Chapter 28
Chapter 29 All Arrivals

Half an hour later, two SUVs appeared in front of No. [-] Villa on the Golden Waterfront of Taihu Lake.

Jiang Kun, with short hair and short hair, opened the passenger door first and walked out!
Afterwards, the five girls also came out with the guys they were eating!
"Xiao Ming, uncle is here, don't worry!" Jiang Kun, seeing Gong Ming in the crowd, rushed forward in two steps!
Spreading her arms like an eagle guarding her cubs, she protected Gong Ming behind her!
"Who are you? What do you want to do to our little Ming?" Jiang Kun's sudden appearance made the already depressing scene even more audible!
Gong Ming patted his uncle's arm, and said, "Uncle, let your people come in, and start counting the losses!"

As Gong Ming said, he came to the Audi R8, opened the glove box in front of the co-pilot, took out a kraft paper file bag from it, and handed it to Jiang Kun!

"Uncle, here is the item statistics table in the villa, and the purchase receipt!" Gong Ming took a step back after speaking!
Jiang Kun immediately understood Gong Ming's intention, clapped his hands and pointed at him, and ordered the five women who came with him, "Count all the items in the villa, and register all items in the book!"

After saying this, the original five accountants, who were surrounded by a male star Xiao Xianrou, entered the villa with the guy who was eating by himself in one hand!

Time passed like this, every minute and every second passed, and the scene was extremely quiet. The crew had already sat in place under the arrangement of the six doors!

As for the tables and chairs by the swimming pool, it is impossible for them to make them. The tables, chairs and benches made of authentic Bangkok redwoods will cost nearly 60 soft sister coins for this set!

Gong Ming took his uncle to the deck chair by the swimming pool and sat down!

"Xiao Ming, tell me, did you do something illegal?" Jiang Kun looked at Gong Ming worriedly!In his opinion, Gong Ming suddenly obtained such a large villa with unknown origins, which made him very worried!

Gong Ming replied with a smile: "Uncle, what are you thinking? If you can get a large villa by doing illegal things, that villa will be worthless!"

Jiang Kun was very relieved about his nephew, and when he heard him say this, he put his heart into his stomach!

An hour and a half later, a Lincoln sedan drove into Gong Ming's villa!
Gong Ming got up and headed towards the Lincoln car!

The car door was opened, and a man with a face resembling Jing Dong came out from the back seat!

I have seen this man several times in my father's company, so I am very familiar with him!

"Lawyer Luo, I'm really sorry to bother you to go over these trivial matters!" Gong Ming said apologetically!

Robin is also a very upright person. Hearing what Gong Ming said, he replied very politely: "What did you say, Mr. Gong? Your father is my client. Of course, I should do something about your family's affairs." Legal aid!"

In his previous life, when Gong Ming was working in Shanghai, he had heard of Luo Bin, a senior partner of Quanjing Law Firm. This person is a very capable person in the legal circle!
After rebirth, such a person is very suitable for me to make friends with!
"What is Lawyer Luo talking about? If you are free tonight, would you please do me a favor!" Gong Ming's words meant making friends, which everyone could hear!

Luo Bin also said very appreciatively: "Then I will ask Master Gong to make arrangements for tonight!"

Dai Xi, the female assistant following behind Luo Bin, saw Xiaoxianrouxiaozhan sitting on a small stool in the other side, found a small notebook from somewhere, and ran to his side to ask for his autograph!

Gong Ming saw all this in his eyes, and frowned slightly. What a shrewd person Luo Bin is, he can read his words, and things like this are just commonplace for him!
"Dai Xi, you can go buy a ticket to go back to Shanghai now!" Luo Bin ordered without politeness!
When Dai Xi heard what her master said, she suddenly thought of something and her face changed slightly!
Then he put down the signed notebook in his hand and arrived, standing there respectfully behind Robin!

"Forget it, Lawyer Luo, your assistant is actually a star-chasing little girl?" Gong Ming made a step forward for Luo Bin in one sentence, and let the unpleasantness just go away!

Gong Ming took Luo Bin to the head catcher led by the six gates, and introduced the identities of both parties!
The head catcher of Six Doors heard that Luo Bin was actually a barrister in Shanghai, so he knew that there was nothing he could do about this matter today!

Turning his head to look, the fat property manager's eyes actually showed two more sympathies!

Then Robin arranged for Dai Xi to make a series of necessary inquiries to the director of the crew!
At this time, Gong Ming brought Luo Bin to his uncle, wanting to give a brief introduction to the two of them!

Gong Ming didn't expect that these two people actually knew each other. One must know that his uncle was only the boss of an accounting firm in Sioux City, so how could he possibly know a barrister like Luo Bin?
Seeing the two courteous people at the side, Gong Ming went to the villa, took out a box of mineral water from the refrigerator, and asked the accountant who was doing statistics to make a record.

Back at the swimming pool, the two of them were already sitting on the beach chairs chatting, Gong Ming felt like an outsider at this moment!
Opened a bottle of water, handed it to the uncle, then took out an unopened bottle, and handed it to Luo Bin!

He kept three bottles for himself, and then distributed the remaining half of the box of mineral water to the arresters of the six doors one by one!

As for the starlets in the crew, they broke in illegally, wanted to drink water, and wanted to eat farts!
Ten minutes later, Dai Xi reported to Luo Bin what he asked.

Things really happened as the detectives at Six Doors guessed. The manager of the property company looked at the villa that had not been lived in for a long time, and a burst of greed arose in his heart. Without the knowledge of the owner of the villa, he illegally rented it to the crew. Let's shoot the scene!

Gong Ming casually threw two bottles of water to Dai Xi, and pointed at the driver of the Lincoln car!
Luo Bin sees all of this in his eyes, and now in his opinion, the young master Gong in front of him does not have the bad habits of those dandies, such a person is completely worth making friends with!

Two hours later, the five girls from the accounting firm also completed the final statistics!

Uncle Jiang Kun took out the document that Gong Ming gave to him before, and the photos of the damaged villa items in the notebook, and compared them!
10 minutes later, a document was printed!Jiang Kun glanced at it and passed it directly to Gong Ming!
Gong Ming took a quick look and found that the decoration of this villa directly cost about 500 million yuan, so he directly handed this document over to Luo Bin.

Of course Luo Bin knew what Gong Ming meant, and he waved to Dai Xi who was not far away: "Dai Xi, come here, take the documents and Lao Zhang to the People's Court!"

Hearing Luo Bin's words, the fat man's property manager couldn't take it anymore, he just squatted down on his buttocks, and then passed out!

The six-door police officer who was drinking water hurriedly called an ambulance from the paging station!

Ten minutes later, the fat property manager was taken away by ambulance, accompanied by a six-door policeman!

Everything seemed to have settled down, and the crew on the side were kicked out of the villa by Gong Ming!

As for which contract the crew signed, who did you sign with and who did you go to?Besides, I'm short of your 30 million yuan!
It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and Gong Ming suddenly thought that uncle and his subordinates hadn't eaten until now!

 If there is any recommended vote, you can vote for Pujie. As for the reward, one yuan and ten cents are love, even if you don’t give it to me, I will love it
(End of this chapter)

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