Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 293 Xiao Qiao's Transformation

Chapter 293 Xiao Qiao's Transformation

Chapter 290 Six, Xiao Qiao's Transformation
Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, don't suffer from others, don't persuade others to be kind!


"Honey, sister Xuanxuan's family is miserable!" Zhong Chuqiao sat in Gong Ming's arms, with her arms around Gong Ming's neck.

Gong Ming was puzzled, he also wanted to see what this little Qiao could say?
"When we were freshmen, we met sister Xuanxuan. At that time, sister Xuanxuan took good care of our sisters. But what happened to our family later, we borrowed money from sister Xuanxuan everywhere, but we didn't extend our hand, so sister I just misunderstood her!" Zhong Chuqiao started from the beginning.

"Sister Xuanxuan comes from a reorganized family. Her parents divorced and she was sentenced to her father. Her mother remarried and now has a child of her own. Sister Xuanxuan's father was unwilling to be lonely and met his current wife at a nightclub. Xuanxuan Sister Xuan’s stepmother is a widow, and all three husbands she married before died, she was kicked out by her husband’s family, and she started some flesh and blood business to support her son!” Zhong Chuqiao looked at Gong Ming as he spoke, and Gong Ming’s eyes flickered slightly. Liang, this is such a big melon.

Looking at Gong Ming who was eating melons, Zhong Chuqiao continued: "Sister Xuanxuan's grandfather left a house for Sister Xuanxuan, and it happened to be demolished again, because it is an old alley tube building, so the ratio of demolition is 1 for 3. Originally, Sister Xuanxuan could also get a house of 120 yuan, but Sister Xuanxuan’s grandfather didn’t make a will when he died, so everyone came out to fight for this house, and the last family got 80 yuan!”

Gong Ming nodded. This is very reasonable. After all, there is no special will for Jiang Yexuan's house, so Jiang Yexuan has no inheritance rights.

"Sister Xuanxuan's father, the 80 yuan he got was all used by that vicious woman to buy a house and a car for his son. Now that there is not enough money to buy a house, you are the kind of vicious woman who made up her mind to Xuanxuan Sister Xuan's body!" Zhong Chuqiao said angrily.

Gong Ming shook his head. After all, it is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework, and it is not easy for him to get involved in these matters.

"So you understand, husband, you can let sister Xuanxuan live in our house, so that we sisters can also have a care for each other!" Zhong Chuqiao acted coquettishly in Gong Ming's arms.

Gong Ming suppressed the demon in his heart, and finally released it with a trick of swallowing the poisonous dragon.

Zhong Chuqiao swallowed her saliva. After such a long time, she almost choked to death. This time, she must let Sister Xuanxuan repay her.

At this moment, Shen Youchu, who was afraid of being in the bedroom, ran out, and said shyly to Gong Ming, "Honey, Xuanxuan needs to go to the toilet!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Gong Ming was embarrassed. This was the first time he had grown up to carry a girl to the bathroom!
In fact, he forgot that the last time, in the caravan, Bing Bingfan was (he beeped) and directly urinated on the bed.

Gong Ming got up and came to the master bedroom.

This time Gong Ming encountered a new problem. Although the bathroom in the master bedroom was a toilet, Jiang Yexuan couldn't let Jiang Yexuan jump into it, right?
Gong Ming thought for a while before responding, "I'll carry you in, Xiao Qiao will help you inside, and after solving the problem, I'll carry you out again, okay?"

Jiang Yexuan blushed and nodded.

Gong Ming carried Jiang Yexuan into the main guard according to the plan. Fortunately, the main guard had a very large area. Gong Ming had also demonstrated his professional level in the main guard many times. After he carried Jiang Yexuan in, there was plenty of space.

"Little Qiao, I'll put her down, and you can support her." Gong Ming reminded.

Jiang Yexuan suffered a strained ligament in her right leg, but her left leg was fine. When Gong Ming put her down, her left leg became independent.

Xiao Qiao supported Jiang Yexuan, and she urged, "Okay, okay, husband, you can go out now, we'll call you when we're done."

"Okay!" Gong Ming left the master guard and lay on his back on the bed in the master bedroom.

To be honest, the bed in the master bedroom was quite spacious. Anyway, when he was sleeping in the middle, this bed could sleep four people, and there was still plenty of space.

Gong Ming, Zhong Chuxi and Shen Youchu were fighting on the bed, after all, they couldn't just stare blankly after such a long time.

"Husband, do I agree that sister Xuanxuan will stay?" Zhong Chuxi asked.

Gong Ming nodded, and said what he had promised Xiao Qiao.

In fact, Zhong Chuxi has had a very bad premonition for the past two days. This premonition is entirely a woman's intuition. She feels that Jiang Yexuan and herself and others have been pushing behind their backs since the beginning of their encounter, pushing the matter to him step by step. where you want.

In fact, she was not afraid of anything else. Zhong Chuxi was afraid that the person behind the scenes would use the girls to deal with Gong Ming. This was the last thing she wanted to see.

"Husband, there is something strange about Jiang Yexuan, you'd better be careful!" Zhong Chuxi said.

Shen Youchu nodded in agreement, in fact, she also found out about this matter, but if she said it directly, she was afraid that Gong Ming would think she was a jealous woman.

After all, if a girl is labeled as a jealous woman in her life, her life will be over.

Gong Ming stretched out his hand, pinched Shen Youchu's small face, and said with a smile: "I know all this, don't worry, no one can deal with me behind my back!"

Gong Ming has this confidence. After all, the system's danger alert service is not just a decoration. If someone really wants to plot against him behind his back, then Gong Ming will definitely use thunder to kill all this in the cradle.

After all, it's not the first time it's been done, and which capitalist's hands aren't full of blood.

Gong Ming also knew that his hands were not clean, but he wanted to leave a piece of pure land for those around him.

Half an hour later, the bathroom door was opened.

Gong Ming couldn't complain at all. Is this going to the bathroom? After going to the bathroom for half an hour, people who don't know think they fell into it.

The bathroom door opened, and Zhong Chuqiao called out, "Dad, help me!"

Gong Ming got up from the bed, he walked to the main guard, "Why is it taking so long?"

"By the way, I helped Sister Xuanxuan wash up briefly, and we are ready to rest, Dad, your sister and the others are going to the guest room!" Zhong Chuqiao responded, and gave Gong Ming a wink.

Gong Ming understood Xiao Qiao's meaning in seconds, stay behind and wait for the night attack!

got it!

Gong Ming put Jiang Yexuan on the bed in the master bedroom, and he took his mobile phone charger off the socket of the bedside table, "Okay, let's go to the guest bedroom first, you guys go to bed early."

After speaking, she left the master bedroom with Shen Youchu and Zhong Chuxi in her arms!
After waiting for Gong Ming and others to leave, Jiang Yexuan said, "Thank you, Xiao Qiao."

"You're welcome, we are good sisters, don't you forget what you promised me?" Zhong Chuqiao looked at Jiang Yexuan with a smile.

Jiang Yexuan's heart turned cold, and she felt a little apprehensive when she thought about what she might encounter next. After a while, she seemed to have made a decision, and nodded firmly, "Yes, we are good sisters."

Jiang Yexuan still didn't say a word, is your good sister used by you? Since when did that innocent little Qiao disappear.

This little Qiao now wears a mask all the time, it's really scary!

It was close to 11:30 in the evening.Shen Youchu and the two had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Gong Ming checked the information sent by Andy. Shiseido's reputation in Neon is getting better and better. It seems that Shiseido officials really want to fish in troubled waters?
He hasn't come forward to clarify yet. It seems that there are people behind this who want to take advantage of this opportunity to make a big profit.

I have to say that luck is really poisonous.

When Gong Ming checked the information on the Internet at Nihong, Zhong Chuqiao quietly walked into the guest bedroom, and she called softly, "Dad, I'm here, are you asleep?"

Gong Ming waved his phone to indicate that he was not asleep, and then waved to Zhong Chuqiao.

Zhong Chuqiao was wearing one of Miguo's particularly cheap pajamas, and obediently threw herself into Gong Ming's arms.

"Is she asleep?" Gong Ming asked.

"Well, what about my sister?" Zhong Chuqiao asked.

Gong Ming pointed to the bed, and the two unconscious Shen Youchu and Zhong Chuxi said, "You want to double row me with this little combat power, so what about the three of you?"

Gong Ming's words made Zhong Chuqiao feel a little scared. Originally, she thought that her sister and the others could hold on for a while, so she cut into the battle at the end and endured the final artillery fire.

Now the two enemy generals have long since been defeated and were cut off from their horses.
The promised Sanying battle against Lu Bu, now the battlefield has changed to Changbanpo, and the plot has become Xiahou singled out Zhao Zilong, who is destined to be killed seven in and seven out.

"Well,!" Zhong Chuqiao still decided to take the risk, surrender and admit defeat at worst. After all, it's not like she hasn't lost before, so what are you afraid of?
Seeing Zhong Chuqiao humming softly with charming eyes like silk.

How could Gong Ming bear it?
If it wasn't for Jiang Yexuan's sudden arrival, the big drama of Sanying's battle with Lu Bu would have already started after he came back, how could it have turned into two big dramas.

Zhao Zilong unsheathed his Longgang Panying Spear, and started the battle of Changbanpo first. Cao Ying killed seven in and seven out.

After Zhong Chuqiao left quietly, Jiang Yexuan opened her eyes. Although the sound insulation of the villa in Sinan Mansion was good, she still heard Zhong Chuxi and Shen Youchu yelling for mercy.

Now, is it Xiao Qiao's turn again? Why is this man so powerful?

Jiang Yexuan seemed to have thought of something, she was afraid that when that day came, who would save herself, but in this fearful mood, she was full of anticipation.

I don't know if it was because Jiang Yexuan was next door, but Gong Ming felt that today was particularly exciting, and he felt a sense of sneakiness.

Otherwise, the two battles would not have been so fierce.

Zhong Chuqiao was even more unbearable. She overestimated her own strength. The essence of Qi Tan Panlong Spear's marksmanship lies in his every move. He aimed at the vital point. With Zhong Chuqiao's little fighting power, she had already been killed and defeated.

The two generals fought more than a hundred moves, and the battle lasted for nearly half an hour, and the battle ended.

Gong Ming and Cao General Zhong Chuqiao, whose eyes were a little white, shook their heads and retracted the Longgang Panying Spear.

Sure enough, all of this was due to the unequal combat power.

Across the wall, Jiang Yexuan heard two battles, how could she sleep peacefully that night.

Gong Ming looked at the three unconscious people, got up and went to the bathroom, took a simple shower, and then went back to the guest bedroom to sleep.

Jiang Yexuan, when she heard the sound of the door opening, she thought she had been found at the bottom of the wall, and she curled up in fright, quietly waiting to be caught.

But everything she expected didn't come, the next day, at seven o'clock in the morning.

Zhong Chuqiao opened her eyes, feeling the excessive consumption of physical strength, it seems that she still can't do it alone, and it's time for Jiang Yexuan to join the team.

"Father, I'll go there first, so that sister Xuanxuan won't be embarrassed when she wakes up." Zhong Chuqiao said clearly.

Gong Ming hugged Xiao Qiao in his arms, and he teased, "Deceive yourself!"

"Hey, Dad, if you're deceiving yourself, you're deceiving yourself and others, at least make a show for Sister Xuanxuan." Zhong Chuqiao said innocently.

"Okay!" Gong Ming let go of Xiao Qiao in his arms, "Call me when she wakes up and needs help."

Zhong Chuqiao nodded, "Yeah, I'll go there and pretend to be asleep secretly."

However, when Zhong Chuqiao came over, Jiang Yexuan had already woken up, no, she hadn't slept all night, she had been waiting all night, but she was pretending to be asleep while waiting!

The two are worthy of being best friends, huh?I thought of it together!
Zhong Chuqiao slowed down her movements as much as possible, and she pretended to be sleeping on the bed.

Gong Ming took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Andy, "Andy, after the market opens, let them be ready at any time. I will sell short, so I will sell short with all my strength." '
'Okay, boss, all of us here are ready. ' responded Andy.

'Okay, Andy, you tell them that this order should be done well, everyone will be on holiday, and the Lion City will travel at public expense, and the hotel has been arranged! ! ' Gong Ming promised.

'Okay, boss! ' responded Andy.

In fact, there were bonuses for the previous two operations, and each trader was paid [-] yuan. Andy didn't ask for the money, but Gong Ming prepared an apartment for her.

As for ordering takeaways, the front desk staff who do logistics work, everyone has a bonus of one month's salary.

This time the profit was more, and Gong Ming didn't plan to pay a little more bonus.

After all, no matter how much the boss earns, it's just a good car for the boss, and you can just drink some soup, what else do you want?
At seven twenty.

Jiang Yexuan pretended to wake up normally, she yawned, and carefully struggled to sit up.

Zhong Chuqiao also 'woke up' in time.

"Morning sister Xuanxuan." Zhong Chuqiao greeted her proactively.

Jiang Yexuan responded, "Morning. By the way, Xiao Qiao, can you call Gong Ming, I want to go to the bathroom." Jiang Yexuan said quickly.

Zhong Chuqiao nodded, and then called out loudly, "Father, help!"

With this sound, both Shen Youchu and Shen Youchu ran over without even getting dressed.

Gong Ming had finished washing in the guest bathroom, and he walked into the master bedroom.

"Here, Dad, you understand!" Zhong Chuqiao pouted.

Jiang Yexuan blushed and said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

Zhong Chuqiao got up first, but just when she wanted to make a move, she was already pinned down on the bed by her sister Zhong Chuxi, and began to teach her a lesson, "I'm yelling all day long, see if I don't hit you!"

Shen Youchu walked towards the main guard.

Gong Ming smiled slightly, and walked towards Jiang Yexuan. Jiang Yexuan had already raised her hands with great experience, ready to be hugged by Gong Ming. She enjoyed Gong Ming's princess hug very much now.

It's just that she didn't notice one thing. At some point, Shen Youchu and Zhong Chuxi looked at her with vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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