Chapter 295 Completely Ended
Chapter 290 The Eighth Ends Completely

When cutting leeks, everyone likes to roll a snowball, and the snowball gets bigger and bigger, so that the harvested leeks are the freshest.

Now Shiseido's stock price is falling as if it has been snowballed, and there is no way to stop it. After all, it is all selling orders. Retail investors are terrified and wish to leave the market as soon as possible.

—At half past one, the stock price of Shiseido fell to the threshold of 8000 yen.

In view of the fact that several cosmetic products such as Shiseido's small black bottle have been hammered to pieces in the global market, this threshold also did not stop Shiseido's stock price from falling.

Ten minutes later, there were still twenty minutes before the neon stock market closed for lunch.

Shiseido's stock price plummeted to 7520 yen.

"Start liquidation and cash out".Gong Ming instructed Andy directly via remote control.

Tianming Investment Company held 80.9 billion Chinese national currency to sell Shiseido short for operation. Now it is just time to cash out and leave. After all, there is only 0.01 left to the limit.

This time, under Gong Ming's series of illegal operations, Shiseido's stock price fell irrationally!
Is Shiseido's stock worthless?
Do not!
Shiseido's stock is valuable, no matter what, he is also a company with a market value of [-] billion!

As for the small black bottle and the small silver bottle, they are just two products launched this year in Shiseido's product line, which occupy a very small share of Shiseido's total sales.

Therefore, the current decline in Shiseido's stock is actually an irrational decline. It is a chain reaction caused by the market, which has caused some people to make irrational judgments.

In view of this situation, Gong Ming decisively ordered to clear the warehouse and leave.

Originally, the 80.9 billion funds held by Tianming Investment Company were short-sold, which seemed to be a very large amount of funds, but now encountered the situation of irrational selling of stocks, and the operation of Tianming Investment Company did not affect the general situation at all.

It just stretched Shiseido's stock price temporarily, but the decline continued!

The average clearance price for a total of 80.9 billion funds leaving the market was 7502 yen, and their previous short selling price was 9200 yen, which means that Gong Ming’s investment company harvested 18.9 billion neon shareholders during this round of Shiseido’s stock price turmoil. yuan of profit.

The profit margin reached 22, 23%!
At present, the total capital of Tianming Investment Company has risen to a height of 99.6 billion yuan.

They entered the market with 60 billion yuan before, but now it has expanded to 99.6 billion Xia Guoyuan. The total profit rate is about 66.66%, far exceeding the 30% rate of return that Gong Ming originally expected.

Gong Ming's operation this time can become a classic economic case in the history of economics, even if it is explained in a university classroom.

Don't think that Gong Ming's operation this time is very simple. It only increased the profit by a little over 36%. It doesn't seem to be a big deal, right?
In fact, it has more than doubled the profit!

More importantly, the operation is carried out on the basis of a total capital of 60 billion!

In economics, it is very easy to make one yuan for one yuan. Buy two popsicles for one yuan and sell them for one yuan, and you can easily make a profit of one yuan.


—It is very difficult to earn 1000 million!
As for making [-] million to [-] million?
It is recommended to wash and sleep, is there anything in the dream?
Gong Ming is currently manipulating 60 billion yuan of funds, and within three days, he has obtained nearly 39.6% of the profit, with a total profit of [-] billion yuan.This kind of money-making speed is simply terrifying! .
At 1:59 p.m., just one minute before the closing of the Neon Country stock market, Gong Ming completely and safely separated from the Neon Country stock market.

Gong Ming, immediately sent the materials he had compiled to the group of friends.

Looking at the 66.66% net profit, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

I cast a small goal and got 6600 million. This is only three days. It is estimated that printing money is not so fast, right?

Qin Hao: I am not dreaming, am I?
Jiang Xin: Come here, I'll slap you!

Qi Minghao: Boss, I am your most loyal pendant, you must never abandon me in the future.

Wang Yu: Little mouse, have you completely refreshed your bottom line?
Tang Niu: Ladies and gentlemen, let's go to m2 tonight, and all consumption will be counted as Xiao Tang's. Don't worry, I will bring all the high-quality models of the company's models tonight!
Chen Gong: Just a weak question, do we count as illegally spreading rumors for huge profits?

Wang Heng: There is nothing wrong with our operation, at most it is suspected of manipulating stock market prices, but our operation does not break the law.

Gong Ming: But to be honest, everyone has been keeping a low profile for a while. This time the leeks were cut a little too much. I'm afraid that those messy people from the Neon Kingdom will come in to retaliate!

Qin Hao: I will be afraid of him. If I have the ability to let them come in to try the water of Huangpu River, I don’t know how many messy things sink in every year!

Jiang Xin: Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Water resources are our most precious existence. We must protect water resources and prevent water resources from being polluted!
Han Shuo: Brother Gong, don't worry, if these people can't get in, I will arrange for them to do their best to investigate!
Tang Niu: Recently I saw a script, how about sending them to climb a mountain?

Gong Ming suddenly felt that the friends in his group were all very loving!

The group chat was very lively for a while, Gong Ming also enjoyed this time, bragging and spanking with his friends.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and when it reached 02:30, Andy sent an email.

Gong Ming: The final result is out!
Qi Minghao: Brother Gong, I don't care about anything else, you just need to tell me how much you have earned this time!

Gong Ming: Don't worry, I'll tell you everything now.

Gong Ming: [Report.iot]

Gong Ming: The report has already been posted in the group, everyone can take a look at it, but after reading it, it will be deleted immediately in order to leave unnecessary handles!

Gong Ming: In order to safely withdraw this sum of money from Neon, the company chose a global financial company and successfully withdrew this sum of money from Neon, losing 4000 million in related handling fees.

Gong Ming: This time, we invested a total of 30 goals, and finally got 18.6 goals, and then threw out some messy fees and exchange differences.

Gong Ming: So in the end everyone got 18.3 small goals.

Gong Ming: Everyone post your accounts in the group, and I will arrange for Andy to make the final statistics later!
China time, November 27th, at 27:[-] pm.

Andy sent Gong Ming a screenshot of all the funds released by Tianming Investment Company.

After Gong Ming checks it, he replies "read" to indicate that he has checked the information.

In the group of friends, Gong Ming sent the transfer information.

'Gong Ming: @Everyone: All the funds have been transferred, please pay attention to check. '

Wang Heng: OK.

Qi Minghao: No problem, we are ready to go to m2, are you really not coming, Mr. Gong? '

Gong Ming: Don't ask, it means that your girlfriend's best friend came to live at home.

Han Shuo: For what happened to Brother Gong, I feel distressed for a second. I am going to post on Moments to shake people. Brothers, remember to like it!
This person is an activist. After he said it in the group, he sent a message in the circle of friends.

Qian Duoduo: Attention all the beauties in Moments, I paid my salary today, Mr. 13 will have a carnival in the evening, contact me if you understand!
Gong Ming was thinking about this circle of friends, the permissions should be set, right?
For example, family groups cannot view?
Tang Niu: Totogo, is the circle of friends so direct?
Qian Duoduo: Of course you can only see what you should see!

This operation is OK, as expected, these friends are all talents!
Gong Ming: Alright, you guys have fun, we will go to the imperial capital together after a while, and then everyone will have fun together!
Gong Ming contacted Andy in the WeChat group. Now is the time to give benefits to the employees. Originally promised a one-month bonus, now pay via WeChat immediately.
And at this time, this neon country across the Yellow Sea.

In the office of the Neon Country Economic Crime Investigation Section, more than a dozen economic investigators are discussing the situation.

Elastic Root launched the investigation, and he clapped his hands, "As for the abnormal stock price of Shishitang this time, we preliminarily determined that Huaguo Tianming Investment Company was manipulating it behind the scenes."

"About Tianming Investment Company, we still have a piece of information." The elastic root looked at the assistant Jiuquan 56 Lang

Jiuquan 56ro immediately began to operate on the laptop, and displayed relevant information through the projector.

"Everyone, please look at the last time Shiseido's stock price fluctuated. It was still Huaguo's investment company that profited from it. According to our investigation and judgment, the profit of Tianming Investment Company last time may exceed 66.66%, which is about 20%. 56 million yen." Going to eat, Jiuquan [-] Lang explained the situation.

When Jiuquan 56 Lang explained, the projector displayed various data.

Including every operation of Gong Ming's investment company and the corresponding operations.

"This time Shiseido's stock price fluctuates, there is still the shadow of this investment company called Tianming. We found that when the short selling was formed, Tianming Investment Company began to short Shiseido in large quantities. At this time, there were a lot of information about Shiseido on the Internet. Negative information." Jiuquan 56 Lang also listed a large amount of evidence and information.

"When Tianming Investment Company was buying bottoms, the wind direction in the Internet changed to wash the ground for Shiseido, thus driving up Shiseido's stock price." Jiuquan 56 Lang once again listed the evidence.

"In the end, this company called Tianming Investment once again shorted Shiseido, and once again negative information about Shiseido appeared on the Internet, and then this investment company once again gained a lot of benefits." Jiuquan 56 Lang once again listed a large number of evidence of.

Although these evidences are all indirect evidence, including the operating time of Tianming Investment Company, the time of Yulun outbreak on the Internet, etc., it cannot directly prove that Tianming Investment Company is manipulating behind the scenes.

But at least there is direction to investigate.

Elastic Roots added, "In the last three days, which is the day of Halloween, Huaguo's Anxin Investment Company has harvested at least 575 billion days from our neon stock market in three days through short selling, bottom buying, and short selling again. Yen, we hope that you will conduct an investigation on Tianming Investment Company, and ask Huaguo officials to cooperate with the investigation."

"Hi!" Everyone responded one after another?
It was six o'clock in the evening.

In the Sinan mansion villa, Shen Youchu was ordering dinner when Gong Ming carried Jiang Yexuan out of the bedroom.

This Jiang Yexuan is now becoming more and more familiar with the rhythm. Every time Gong Ming hugs her, she opens her hands to wrap around Gong Ming's neck, and sometimes secretly scratches Gong Ming's ears or neck.

If it weren't for the fact that her legs couldn't use all her strength, Gong Ming had already planned to teach her a bloody lesson.

Near [-]:[-], the Sinan mansion delivered the dinner.

Gong Ming said casually, "Baby Gate, let's go check the car tomorrow."

"Ahem!" Zhong Chuqiao blushed slightly.

Gong Ming did it on purpose!
He purposely called Shen Youchu and the others their treasures, in response to last night, Zhong Chuqiao was so uncooperative that there was nothing he could do!

"Dad closed the net in the neon stock market?" Zhong Chuqiao asked.

Gong Ming nodded affirmatively, "Well, the network was closed in the afternoon. This time the record is good. Let's go to the 4S shop tomorrow to have a look."

"Yeah!" The girls nodded obediently.

Jiang Yexuan asked curiously, "How much does the big boss earn?"

"Do you want to hear the truth, or a lie?" Gong Ming asked teasingly.

"What is the truth, and what is the lie?" Jiang Yexuan also asked back.

Gong Ming replied, "It's a lie, it's just that I didn't make much money, and a few cars are nothing."

"As for the truth, I think it's too shocking to tell people." Gong Ming smirked.

Jiang Yexuan was puzzled, her curiosity was fully opened at this moment, as long as a woman's curiosity arises, then it is the first step to fall!
Zhong Chuqiao was also curious, but the two sisters didn't care about it before, after all, they had flowers for them every time they went out, so it was all right, but this time Xiao Qiao didn't know what?He actually asked, "Dad, how much did you earn this time?"

Gong Ming held up five fingers, turned them over three times, and put away two fingers on the fourth side, "Not many, not many, just 5!"

Jiang Yexuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Is it more than 1000 million? It's a bit shocking! Those of us dancing, it is impossible to make so much money in a lifetime, and you only spent three days."

"Oh!" Jiang Yexuan sighed.

Shen Youchu guessed the real answer, "18 billion?"

"Hahaha, my baby is smarter!" Gong Ming laughed, and at the same time he hugged Shen Youchu and kissed him fiercely.

"" Jiang Yexuan was speechless. Is it 18 billion?
But Jiang Yexuan suddenly remembered that Gong Ming said before that he earned two sets of first-grade Tomson two days ago, so it's not surprising that he has earned [-] billion now, right?

Assuming that one lottery ticket can win 500 million, then if you want to win 18 billion, you need 3600 times, and you must win every time.

But the man in front of him, with a goal of 18 billion, only took three days, and he completed it. This is how people are more popular than people!
Gong Ming looked at Jiang Yexuan with a sluggish face, then turned his head and complained to Xiao Qiao, "Let me just say it, telling the truth will definitely hurt people."

Shen Youchu gave Gong Ming a white look, "Okay, Dad, eat quickly."

As she spoke, she picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in Gong Ming's bowl!

(End of this chapter)

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