Chapter 273 The Proud Old Man
Chapter 270 Six Proud Old Man
While Gong Ming was admiring the beauty, Zhao Peng called again.

Since Zhao Peng received the news that Gong Ming was coming to inspect, he immediately ordered the restaurant to be cleaned up to a high standard.

Zhao Peng even went into battle to direct in person, and Fu Lou was completely renewed inside and out.

But I have been waiting here for a long time, and there is no shadow.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Zhao Peng is living like a year now.

On Gong Ming's side, a group of people who had just walked out of Dior turned around and entered the cosmetics section.

Looking at the three women carrying large and small bags of luxury goods, everyone in the cosmetics shop had their eyes wide open.

As soon as he walked to the door of skⅡ, the shopping guide of the store immediately greeted him.

"Welcome to skⅡ!" With a uniform voice, Gong Ming was a little embarrassed and refused to go in.

To be honest, skⅡ is most famous for its fairy water, and the price of a bottle of more than 2000 makes many girls yearn for it.

After all, it is a cosmetic from Neon Country, and there is still a big market in Hua Country.

At this time, there was a very interesting person in the store, and Gong Ming also knew this person.

"As long as you buy me this skⅡ fairy water set, I promise to be your girlfriend!" A beautifully dressed woman said to a boy beside her.

Gong Ming looked at this quietly, the girl who cheated on food and drink yesterday performed here.

Sure enough, the woman was tired of playing, and always wanted to find an honest and responsible takeover.

On Gong Ming's side, three or four shopping guides surrounded them, constantly recommending various new products of SK II.

"Three beauties, if you think about it, you also know about our skⅡ fairy water. Its moisturizing and whitening effect is the best among products of the same level!"

"Three beauties, why don't you sit down and have a try, and see how our skⅡ fairy water absorbs into the skin?"

Gong Ming suddenly discovered that these shopping guides of China World Trade Center skⅡ are different from other cosmetic sales guides, and their desire to recommend products does not seem to be that strong.

It can't be said that, it can only be said that they have more confidence in their products.

Because they believe that there is no shortage of users to buy their products in a place like Didu International Trade.

"Okay! Then come three sets!" Gong Ming made a decision directly.

"Okay, sir, our price for one set is 13000. Sir, we will give you some small gifts when you buy three sets at once!" A female shopping guide said happily.

Gong Ming suddenly thought of something, his mother, sister, and a few other women, they should have what others have.

"How about this! Can you send express delivery? If you can send express delivery, give me another 20 sets!" Gong Ming calculated roughly, first bought 20 sets, it should be about the same, if it is not enough, go back to Shanghai to buy again Bar!

"2...20 sets, sir, do you want 20 sets?" The female shopping guide couldn't believe her ears and asked again.

Gong Ming nodded, and then left the address of his mansion in Sinan, Modu, to the other party, and asked them to send it directly by courier.

After all, 20 sets of cosmetics, if you let yourself take it back directly, just kidding, a suitcase is not enough.

"Look at them, they are all men, and there are more than 20 sets of Sk II without blinking. If you look at you again, you are just asked to buy one. You are so reluctant. I know, you must not love me anymore. , Is there someone else outside you? Forget it, go find her! Let's break up!" After speaking, the woman shook off the man's hand and walked out of the store.

But when he walked to Gong Ming's side, he obviously panicked, because this man was actually the one who was rejected yesterday when he struck up a conversation with him.

Looking at the three girls beside him, each of them is beautiful and beautiful. If I put myself next to them for comparison, I would be an ugly duckling.

"What? Didn't you want to cheat food and drink yesterday, and lost another winner today. Could it be that the Ollie of this winner is more fragrant?" Gong Ming looked at the boy who was chasing him, and grabbed the boy's arm and stood facing him. asked the girl hovering at the door.

Hearing Gong Ming's words, the girl was visibly shocked, and turned her head to look at Gong Ming in disbelief.

How can a man be so small-minded? You have to know that you are a girl. Shouldn't men be more magnanimous? I'm a girl who strikes up a conversation with you. If you don't add WeChat, what kind of man are you?
Looking at the three girls next to her, the woman began to suspect that Gong Ming was just the same.

"The matter between me and my boyfriend is none of your business?" The woman looked at Gong Ming with a resentful expression, as if the girl who forcibly struck up a conversation yesterday was not her.

Gong Ming smiled, hugged the man, and asked on the man's shoulder: "Brother, how long have you been together?"

"Two years!" The man said unrequitedly.

"Brother, have you heard a saying? There is no house for licking a dog!" Gong Ming asked with a smile.

The man froze for a moment, then nodded.

Gong Ming smiled and waited for Pai to pat him on the shoulder, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Gong Ming left with Amy and the three of them. After a long while, the man seemed to have made some important decision.

"Let's break up!" After the man finished speaking, he turned and left.

That woman, as if she heard something incredible, squatted there for a while, then took out the fruit phone that she had worked so hard to get a few days ago, and edited a circle of friends.

Nine photos of myself squatting on the ground, matching the address, Imperial Capital International Trade Center.

The title is a very melancholy sentence "I originally wanted to marry love, after all, I bear everything alone"

This episode passed quickly, and Gong Ming was dragged to the third floor by Amy and the others.

Just at the corner, Amy stopped.

"What's wrong?" Gong Ming asked.

"Make you a dress!" said Amy.

Gong Ming was taken aback, he had never been the only one to buy things for girls, and this was also the first time for girls to buy things for him.

Gong Ming looked at the shop in front of him. Compared with other shops, the decoration of this shop is much simpler.

It's just that under the simplicity, there is a little more calm atmosphere.

And this store is also very interesting. The store is only half open. The owner is an old man wearing gold-rimmed glasses. He looks over sixty and looks old and pedantic.

The old man was sitting on an armchair, leaning against the half-opened store door, without even looking at the passers-by, and had no intention of soliciting business at all.

"Is this a suit shop?"

Gong Ming looked through the half-open store door, the store was dimly lit, it really didn't look like a store selling things, if it weren't for the two big characters on suits at the store door.

Gong Ming really didn't know what kind of shop this was selling.


Amy nodded, and looked at the old pedant sitting aside,
He called softly, "Grandpa Xiong."

The old pedant's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, seeing Jiang Huan, his wrinkled face suddenly smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"Xiaomi? Why are you free to come and see me, a bad old man?"

Amy pointed to Gong Ming.

"I brought my boyfriend to buy clothes."

Amy said generously.

She originally wanted to say it belonged to her husband, but thinking that the two of them were not married, she might as well say they belonged to her boyfriend.

The old pedant adjusted his glasses. At his age, he was old and mature, and he could see the unusual relationship between Amy and Gong Ming at a glance.

The old pedant looked Gong Ming up and down, but Gong Ming was not afraid, and stared straight at the old man Jiang Huan called Grandpa Xiong in front of him.

"He looks average, not half as handsome as I was when I was young. It's strange, Xiaomi, why did you fall in love with him?"

Amy blushed and complained:

"Grandpa Xiong, what are you talking about. My boyfriend is the most handsome!"

Xiong Xiangzhong just looked at Gong Ming, and said slowly:
"Boy, to find a girl as good as Xiaomi, what kind of blessings did you accumulate in your previous life?"

After saying these words, Xiong Xiangzhong's whole body changed, not like an old man over sixty years old, but like a young and strong young man, ready to move and ready to go.

"Xiaomi is so good, of course it can only show that I am excellent!"

Gong Ming didn't back down at all.

This made Shangguan Yurong, who was watching, very nervous. She obviously knew Xiong Xiangzhong's identity.

The former principal of the Imperial College of Finance and Economics, a person specially invited by Time Magazine, a director of the Huaguo Film Association, and a former specially invited instructor of the Huaguo Armed Police Corps.

If any one of these four identities is taken out, it will be an existence that will shake the imperial capital three times.

"It's interesting, you don't know me?"

Bear pointed himself in the middle.

Gong Ming shook his head, and continued:
"Do you know me or not? That's what I said too. Whether you deserve it or not, it doesn't matter what you say."

Xiong Xiangzhong and Gong Ming looked at each other for a moment, and Xiong Xiangzhong only laughed when Amy spoke.

"Xiaomi, I'm looking after people for you. This kid has some guts. I wonder if he has the ability?" Xiong Xiangzhong said.

Gong Ming found out that the old man had a problem with him at first glance, so how could he admit that he was cowardly in front of him?
Amy took Xiong Xiangzhong's arm and shook it coquettishly.

Xiong Xiangzhong smiled and waved his hands, saying:

"Xiaomi! My old bones cannot withstand being shaken like this by you."

Then he looked at Gong Ming again and said:
"Some of the clothes I have here are made by myself. Since the store opened, only five of the clothes I made by myself have been sold."

When he said this, he had a proud look on his face.

It seems that I sell less clothes, which is something to be proud of.

"The five people wearing my clothes, the first one is Mr. Xi, the CEO of Huaguo Group, the second one is the current president of Qingbei University, that old guy Chang Shuning, and the third one is Jack Ma, whom you young people are familiar with. The fourth is Mr. Qin, the number two in Malaysia, and the fifth? It's always me!" Xiong Xiangzhong said proudly.

Gong Ming suddenly heard that the ugly suit on his uncle's grandfather was made by this old man in front of him. Good guy, this craftsmanship is so touching.

"Xiaomi brought you here today, just to let you get a piece of clothing I made, and more importantly, to let us old guys get to know you."

Gong Ming only felt that this guy was a bit long-winded.

Xiong Xiangzhong didn't know it, and still said to himself:

"I am also simple, as long as you answer one of my questions, if you are going to be killed by me now, use three words to let me let you go."

Gong Ming frowned, the old man was a little too old.

Gong Ming said a sentence in a calm manner, and only two people could hear this sentence.

"I have a personal weapon!"

In just eight words, Xiong Xiangzhong's face changed constantly, from red to white, from white to black, from black to yellow, which is not like in Sichuan opera, he is so fast.

After a while, his face returned to calm, but it was still slightly white.

"Young man, don't talk nonsense in Huaguo!" Xiong Xiangzhong comforted, and at the same time walked to a showcase beside him, took down a shirt, and threw it to Gong Ming.

"Little friend, forget about the suit, this shirt is for you!" Xiong Xiangzhong said and returned to his place, never mentioning the custom-made suit.

Of course, Gong Ming wouldn't put a hot face on a cold ass, if you don't do it, someone will do it, Gong Ming has already made up his mind, when he goes to Lion City this winter vacation, he will find a custom-made company and make some good clothes.

In fact, what Gong Ming said just now was just a warning. The old man should already know his identity, and seeing him and Amy coming together, it probably happened at the right time.

Unpleasant things pass, happy times come.

As night fell slowly, Zhao Peng had been waiting anxiously. The guests of Flou Biros had changed one after another, but the figure of the boss had not yet arrived.

When six o'clock came, Zhao Peng couldn't bear it anymore, picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number.

The familiar ringtone on the phone rang, and Zhao Peng suddenly found a man not far from the Fulou walking towards here with three young and beautiful girls.

At this time, the man took out his mobile phone from his pocket and connected it.

"Old, boss!" Zhao Peng couldn't believe it. Could it be that the boy is his new boss?

"Well, we're here, prepare us a good seat by the window!" Gong Ming walked around the street all afternoon, he was already hungry, and the lunch at noon was not very good, you must know Japanese kaiseki cuisine, That is to say, a forceful way to eat.

It is really impossible to really eat.

"Okay, Boss, I'll arrange it for you immediately!" Zhao Peng hung up the phone and beckoned to the manager of the lobby not far away, asking him to give him the location with the best view by the window on the sixth floor. call out.

The lobby manager was a little embarrassed, the seat on the sixth floor was taken by a regular customer of him.

Zhao Peng couldn't believe what he heard. The manager of the lobby had always been at odds with him, relying on his brother-in-law as the boss to make things difficult for him.

Usually it's fine, but today he knows that the new boss is coming to inspect, and this guy actually dares to do such a thing. Is this trying to dig his own job?

"You have been fired, go to the finance department to go through the resignation procedures now!" Zhao Peng said to the lobby manager, this time he finally found the opportunity, how could he not take revenge?
The lobby manager couldn't believe what he heard, but he was just a position, and he fired himself like this. You must know that you are a relative of the original boss.

Until now, the manager of the lobby has not figured out what it means to be an emperor and a courtier!

"Surnamed Zhao, you dare to fire me. Good job, I'll let my brother-in-law let you pack up and go home in a while!" Song Xiaoyan pointed at Zhao Peng's nose angrily.

"Huh, Song Xiaoyan, your brother-in-law has already sold the hotel, so if you keep your tail between your legs, I can let you continue to work as the lobby manager. Now you can get out!" Zhao Peng pointed his right hand outside the door, He chased away the woman in front of him.

"Xiao Chen, you will be the manager of the lobby from today onwards. Go and clear out that chapter of the royal sea view table for me immediately. Song Xiaoyan and those cronies should tell them to check out and leave!" Ming welcomes you.

(End of this chapter)

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