Chapter 287 One billion a day
Chapter 290 One billion a day
The stock markets of all countries in the world are quite sensitive. As long as there is a slight turbulence and there are people behind the scenes to fuel the flames, then a snowball avalanche will form.

After the two latest product inspection reports came out, Shiseido did not respond immediately. This undoubtedly poured cold water on its still rising stock market.

Gong Ming was really happy about this kind of behavior. After all, he didn't know that this situation was not cold. It's been more than two months. This time, when it's time to cut leeks, how can he let it escape easily?

At 11:30 p.m., Gong Ming shook the red wine glass, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This evil smile made Shen Youchu and the three of them twitch.

Shen Youchu and the others don't know much about the stock market, but they also know that when a stock rises to a certain height, there will be a big dealer who will start harvesting leeks.

They didn't know that the handsome man staring at the computer screen in front of him was the big banker of this operation.

Shishitang, which had performed like a rainbow in the stock market, took a big dive just after the opening of the market.

When the market closed in the morning, Shiseido's final stock price was 9632-yen.

As soon as the market opened, whether it was retail investors or some big players who held shares, they began to sell the shares of Shishitang. Because there were too many people selling, the stock price of Shishitang continued to fall.

In less than half an hour, the stock price of Shishitang dropped from 9632 yen in the early trading to 9386 yen, and it is still falling.

This one fell very slowly, and it just dropped 300 points in half an hour.

Now that everything is under control, Gong Ming sat aside and watched him build a tall building on the ground, watch him entertain guests, and watch his building collapse!

Huaguo time is 12:22, a time that Neon stockholders will always remember.

The four authoritative testing organizations of the European Union have simultaneously released inspection reports on several cosmetic products of Shiseido.

For the batch of cosmetics that went on the market after November 11th, the cosmetics that were sampled and surveyed more or less contained a variety of heavy metal elements. These heavy metal elements are not conducive to body absorption and are very harmful to the skin.

This seemed to be a bomb. When the four authoritative testing agencies stood up and hammered Shiseido, the stock price of Shiseido began to fall sharply. In just half an hour, the price went from 9386 yen to 8820 yen.

It has now fallen by 6.3%.

But still not enough!

Gong Ming knew that this was just the beginning!
There are two and a half hours of midday trading for neon stocks. The stocks held by Tianming Investment Company need about 10 minutes to leave the market. It is only 12:30 now, and there is still enough time to wait.

Another half hour slipped away, and Shiseido's stock price fell from a height of 8500 to a level of 8175.

If the warehouse is cleared here, Gong Ming can get a [-]% benefit, but this is not the best time to make a move, and Gong Ming has to wait.

Half an hour passed again, and Shiseido's stock price dropped to 7990 yen. He decisively operated on the computer and arranged for Tianming Investment Company to liquidate the stock with all its strength.

As a hunter and also the instigator of the incident, Gong Ming knew very well that this was not the lowest price, but if he continued to wait, there might be variables.

Gong Ming has never been a greedy character, and he did not choose to operate at the limit when he was pulling the wool of the senior hall.

Because Tianming Investment Company was a short seller before, and now it wants to clear its position, so it is natural to buy bonds to pay back.

The large-scale repayment of bond purchases pushed up the stock price of Shishitang a little bit, from 7990 yen to 8015 yen, while the average clearance price of investment companies was 8002 yen.

Previously, Gong Ming's average price for opening a position was 9700 yen, and this single operation made a net profit of almost 18 points!Equivalent to 10 small goals, the total capital of Tianming Investment Company has increased from 60 small goals to 70.8 small goals.

After Tianming Investment Company withdrew from the market, Shishitang’s stock price fell below 7990 yen again.

Gong Ming smiled slightly. This simple operation made a net profit of ten small goals. Sure enough, what Wang Dalin said: Earning a small goal casually is really not a difficult thing!

Gong Ming made a phone call to Andy, after all, Andy was still watching the scene.

"Andy, how long will it take for our current capital to be full?" Gong Ming asked

"According to the current situation, there are a large number of sell orders in the market. If the price set below 7950 is all sold, we only need 3 minutes to get it done." Andy responded after asking the trader.

"Then we'll have full positions before the market closes!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

This time it's a game of human nature. Gong Ming is very sure that the inferiority of those guys in the Neon Kingdom will really be monsters and ghosts this Halloween. All of them will come out. Gong Ming can just watch them perform with a smile.

"Okay, boss!" Andy is really convinced of the boss's strength now. After all, he has earned more than a dozen small goals in a few hours of remote control. How many people have struggled for a lifetime? Height not reached.

Hua Guo time, at 58:[-] pm, Andy sent a message on WeChat.

A total of 70.8 small target funds, all of which are fully invested in Shiseido stocks, the average price is 7989 yen, which is a little higher than the selling price. After all, it is a large-scale purchase!

Gong Ming replied and asked Andy to arrange for the company's people to rest in the company, and he sent messages in the group of friends.

Gong Ming: The first round of cutting leeks, the results came out, plus my 30 small goals, a total of 60 small goals invested, 18% gain, a total profit, 10.8 small goals, so cheers!

Wang Yu: Gong Shao Niuhide, this operation of the printing factory is not as fast as you!
Qi Minghao: Brother Ming is invincible, I am a brick of Brother Ming, I can move wherever I need!

Qin Hao: Compared with you, the 99 small goals in the bank card are not as good!
Jiang Xin: ...Let's not talk about it, the young models in the club will arrange it!

While the group was chatting happily, Gong Ming took a selfie with the title "Blessings of All People"

This picture posted dog food, and immediately everyone stopped talking because they were all full!
Sun Erbai: The beauty is in my arms, so tonight in the m2 game, if the young master is not here, we will be the only ones to play. I just don’t know the atmosphere, will the young lady be sad?

Gong Ming: Get out!As far as the beauty of those who are classified as the master's sister is not as good as that of our family, Shen Youchu, I don't know how you can talk about it!

A group of people shut themselves off immediately. Although Gong Ming was telling the truth, the top jokes of Mohai University, no matter in terms of appearance or figure, were enough to instantly kill those girls in the atmosphere group, but these words were heard in people's ears But it was so uncomfortable.

"Let's slip away, @唐牛 will arrange more girls at night!" Qi Minghao complained, "Young Master Ming, do you need us to do anything else tomorrow?"

Gong Ming: "No need, leave tomorrow's matter to me, and you can just wait a few days later to collect the money with peace of mind. After collecting the money, everyone will settle the follow-up matters together!"

After Gong Ming finished speaking, he looked at the time. It was only past three o'clock in the afternoon. It would be a pity if he didn't do something at this time.

Gong Ming's company was secretly warned the last time when it was time to squeeze out Ziseitang's wool, and the next two investments were also blocked by others.

But this is just a normal business operation, and Gong Ming is not good, so he directly sends his family to reunite.

This time, it was imperative for Gong Ming to squeeze the wool. No matter what obstacles were in front of him, he would directly crush them with force.

Gong Ming contacted Andy again

"Andy, hasn't Shiseido arranged for people to wash the floor? If there is still no movement, then you can ask someone to do another inspection of Shiseido's products in September. If they don't wash it, let's wash it!" Gong Ming said.

This time, Shiseido will find these problems, and it was also arranged by Gong Ming in advance. During the transportation of Shiseido's raw materials, it is easy to have a car, so some heavy metal elements are added into it.

After all, since I decided to squeeze your wool, I still care about your life and death. Besides, a company in the neon country will go bankrupt if it closes down. It doesn't matter to me, it has no effect on me at all!
After finishing the order, Gong Ming looked at Shen Youchu and the other three who had already changed their clothes. The speed at which they changed their clothes and put on makeup was surprising.

The previous jokes always said: just a while, but the man finished a round of qualifying in the Internet cafe, and there was still a while, and another round of qualifying ended, and this time lasted at least two hours.

However, looking at the three people in front of me, it will only take 5 minutes for a while, is it hard to give up on the natural beauty!
Gong Ming, Shen Youchu, Zhong Chuxi and the others set off from Sinan Mansion. This time, Shen Youchu was driving a Rolls-Royce Cullinan.

Because it is close to four o'clock, this time period is the peak period of the traffic jam in Shanghai, but Rolls-Royce must have the Rolls-Royce brand name, even in the crowded traffic, as long as Shen Youchu turns on the turn signal, the rear of the next lane The car must control the speed and give way.

Or else?

In the event of a collision, even if both parties are responsible, for Rolls-Royce, whose maintenance costs can be tens of millions at any time, it is difficult to share the responsibility equally!

Didn’t you see that the taxi driver was solely responsible for crashing the Rolls-Royce, and when the repair cost was as high as 275 million, it was useless for the taxi driver to kneel down?

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you kneel or not!
The taxi driver should be fully responsible for compensation!

After all, it was the taxi driver's fault. Could it be just because he knelt down, or because he couldn't afford it?

If he obeyed the traffic rules, controlled the speed of the car, and gave way politely, wouldn't there be a car accident?

It is precisely because there are too many news about Rolls-Royce's sky-high compensation for car accidents. Under normal circumstances, no one really confronts Rolls-Royce head-on.

Shen Youchu drove the car and said excitedly, "It's the first time I feel that our drivers in Shanghai are so polite!"

"Hahaha!" Gong Ming, Zhong Chuxi, and Zhong Chuqiao all laughed.

Shen Youchu's family is also a wealthy family, Shen Youchu usually drives a Volkswagen Beetle, this small and cute car is like a little frog in the huge traffic flow of Shanghai.

In Shanghai at the end of November, the weather is indeed a bit cold.

Rolls-Royce Cullinan parked in the underground parking lot of the Shanghai International Financial Center.

During this journey, Shen Youchu has fully comprehended the fine traditions of drivers in the Shanghai city of safely avoiding female drivers.

After getting off the driving seat, Shen Youchu's face was full of excitement. This was a pleasant driving experience that she had never experienced before.

Yesterday, I had almost finished shopping around the luxury goods in the IFC. Due to time constraints, there were still a few that I hadn’t looked at. Today is enough time to go shopping for the remaining few.

When it comes to buying things, Gong Ming is very firm. When buying a luxury item, others have to think about it, and finally make up their minds to swipe their card to buy it.

Gong Ming is simply buying goods. As long as they are tried and suitable, they can directly swipe their cards without saying anything if they look good. This kind of purchasing mode makes the shopping guides of every store love it to death.

Louis Vuitton, the shopping guide standing at the door saw the three of Gong Ming. They also knew what happened at Hermès opposite yesterday. Seeing the three coming towards their store, the shopping guide at the door waved to everyone in the store. The shopping guide came to the door to greet him.

"Welcome Mrs. Gong to Louis Vuitton!"

Just when Gong Ming walked to the door of Louis Vuitton and was about to go to the next store, the shopping guides standing at the door welcomed him in unison. This made Gong Ming feel embarrassed if he didn't go in.

"Welcome, Ms. Shen, the two Misses Zhong come to Louis Vuitton"

Then several shopping guides shouted together, if you don't go in now, it will be a little unreasonable.

This scene fell in the eyes of the people around. You must know that although the shopping guides of these luxury stores are not the kind of people who look at people with their nostrils upturned, such a situation does not happen a few times a month, right?

After Gong Ming entered Louis Vuitton, he came directly to the sofa and sat down. When he sat down, a shopping guide had already brought freshly squeezed orange juice.

Gong Ming didn't expect that these people still remembered their own preferences and only drank freshly squeezed juice.

Under the leadership of the shopping guide, the three of Shen Youchu kept changing into various new clothes.

"Xixi, what do you think of my cashmere coat?" Shen Youchu's smooth and beautiful legs were exposed outside the coat, and the brown cashmere coat actually brought a different kind of temptation.

"Very nice, how about this one of mine?" Zhong Chuxi was wearing a set of autumn and winter dresses, which highlighted her figure to the fullest.

Gong Ming was sitting by the side, drinking drinks, eating pastries, and watching the dress-up show.

Zhong Chuqiao also came out of the fitting room at this time. She was wearing a white cashmere sweater, the hot pants on her lower body were covered by the sweater, and her smooth legs were wrapped in crystal stockings.

"Does it look good?" Zhong Chuqiao asked after turning around twice in front of Gong Ming and spreading her hands.

Gong Ming glanced at it and stood up, stretched out his hand to touch the fabric, the cashmere of this garment was soft to the touch, but one could tell by the touch, which one should be warmer?
"I think it's pretty good!" Gong Ming replied in the affirmative.

Hearing Gong Ming's words, Zhong Chuqiao was overjoyed. Although she and her elder sister were close sisters, it was really not easy to put the fight between them openly and secretly on the table. Every time the last essence was absorbed by her elder sister and Shen Youchu. In fact, she I also want to absorb the essence.

(End of this chapter)

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