Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 276 How high you are holding, how badly you are falling!

Chapter 276 How high you are holding, how badly you are falling!
Chapter 270: How High You Hold, How Miserably You Fall!

"Thank you Brother Luofan for the plane!"

Jiang Meiyu is really happy to see the gifts raised in this live broadcast room, because these are all in cash.

Live broadcast by myself, but only for more than two hours, it is already popular now.

"Thank you brother for the rocket, huh!" Jiang Meiyu compared her hands in the live broadcast room, the PK was over, and this round was very strong and crushed the opponent.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, because of the ferment of his mine-stepping incident, many inexplicable viewers entered the live broadcast room.

"The anchor lady is so beautiful!"

"Goddess, really a goddess!"

"I love it, I love it, Li Xiaoyan is so blind, she doesn't want such a good girlfriend."

"My goddess, I don't know if you like fruits or vegetables?"

"No, the goddess likes to eat vegetables."

"Looking at the face, it should be a home-cooked dish, right?"

A group of LSPs were talking nonsense on the barrage.

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Jiang Meiyu sneered, what kind of vegetables, eggplants, cucumbers, etc., she doesn't even bother to use. You must know that she has always used lotus root.

However, she still had a pure expression on her face. She blinked her eyes and said, "Thank you for your support. If you want to add my brother, you can use a rocket!"

At this moment, Jiang Meiyu received a new round of PK invitations, and took a look at the number of people in the other party's live broadcast room, which was about the same as her own.

After the incident continued to ferment, there are now more than 3 people in Jiang Meiyu's live broadcast room. Who knows if there are any wild local tyrants here?

Jiang Meiyu didn't want to miss it, after all, PK is the way for an anchor to make money.

"I received a PK invitation from a young lady. I don't know if I should give it a try!" Jiang Meiyu, who had already decided to squeeze the wool, said coquettishly in the live broadcast room.

After all, most of the people watching the live broadcast are men, and men want face. If you let me go to PK, don't give me gifts, let me lose, I guess you can't make it up.

As a senior tea artist, these routine operations are easy for Jiang Meiyu.

"Miss, you accept it!"

"P bar."

"Miss, I'll help you!"

"Give it a try!"

"Yes, yes, PK is interesting."

In the live broadcast room, the result Jiang Meiyu wanted was displayed as she wished.

"All right."

"Then I'll try."

A smile appeared on Jiang Meiyu's face involuntarily.

In the next second, the screen split into two, and Jiang Meiyu's PK was Kaka, who just got the new sponsor's father.

PK, just at the beginning, there was an Earl user named All men in the world are your father, who became super popular in Jiang Meiyu's live broadcast room.

Under the charm of Chao Huo, Jiang Meiyu jumped up happily, but kept saying in her mouth: "Thank you brother for being Chao Huo, but everyone in the family can do what they can with the gifts, don't eat instant noodles at night just because of the gifts. This way Meiyu will feel distressed!"

And this duke whose father is your father, tidied up the helmet on his head, put the instant noodles aside, and once again got super hot.

But when Jiang Meiyu was happy, Kaka was indifferent in the live broadcast room. She sat there and knocked her two feet on the computer desk of the live broadcast.

"Boys, look at my dad's strength. I'll show you what a strong crush is!" Kaka said happily. After all, she hasn't been so happy to carry out a battle since her golden master left. PK.

After all, which anchor is not a fool, knowing that he will lose and be punished, he still participates in PK, is he born to shake M?
But after Kaka finished speaking, seeing that Gong Ming hadn't moved for a long time, the other party was already far behind him.

"Dad, are you going to abandon Kaka?" Kaka immediately retracted her legs, then knelt on the gaming chair, begging with both hands.

"The little cat will warm the bed at night, meow meow" Kaka poses as a little cat, and the doll's face is full of temptation.

At this moment, ten superfires flew directly in the live broadcast room, and the animation was a little stuck for a while.

"Thank you dad, I love you." Kaka saw that her beneficiary dad finally got the gift, and she knew that the situation was stable.

At this time, the audience in Jiang Meiyu's live broadcast room saw the super fire flying from Kaka's live broadcast room, and instantly reversed the score.

"Damn it, it's that big fairy who came back?"

"No loss is the strongest super emperor, and the palace emperor is a bully!"

"At this moment, the kung fu has reached [-]. Is this the gap between the boss and us ordinary people?"

Jiang Meiyu looked at the other party's live broadcast room, constantly analyzing the super hot, saying that she was not jealous would be false, but now it is a live broadcast, so she can't destroy her personality.

Due to Gong Ming's 50 super fires, there was no comparison between the scores of the two sides.

The difference in combat power between the two is nearly [-], and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are instant kills.

"Miss Kaka, your eldest brother is really amazing! Then no matter how you punish me, I will accept it!" Jiang Meiyu's words have too many meanings.

Kaka is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he directly said, "Then what you said, don't look at who my father is. Since the PK has won, then leave it to my father to decide how to punish him?"

After finishing speaking, Kaka asked again to the live broadcast room: "Father, what punishment do you want to give the other party's little anchor?"

At this time, Gong Ming sent the selected videos and the bill to Kaka.

Kaka glanced at the bill, good guy, he actually ate more than 3 for a month, is this a bandit?

Another glance at the anchor opposite, I feel that the other party is not such a person!

Gong Ming fired again, asking Kaka to ask him some questions.

Kaka: Miss Meiyu, our patron father wants to ask you a few questions!

Jiang Meiyu didn't expect that the other party's benefactor would actually want to ask herself a question. Could it be that she wanted her own WeChat account? It's really too embarrassing to ask such a private question in public, so should you agree to him?

"Okay! Miss Kaka, you can ask!" Jiang Meiyu calmed down and said.

Kaka also saw the change in Jiang Meiyu's face just now, curled her lips in disdain, and secretly spit out the three words "green tea whore", but everything must continue, since it is green tea, of course it must be brewed with boiling water.

"Miss, our patron's father wants to ask you a question, can you swear to God? You will answer truthfully!" Kaka said directly!
In fact, Gong Ming didn't say this at all, but he was still satisfied with Kaka who suddenly added to the scene, and nodded.

Then there were ten superfires, and they went straight into the air.

Seeing that for no reason, the other party got ten more angry, Jiang Meiyu was jealous and drove herself mad.

"Okay, little sister, I can swear, so if you have any questions, just ask!" Jiang Meiyu said, calming down her jealous heart.

Kaka looked at the public screen, and Gong Ming said in the live broadcast room: "Ask the other party, how many people are eating in Fulou? And how long is the bill for the demonstration!"

When Kaka asked Gong Ming's words directly, Jiang Meiyu felt a little embarrassed for a while, after all, it was really difficult for her to answer this question.

"It's me and my two sisters. I've said this sentence many times!" Jiang Meiyu hung up the pk immediately after finishing speaking.

A new round of PK started, perhaps because of Jiang Meiyu's anger and grievances, this time it was a random PK, but the opponent of PK was still Kaka.

"Miss, we meet again!" Kaka said happily.

It's just that Jiang Meiyu is not calm anymore. Is this playing with her own mentality? How can the Dousha platform do this?
"Miss, don't you really want to answer the question just now?" Kaka said with a face of teasing.

Jiang Meiyu's face was black all the time, and she didn't speak. At this time, Kaka called up the video Gong Ming sent to herself from her computer.

"Then Miss Sister, let's see the real situation at that time!" Kaka put the video in his live broadcast room, and because it was played in real time, all the audience in the two live broadcast rooms saw it.

After seeing seven girls surrounding a lobby manager who was being treated by someone else, and Zhang Meiyu at the same time, the hostess frantically lay on the glass, shouting at a girl in the aisle who was obviously just fired.

The two live broadcast rooms were all stunned, and they didn't rise as fast as the two poles reversed.

Soon the video ended, when everyone saw that Jiang Meiyu and these girlfriends were pushing each other for not paying, and in the end, although Jiang Meiyu paid the money, all the things packed by everyone were refunded. Views are reduced to a minimum!
"How is it? Miss sister, do you have anything else to say? Oh, by the way, there is also the bill for your food!" Kaka also sent the bill to the live broadcast room after speaking.

The front of the bill is very simple, more than 20 consumption, almost 2 yuan, this is indisputable, but the last consumption is surprising.

Looking at the 368 afternoon tea set at the beginning of the bill, there was suddenly an additional 180g m12 wagyu beef per person, a cup of bird’s nest per person, red wine, drinks, and the scariest thing, a Hanako?
The final bill was more than 21000 or the final price that the store gave a small change.

It was the audience in the entire live broadcast room who thought they had been deceived, and all kinds of curses were heard endlessly.

This is the water friend of Fighting Shark, don't look at how high he praised you before, when you fall from a high place, you will know how miserable they stepped on you.

As a high-ranking green tea, Jiang Meiyu had already thought of countermeasures before the live broadcast.

She is very clear.

Once someone pursues the matter, the matter of bringing in guests will be exposed.

and so.

She had already thought of her speech.

Seeing the content on the bullet screen, Jiang Meiyu decisively began to sell miserably.

She was silent for a while, then took a deep breath, and then said with reddened eyes, in a very sad tone: "I don't know, I just brought a friend, but the lobby manager in their store said this She treated her to dinner, and my best friend called another best friend, but there were more and more people, what can I do? I am a weak woman, working hard alone in the imperial capital, this big city with no one to rely on. Want more friends!"

Good guy, if you push it to your friend, you can pick it off perfectly.

"Miss, do you know the lawyer's warning letter?" Kaka saw that the rhythm was a little bit off by the other party, and threw out a sentence directly.

At this time, Jiang Meiyu looked at Kaka's charming baby face, and her heart was full of resentment, wishing to tear that baby face apart right now.

"Miss Sister, it has been the same principle since ancient times that you don't bring customers. You can't break this rule just because you are weak. Since you are valet, then you pay the bill!" Kaka said with a smile on her face, her eyes closed when she spoke. squinted.

With your three-point morality, if you still want to play an ax in front of the patriarch, and let you get away with it, then I am worthy of being super angry with my father.

Yes, but within a short while, Gong Ming has tipped nearly a hundred shots in Kaka's live broadcast room.

Looking at the top of the list of the super emperor's private inscription, Kaka is very courageous now.

In fact, Kaka also doubts, what is the relationship between this benefactor father and this card-checking mecca that has just emerged on the map?
Because bills and videos like this are kept secret in these catering industries, and they are taken out as soon as they are taken out!
Originally, Jiang Meiyu was aiming at Song Xiaoyan, but her goal was shifted, and she actually led Gua to Flou Biluosi.

You have to know that the person who can open such an online celebrity check-in restaurant on the seventh floor of the International Trade Center is not a small anchor like you, who can be slandered.

At this moment, the doorbell of Jiang Meiyu's room rang, because it was a small single room that Jiang Meiyu was renting. Just as Jiang Meiyu opened the door, two men in neat suits outside the door appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Miss Jiang, please accept this lawyer's letter, because your inappropriate remarks have had a certain impact on us, Flau Birose, so this law firm has accepted Flau Birose's request, and for Miss Jiang to deliver the lawyer's letter !" One of the gentle men with gold-rimmed glasses took out a sealed lawyer's letter from his folder while speaking.

Reaching out to take the lawyer's letter, Jiang Meiyu took two steps back, and then sat down on the ground.

You must know that the lawyer's letter warns that it is completely fatal to a worker who has no foundation in the imperial capital.

Fortunately, the lawyer's letter was sent to my home. If the lawyer's letter was sent directly to my company, my job might not be guaranteed.

Jiang Meiyu suddenly understood why Kaka targeted her. It was obvious that Kaka's benefactor father was the owner of the imperial capital Flou Biros, so everything made sense!

"Boss Gong, I know I was wrong, as long as you let me go, you don't have to treat me as a human being tonight!" Jiang Meiyu rushed to the live broadcast equipment in three steps, and no longer ignored Kaka's live broadcast room. Gong Ming said.

"Dad said, let you delete your constant remarks, and then apologize publicly. This time, I will let you go!" Kaka said the citizen's request. After all, for such ants, Gong Ming wants to say nothing. It's completely unnecessary for the other party.

In addition, if such a person doesn't know how to restrain himself, more things will happen to her in the future, and someone will naturally clean up her.

Gong Ming took a look at his balance and there were [-] shark fins, and then directly turned all of them into super rockets and tipped them to Kaka.

After exiting the live broadcast room, Kaka sent an address for a private chat, and sure enough, that address was very familiar to him, Magic City...

At this moment, the system's reminder sounded in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, the task reward has been issued! 】

(End of this chapter)

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