is there any problem?" Jiang Ning asked.

"Sister, what is marriage? Marriage is a great integration of two equal families. There is also a prerequisite for staying together. To put it bluntly, a salary of [-] a month is such a salary. You can't even afford a little house, how can you be happy?" Gong Ming said, looking at his second sister Jiang Ning.

"What is marriage? Rice, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, you have to do everything!" Gong Ming continued.

"We don't object to you finding someone you like, but liking doesn't mean marriage. That mommy boy can just play around. Why bother? Just treat it as a game and pick the wrong hero!" Gong Ming said He finally looked at his second sister.

"What's your name? It's a person, a relationship, how can it be replaced by a game?" Jiang Ning was a little angry.

"Emotion, this thing is the least valuable thing, second sister, do you know what emotion is?" Gong Ming looked at Jiang Ning and asked.

Jiang Ning didn't speak, just looked at Gong Ming quietly.

Gong Ming sighed, and then pulled out a piece of paper from the folder of the file bag on the desk.

"Look for yourself!" Gong Ming handed this piece of paper to Jiang Ning.

The piece of paper Jiang Ning picked up was worthy of attention. He looked at it with wide eyes and took a step back. His hand seemed to have no strength, and the piece of paper fell to the ground.

Jiang Ying on the side stepped forward, picked up the piece of paper, looked at it, looked at it for a while, and spit out two words: "Human scum"

This piece of paper clearly recorded all the girls that Ling Xiao had contacted since the beginning of high school.

In the first year of high school, she asked the girls in her class to abort herself.

In the second year of high school, that girl had another abortion, also because of Ling Xiao.

In the third year of high school, the girl was ruthlessly abandoned by Ling Xiao, and then she jumped from the teacher's building at the school, ending Huahua's life.

The freshman, and the senior sister were ambiguous, and were beaten up by the boyfriend of the senior senior sister, and this was only a pastime for a month, and the relationship between the two of them was unclear after a month.

In her sophomore year, because of her family's financial situation, she couldn't meet her own needs, so she entered the Dark Horse Club and became a dedicated waiter.

In the third year of junior high school, his mother unexpectedly owed more than 40 yuan in debt because of playing on Ao Island. In order to repay the debt, Ling Xiao took a week off. After a week, he repaid the 40 yuan debt.

In her senior year, her relationship with the rich woman was accidentally discovered by the husband of the rich woman. She was beaten up and disabled, and she lost her fertility ever since.

This year, I worked hard and learned knowledge hard, in order to be able to heal myself.

In July of this year, I accidentally saw Jiang Ning who came down from the herdsman. He was shocked, and started to pursue him in the activities organized by the hospital.

In August, the mother and sister-in-law went to O Island again to play, and owed a debt of 400 million, which has not yet been repaid.

In September, Ling Xiao borrowed 50 from Jiang Ning to repay the interest on the debt in August.

Looking at the items listed on this piece of paper, Jiang Ying felt her teeth itch. If Ling Xiao was in front of her now, she would probably be severely bitten off a piece of flesh.

"Second sister, look at who you are looking for. What did you do to our house? A machine to fill their holes and wipe their butts?" Jiang Ying said bitterly.

"So, will love really disappear?" Jiang Ning couldn't help asking.

Gong Ming was at a loss for words for a while, he was a master of time management, how would you ask him to answer such a question?

"Second sister, it doesn't matter if a boy is poor, as long as he is kind and self-motivated, everything is not a big deal. Anyone can choose a boyfriend, but you must keep your eyes open when choosing a husband!" Gong Ming expressed his understanding.

After all, for Gong Ming, as a creature like a girlfriend, as long as he doesn't get married, it doesn't matter to anyone.

But the wife, that is, the person who wants to be with her for the rest of her life, must be a beautiful woman.

"Okay, you brothers and sisters don't talk anymore, let's eat!" The second aunt came over and shouted to everyone.

"Second sister, let's go and eat. It's not worth getting angry over this kind of scum. Don't be angry, don't be angry. If you get angry, you won't be able to replace your body!" Gong Ming used a sentence from his childhood. , as long as this big move is used, the second sister will recover.

This time it really was the case again, Jiang Ning couldn't break through Gong Ming's move.

"Pfft..." Jiang Ning smiled through tears, where is the sad face just now?
"Your boy has really grown up, and you know that you care about Second Sister. Don't worry, Second Sister is not that kind of cowardly girl. This matter is like this, forget it?" Jiang Ning completely let go of Ling Xiao.

In the restaurant, grandma and grandpa sat in the front seats, and everyone sat separately.

"Let's eat!" Grandpa said.

Aunt Qin at home brought the last dish, and then took off her apron to go home.

"Sister Qin, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, so we won't disturb your family reunion. By the way, you can bring back the box of wine and two boxes of mooncakes at the door. The family will have a good Mid-Autumn Festival!" Jiang Hao, the second uncle Said.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, after you finish eating, just put your things here. I will come over early tomorrow morning to clean up!" Aunt Qin bowed again after she finished speaking.

Aunt Qin's son just entered high school this year, and he went to a boarding school. Because the school was on holiday for the Mid-Autumn Festival, Aunt Qin's son went home.

Aunt Qin’s family is in Puxi, and she was demolished and allocated an 80-square-meter house. Because the man died early, she could have remarried, so she chose to take care of her parents-in-law and her son.

A few years ago, her father-in-law and mother-in-law left, and Aunt Qin came to the second uncle's house to be an aunt. Because of her hard work, she stayed, and she did this for five years.

(End of this chapter)

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