Chapter 306 Special birthday present

Chapter [-] A Special Birthday Gift

After 10 minutes, the Ferris wheel completed one revolution, and Gong Ming returned to the ground.

It feels so good to be down to earth!
"Husband, why don't we do it again!" Amy deliberately played tricks.

Gong Ming snorted, "I think you want to be punished today!"

"Husband, shall we go to the carousel?" Shangguan Yurong looked at all this with a smile, and then proposed to change a project.

This one item does!
Although these three women are not little girls anymore, but the merry-go-round, how many girls live their lives, the softness in their hearts!
The footprints of Gong Ming and Amy's three daughters appear in various low-difficulty projects, such as merry-go-round, bumper cars, etc. Isn't it good?
The four of them played for over an hour, Gong Ming took the initiative, "Let's go to the roller coaster!"

"Ah?" Shangguan Yudie looked at Gong Ming suspiciously.

Because she really likes these exciting entertainment projects, but she also knows that Gong Ming should be afraid of heights.

Generally speaking, people who are afraid of heights should also be afraid of roller coasters, right?
"I think you guys really want to play." Gong Ming walked towards the roller coaster with Amy and Shangguan Yurong in his arms, and Shangguan Yudie followed behind them!
Just now Shangguan Yudie has looked in the direction of the roller coaster many times.

The Happy Valley in the imperial capital and the roller coaster in the Happy Hour area are ranked №1 in the entire Huaguo.

Because the roller coaster built with special materials not only has the high-speed stimulation of traditional roller coasters, but also shakes from side to side when passing, which makes people have the illusion that the roller coaster is about to collapse, further increasing the excitement.

If he didn't have the danger premonition ability provided by the life winner system, Gong Ming would definitely not sit on such a ghost!

Don't these people know how dangerous it is?
"Honey, let's go play balloons, can you help me win a two-meter doll?" Amy suggested.

She knew that Gong Ming was afraid of heights, but because she and the others liked to ride roller coasters, she suppressed her fear and played with her. How could she ask for such a man?

So Amy gave Shangguan Yurong a look at you, and directly proposed to change to another project, jumping the terrifying roller coaster, even though she really wanted to play in her heart, and she was playing with Gong Ming, but she was willing to understand Gong Ming.

Gong Ming responded with a smile, "Fear of heights is just a
It's just a phobia, and I can get over it.Let's go, let's play the roller coaster first. "

Shangguan Yurong: "Husband, why don't we let it go? Play something that is not dangerous, and this speed car is the top one in the entire Huaguo, let's change it!"

Shangguan Yurong actually felt warm in her heart. It was actually her own suggestion to come to Happy Valley to play. After all, it has been such a long time, and she always wants to make up for the time!
Gong Ming knew that he was not feeling well, and the small details about him fully proved that Gong Ming had her in his heart and was willing to treat her well, not just using her as a tool.

The roller coaster in Happy Valley is more popular than the Ferris wheel. Gong Ming naturally activated the banknote ability to enjoy the skip-the-line service again, and used the banknote ability to get the best visual position in the first row.

The first row of the roller coaster is the location with the best visual impact, but the most terrifying location should be the last row.

If you want to enjoy the visual impact, it is naturally the first row.

But if you want to feel the extreme speed, it is recommended to choose the last row.

Gong Ming understands these principles, he even clearly understands that fear of heights is just a phobia, but when he actually got on the roller coaster, Gong Ming was still a little nervous.

The only fortunate thing is that the danger premonition ability rewarded by the life winner system did not issue a danger warning.

After the security guards buckled up the safety device for Gong Ming, Amy, and Shangguan Yurong, Shangguan Yurong and Amy took the initiative to hold Gong Ming, and Amy encouraged, "Come on, husband!"

"En!" Gong Ming took a deep breath.

The roller coaster started slowly, and when it reached the highest point and fell, Gong Ming still roared.

All right, all right, admit defeat, I'm convinced, I won't play again in this life!

This damn fast roller coaster is really poisonous!

For a moment just now, Gong Ming wondered if the danger premonition ability rewarded by the system was dead?

Because the roller coaster was swinging from side to side, Gong Ming had the feeling that it was about to collapse.

When the roller coaster returned to the starting point, Gong Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief. This should be the last time Gong Ming rode the roller coaster, right?
Just as he got off his seat, Gong Ming couldn't bear it anymore and ran towards the trash can beside him.

"Ou..." All the food for lunch came out, and after vomiting for a while, feeling a little better, Shangguan Yurong opened a bottle of mineral water and brought it over.

Gong Ming took the water directly, rinsed his mouth, and finally felt that there was no taste in his mouth, Gong Ming felt like he had returned to the world!

"Honey, are you okay?" Amy and Shangguan Yurong asked with concern.

Gong Ming nodded affirmatively, "No problem. It was scary on the roller coaster just now, but now I'm back on the ground again, I don't think there is any problem at all."

"Thank you husband!" Shangguan Yurong took Gong Ming's arm from the left, and Amy put her arms around the right
The four of them left from the roller coaster ride, and Shangguan Yudie pulled Gong Ming to the balloon booth. Gong Ming saw through the other party's deception with just a glance.

This kind of booth that blows up balloons and gives plush dolls is all liars.

Without exception!

Gong Ming is responsible for his own conclusion.

Because these vendors will tamper with the air gun, which makes the ballistic of the air gun very strange. It is clearly aimed, but there is a certain amount of random deviation.

"Handsome and beautiful, do you want to play balloons?" The middle-aged stall owner greeted customers.

Gong Ming directly refused, and he explained the situation to Amy's three daughters in a low voice.

"Is it so dark?" Shangguan Yudie sighed in surprise.

"Otherwise, what kind of idiot can't hit the balloon at a distance of two or three meters?" Gong Ming teased.

"Let me tell you another scam." Gong Ming revealed the secret, "Did you see the basketball smashing the drink can over there?"

The so-called basketball smashing beverage cans is to stack ten beverage cans from bottom to top, with four beverage cans at the bottom and one beverage can at the top.

If you knock down all ten beverage cans, you will get a high bonus. For example, if you drop ten yuan three times, the bonus may be 1000 yuan.

The bonus of 1000 yuan is neither high nor low, which seems very reasonable.

Otherwise, if you directly mark 100 million, isn't that a deception?
Although it is indeed a lie!

After a little thought, it can be judged that the diameter of the basketball cannot completely cover the bottom four beverage cans, and it is naturally impossible to knock down ten beverage cans at once.

More importantly, merchants also have cheating schemes!
The bottom four pots are all filled with sand, and crystal glue is used to solidify the sand, so that the bottom pots are more stable.

So even if a math genius came and calculated the rebound and refraction scheme so that the basketball can completely cover ten cans, it is still impossible to knock down all the cans at the bottom.

"Are they all deceitful?" Shangguan Yudie expressed that she had been overturned in her views. She thought it was all a matter of luck and skill!
"Of course it's a lie, otherwise how would you make money?" Gong Ming responded.

"Brother-in-law, let's stop playing!" Shangguan Yudie said without hesitation.

Knowing that it is a scam, but still continuing to play, isn't that something wrong with the brain?

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone was already a little hungry after playing all afternoon.

Gong Ming was in charge of driving. The three girls might have been too tired, and because they didn't have a good rest last night, all three of them fell asleep in the car!
Gong Ming drove the vehicle towards China World Trade Center Phase III.

In advance, I called my restaurant and arranged a small private room!

Ten five at night.Genting clubhouse!

The International World Trade Hotel arranged special personnel to accompany them. The four of Gong Ming visited the top floor of the International World Trade Center to watch the night view. The entire 80th floor of the International World Trade Center will only be open to the four of Gong Ming.

This package cost a full 140 million!

The nightly turnover of Yunding Bar is the same amount. Originally they did not agree, but after knowing that Gong Ming is the owner of the seventh floor, the owner of Yunding Bar agreed to this request.

Originally, only 100 million yuan was needed to book the venue, but the additional arrangement of drone photography and application for drone swarm light show finally increased the cost to 140 million yuan.

At [-]:[-], Gong Ming and his party, accompanied by staff, entered the high-speed elevator.

The high-speed elevator of the International Trade Center Building is also one of the features. Its maximum speed can reach 18 meters per second, which is almost twice the acceleration of gravity.

But at such a high speed, the elevator is very stable. It can rise from the ground to the bar on the 55th floor of the China World Genting Club, which is close to 330 meters, in 80 seconds.

The interior of this high-speed elevator also has a special speed display, which shows the power of the high-speed elevator.

As advertised, Gong Ming, Amy, and Shangguan Yurong, accompanied by the staff, arrived at the bar of the Genting Club on the 36th floor in just 80 seconds.

The empty Yunding club bar is completely different from the crowds of people in the short video. It has a special feeling, maybe the air is filled with the smell of money?
"Good evening, distinguished guests. I am the commentator Xiao Jia. I will be responsible for explaining the city skyline and the surrounding night scenes to the four distinguished guests." The commentator Xiao Jia said politely, and she is also the lobby manager of the International Trade Hotel!
The owner of the seventh floor of the World Trade Center, what is it if it is not a VIP?
In this world, there is inequality everywhere in basic necessities of life.

High luxury brands must be more comfortable than Uniqlo?

Exquisite Japanese food must be better than roadside stalls?

A luxury hotel must be better than living in your own home?

Still doesn't exist!
The existence of high-end consumption is to make people feel comfortable. For example, Gong Ming's high-end consumption now allows him to enjoy the night of the International Trade Center alone on New Year's Eve!

You can take pictures as you want, no need to worry about not having a suitable location, and no need to worry about whether someone suddenly enters the mirror and ruins the overall set.

Such high-end consumption is not to show off, but just to make yourself comfortable.

Could it be that it was hard to find a seat in a bustling bar, no matter how crowded it was?
The meaning of high-end consumption is to make people work hard, improve themselves as much as possible, and make themselves better, so as to reach the level of high-end consumption and make their lives as colorful as Gong Shao.

Of course, it's best to be a good man like Gong Shao.

Go far away, you scumbag!

"Honey, help me take a picture with my sister." Shangguan Yurong handed the phone to Gong Ming. Her phone is the latest Meitu phone, and it is very capable of taking pictures at night.

Gong Ming adjusted the angle and photographed Shangguan Yurong and Shangguan Yudie.

Then Gong Ming felt that the Meitu-branded mobile phone was a bit ruthless!
Because the Meitu brand mobile phone will automatically fine-tune the photos, after the adjustment of the Meitu mobile phone, Gong Ming found that Shangguan Yurong and Shangguan Yudie were really sisters, even like twin sisters.

Stop it!
Gong Ming felt that the topic was beyond the outline, and he was a bit unable to answer the follow-up questions.

At 45:[-], the drone photography team started. The drone first took pictures of the two sisters, Shangguan Yurong and Shangguan Yudie, and then took pictures of the two of them around the Genting Clubhouse.

Gong Ming stood beside Amy with his arms around him and didn't appear in the camera. As a good man, he should try to appear in the video as little as possible. Netizens in the Internet age are so powerful, so Gong Ming chose to hide himself as much as possible!
"Master Gong, we will start the drone light show at eleven o'clock, is it okay?" A staff member explained, "The total duration of the show is 10 minutes, and we will arrange for three cameras to record, and two unmanned machine-assisted shooting, and the final film is selected through the Internet.”

Gong Ming couldn't help laughing, isn't this the meaning of taking photos in scenic spots?
It's just a little more high-end!

"Okay!" Gong Ming agreed.

At one minute to eleven, Gong Ming pointed to the sky in front of him and reminded, "Xiao Rong, Xiao Die, pay attention!"

Shangguan Yurong and Shangguan Yudie looked at the direction Gong Ming was pointing at.


—A group of drones carrying lighting equipment suddenly lights up in the night sky.

The drones changed formation in the night sky, they formed a pink heart shape, and the names of Shangguan Yurong and Shangguan Yudie were formed in the middle!
The sisters exclaimed with joy!

The drone light show lasted for 10 minutes and cost 2 yuan per minute!
At this time, Deng Guangxiu typed out a line of words, and seeing the last line of words, Shangguan Yurong, tears fell down.

[I wish the eternally beautiful and lovely Shangguan Yurong and Shangguan Yudie a happy birthday! 】

"Happy birthday to you!" Amy took out a cake from somewhere, lit a candle, and looked at the pair of sisters quietly like this!

"Thank you sister, thank you husband, thank you!" Shangguan Yurong couldn't hold back anymore, all the grievances broke out at this moment, this person threw herself into Gong Ming's arms, and cried loudly!
"Be happy, you will have me in your life from now on, you will be happy every day"!Gong Ming wiped away Shangguan Yurong's tears with his right hand!
The splendid drone light show came to an end. Gong Ming hugged Shangguan Yurong and Amy, and followed Xiao Jia's footsteps to the presidential suite that had already been booked!

If someone wants to ask what is the experience of watching a drone light show in the night sky at an altitude of more than 330 meters?
It's a great feeling!

(End of this chapter)

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