Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 271 Don't Think About Cheating on Me

Chapter 271 Don't Think About Cheating on Me
Chapter 270 Four Don't Try to Cheat Food and Drink with Me

The woman was also dumbfounded, but soon, she showed a smile.

All of this is normal, the rich second generation will definitely have a temper.

My old lady even survived with a leather whip and a candle, let alone you?
As for the dog?

Ha ha.

It's not that I haven't plugged my tail.

"Oh, little brother, you are so humorous. Being your girlfriend must be very happy."

The girl blinked her eyes and smiled at Gong Mingjiao.

Drive a car like a Mercedes-AMG McLaren!
Long and so handsome!

Don't talk about cursing a few words, even if you hit yourself a few times, so what?

This kind of high-quality rich man is not so easy to come across.

It is not an exaggeration to say that as long as she can take down this handsome guy, the girl feels that a little insult is nothing at all.

Some men like to play this kind of routine.

She believes that as long as this guy has a taste of himself, he will never miss leaving.

She has a hundred ways to make him her guest of honor.

As for the face?

If you come out to mess with what to do with that, those who want to face will starve to death long ago.

Only by being shameless and always shameless can we survive in this realistic society.

"Little brother, do you have the heart to see me go alone?"

"Little brother, my feet hurt a little."

"Little brother, I live far away, why don't you give me a ride?"

Don't say it yet.

This woman is really persevering, even though Gong Ming has been telling her all the time, she is still very persistent.

The people around were speechless.

This is too bullshit!
It is said that people are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away.

But the contrast is too great.

The normally high-ranking goddess, at this moment, like a dog licking her face, wants this handsome guy to send her off.


Even if people don't treat her in the slightest, she doesn't mind at all.

The world is really big, there are no wonders.

to be frank.

Several men have stopped in their tracks.

They felt that if they were themselves, they might have opened the car door and let the woman in.

But it's a pity that no matter how coquettish and cute the woman is, Gong Ming is not moved at all.

to be exact.

It's like he didn't hear it.

He just looked down at his phone with his head down.

This guy,
I'm afraid it's not a piece of wood, is it?
It's really rare for Mo De's feelings to reach this level.


After a while, Gong Ming finally raised his head.

Only to find that the woman was still chattering here.

"I said, are you too bored?"

Gong Ming looked at the other party coldly: "I don't know you, and I don't intend to let you get in the car, please give way, I want to back up.

Also, please don't put your hands on my car window, you won't be able to afford it if you break it! "

What the hell!

The woman was immediately enraged by Gong Ming's words.

The old lady licked her face with great effort, and licked you here for a long time, and you didn't even give me a smile?
The handsome rich second generation is amazing!
"Bah! What, do you have a problem with your eyesight? Where do you find a beauty like me? You still despise me! Hehe, I think you really think you are something! If you can find a girlfriend in the future, I will Stand upside down and eat!"

The voice has not fallen,

A voice was heard behind her.

"Honey, do you know her?"

The woman suddenly turned her head, and saw a beautiful woman standing not far away.


This girl...

And the passers-by around were already in a mess the moment they saw Shangguan Yurong.

When he saw Gong Ming reverse the car and let the girl get in the car.

Everyone finally understood why he would dismiss that inexplicable woman.

What an international joke!
You have Teacher Cangjing as your girlfriend, do you still like Yang Di?

Without comparison, there is no harm.

For rich people, if they don't eat big meals and go to roadside stalls, it can only be said that the taste is relatively special.

not to mention.

That woman is probably not a roadside stall, but a bus.

But when Gong Ming's car was about to leave, it stopped.

That's right.

He stopped beside the stunned woman.

Window rolls down.

Gong Ming looked at the woman and said a word indifferently.

"It's fine to eat upside down, don't try to cheat on me!"

that moment,
The woman was dumbfounded.

This Nima!
The face really hurts!

Shangguan Yurong sat in the car, listening to Gong Ming tell her what happened just now.

The laughter couldn't stop at all.

" are too can you be like this..."

Gong Ming looked helpless: "Do you think I am willing? She posted it herself."

He was also helpless.

These days, there really are such women.

There are only handsome guys with luxury cars in his eyes, and he always dreams of Mary Sue.

She doesn't piss at all and look in the mirror, and she doesn't think about it. With her looks and image, what kind of blind domineering president has to be to like her.

When they arrived at the hotel, Gong Ming parked the car and went upstairs with Shangguan Yurong.

At this moment, Shangguan Yurong's cell phone rang. When she picked up the cell phone and saw the incoming call, her expression turned ugly and she chose not to answer it.

"What's wrong?" Gong Ming asked.

"My mother and the others want me to hand over my sister, and then use a sum of money to buy a house for my younger brother!" Shangguan Yurong said with a look of resentment.

"So what is your decision?" Gong Ming asked. After all, it was his parents, Gong Ming, and they didn't want to force her to make any choice.

"Husband, don't worry, my sister is my sister. As for that woman, I have nothing to do with what she wants to do. If her son gets married, he will marry if he has money, and if he has no money, he will be a bachelor for the rest of his life. Who will pity them?" All the people in the elevator cast strange glances.

Gong Ming understood this girl's suffering. If she hadn't been admitted to a good university and ran out early, she would have been used by her stepmother to exchange for bride price.

"Don't worry, in the days to come, I will be responsible for everything!" Gong Ming held the girl in his arms.

At this moment, the phone rang untimely.

Shangguan Yurong, pick it up and prepare to hang up immediately.

"Come on, anyway? We're all family!" Gong Ming hugged her tightly. This girl, with her warm chest, gave Shangguan Yurong the motivation to live.

"Damn girl, where did you tell your sister to hide, why don't you hurry and return her, the bride price has already arrived!" Just as the call was connected, a boy roared from the other end.

Listening to the voice, Gong Ming could tell that the boy was not too old, he was probably that cheap younger brother.

"My sister and I have nothing to do with you. You are a family. We are just outsiders. If you have money, you will get married. If you have no money, you will be a bachelor for the rest of your life!" Shangguan Yurong roared hoarsely, and hung up the phone immediately after speaking. .


Shangguan Yurong couldn't bear it anymore, tears fell down unconsciously, all the grievances of so many years, through this roar, all came out.

Morton Steakhouse in Wangfujing, a steakhouse with an average price of 900.

Of course, the 900 per capita refers to a set meal. If you really order food, 900 is probably only a fraction.

With Shangguan Yurong in his arms, Gong Ming walked past the Morton Steakhouse on the second floor of the Regent Hotel.

Lin Rong received a call from the Swiss Bank's resident office while having lunch, and immediately arrived outside the hotel to wait.

"Mr. Gong, the seat has been confirmed. Next, there will be service staff from the restaurant serving you. If there is nothing else, I will leave first!" Lin Rong looked at the boy in front of her, and spoke her words slowly. idea.

"It's okay, thank you, Miss Lin!" Gong Ming explained with a smile.

Morton's steak, the main steak price is very affordable, Gong Ming and the two chose to leave after eating for more than an hour.

In the afternoon, it was time to buy and sell. Gong Ming demonstrated the role of his ruthless card reader.

It was nearly four o'clock, and Gong Ming and Shangguan Yurong returned to Poly International's home.

Just after returning home, Shangguan Yurong complained, "It's really hot outside, I'll take a shower first."

Looking at Shangguan Yurong's graceful back, Gong Ming suddenly laughed, and after a while, guessing that Shangguan Yurong had already taken a bath in the main bathroom, he also walked in.

"Ah! I hate it! Get out!" Shangguan Yurong exclaimed shyly.

However, Gong Ming has a proficient level of free fighting skills, and the main guard is big enough, so Gong Ming just gave Shangguan Yurong a show.

This professional level demonstration lasted for more than half an hour. Shangguan Yurong was no match for Gong Ming, and she was completely killed, okay?
Kickboxing is not a show!

The soft and comfortable natural latex mattress was slightly sunken, Shangguan Yurong snuggled into Hong's arms, she suddenly bit Hong's chest, and left teeth marks.

"You bad guy will bully me!" Shangguan Yurong snorted softly.


This fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged girl is still thinking carefully!

On the surface, it looked like a coquettish act, deliberately biting a tooth mark on Gong Ming's chest in retaliation for the professional display just now.

But actually?
D Li D Li Hey |
Gong Ming saw through this girl's tricks in a second, and deliberately left a tooth mark on his chest. If he showed his professional level in bathing at the school, wouldn't he be exposed?

rest assured!Gong Ming took a shower in the dormitory only occasionally, and even if there was something, others would not discuss it too much.

Look at the time, it's just after seven o'clock in the evening, and Gong Ming holds a takeaway family bucket that Shangguan Yurong ate.

"Rongrong, let's go, let's go back to the room, and I'll show you a good thing, a luminous thing!" Gong Ming returned to the room with Shangguan Yurong in his arms.

The whole house was filled with the smoke of the battlefield.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Shangguan Yudie, who had just finished her previous studies, opened the door with a key and walked in.

As soon as she entered the door, she smelled an unusual smell, which she had never smelled before.

Listening to my sister, Shangguan Yudie didn't understand the sound of the charge horn coming from the room, it was her brother-in-law who came back.

The younger sister Shangguan Yudie, who was not a human being, couldn't take it anymore, dropped her schoolbag and ran back to her room, and took a shower.

After taking a shower, she changed into a set of silk nightdresses. This skirt was the first dress my sister bought for me after I came to the imperial capital.

Shangguan Yudie regarded it as a treasure. After all, she was used to it since she was a child, and her new clothes were all her sister's clothes, which were eliminated.

In high school, I wore my sister's old clothes and school uniform for two years.

But she knows that her sister loves her, because her living expenses are earned by her sister.

Therefore, in Shangguan Yudie's life, there is only the light of hope, and there has never been dawn or dusk.

Just after taking a shower and attending a day of class, Shangguan Yudie found that her stomach was growling uncontrollably.

When I opened the door, I heard that the voice in my sister's room was a little quieter. I guess it was cleaning the battlefield at the end, right?

Shangguan Yudie stepped up lightly, trying not to make a sound, and walked towards the kitchen.

Shangguan Yudie was very happy to see that the two sisters had left a lot of food, and put two pieces of chicken nuggets and two plain chicken legs into the microwave oven for heating.

Three minutes later, with a ding, the microwave light jumped over.

Pick up the chicken leg and put it in your mouth, and bite it down, it is really delicious.

Soon, when he was about to eliminate the second one, Shangguan Yudie discovered that his national treasure, the giant panda, had an extra pair of hands.

It was said that my sister-in-law's half of her butt belonged to her brother-in-law, but this happened too soon, and I wasn't prepared for it.

Gong Ming rubbed his sore waist. He had just gone to the toilet and found that Shangguan Yurong was hiding in the kitchen and secretly eating.

Gently tiptoed, walked slowly, ready to teach her a lesson.

Walking behind Shangguan Yurong, his hands turned into the claws of An Lushan, and he took Shangguan Yurong's pair of national treasure giant pandas into his palms.

Seeing Shangguan Yurong who suddenly stopped moving his hands, Gong Ming couldn't help pinching his skill An Lushan's Claw.

At this time, Gong Ming realized that something was wrong. The touch of the national treasure giant panda was different from before.

No, I caught the wrong person, but if I just let go like this, it would be a bit embarrassing.

At this time Shangguan Yudie really didn't know what to do, should she accept it or accept it?
After all, she was afraid that if she refused, her sister would also be implicated, but considering that she was just 17 years old this year, it was a bit too early.

"Brother-in-law, can you let me go?" Shangguan Yudie asked in a low voice with blushing cheeks.

"You are Xiaodie, sorry, brother-in-law made a mistake!" Gong Ming withdrew the skill, but the tactile sensation brought about by the skill activation just now made Gong Ming feel a little bit unbelievable that a girl in the third year of high school could have it.

"Brother-in-law, sister has come out!" Shangguan Yudie saw that her brother-in-law seemed to want to say something, but at this time her sister came out slowly wearing a silk nightdress.

"Xiaodie, where have you been? Have you eaten yet? My sister will make it for you now!" Shangguan Yurong was a little scared, afraid that his younger sister would hear the cry of the loser on the battlefield just now.

"Sister, no need, I've already eaten two chicken legs!" Shangguan Yudie said about half a chicken leg in Yang's hand.

Gong Ming stood aside in embarrassment, recalling the tactile sensation brought by his hand just now, it was much more than his sister.

Gong Ming stood aside, secretly sizing up the sister-in-law with the eyes of reality.

Character: Shangguan Yudie

Age: 17 years and 11 months

Face value: 98
Favorite: 92
Health: 100

Looking at these few messages, Gong Ming took another careful look at Shangguan Yudie, and sure enough, his younger sister's appearance was even higher.

 I hope you can give some support to the new work of the big guy

(End of this chapter)

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